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ProjectForge is a Web-based solution for project management including time sheet booking, Gantt charts, financial administration and controlling, issue management, and managing work-break-down structures. First-party and third-party plugins are supported. Ready-to-run packages of the ProjectForge server are available for Windows, Mac OS X, and all Java6-capable platforms (database and Web server are included). ProjectForge is also available as a web-archive file (war) for usage within your own Web server and for your own database installation.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2012-04-19 08:04

完整的新布局包括重构 GUI 的源代码。可自定义菜单树的每个用户的日常工作效率更高。新的插件: 处理政务的地址的邮件、 等运动运动。开发人员的快速入门: Java 主要用于从命令行或直接在 Eclipse 启动 ProjectForge。
标签: Stable, Major, GUI
A complete new layout including refactored GUI source code. Customizable menu trees for every user for more efficient daily work. New plugin: address campaigns for administration of addresses for campaigns such as mailings, etc. Developer's quickstart: Java-Main for starting ProjectForge from the command line or directly in Eclipse.

2011-05-31 14:28

Windows 的独立版本的浏览器发射器被固定。
标签: Stable, Standalone
The browser launcher of the standalone version for Windows was fixed.

2011-05-30 21:25

Asterisk的系统都支持直接打电话和发短信的ProjectForge了。 (星号,脚本现在包含在文档。)现在支持PostgreSQL是由独立的版本也。新的待办事项管理的可用性进行了改进。树大任务是提高可用性,支持全文搜索,字符串。 portlet的模式现在在iframe中使用或门户ProjectForge配置。
标签: Stable
Asterisk systems are supported for direct phone calls and texting out of ProjectForge. (Asterisk-scripts are now included in the docs.) PostgreSQL is now supported also by the standalone version. The usability of the new to-do-management was improved. Usability of large task trees was improved by supporting fulltext-search-strings. Portlet-mode is now configurable for using ProjectForge in iframes or portals.

2011-03-18 20:06

达成了一个重要的里程碑。 ProjectForge现在支持第三方和第一方插件。问题管理的实施。奇才队目前在协助设置和日常管理的管理员。一个新的电子邮件模板引擎已付诸实施。所有的IE版本还不支持。火狐,Safari和Chrome的建议。
标签: Stable
An important milestone was reached. ProjectForge now supports third-party and first-party plugins. Issue management was implemented. Wizards now assist administrators during the set-up and their daily administration. A new email template engine was implemented. All IE versions aren't yet supported. Firefox, Safari, and Chrome are recommended.

2011-02-25 06:51

标签: Stable
Date/time formats and time notation are now configurable by each user. The user edit page and the my account page are re-designed. Some minor bugs were fixed and minor improvements made.

Project Resources