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The SCID debugger is a tool designed to help you locate memory-related bugs in
C code. This includes both memory leaks and memory access errors due to
reading/writing through invalid pointers.


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2001-07-02 18:11

修复了一个在处理重大错误“,否则如果”块,其范围为匿名结构体跟踪bug /工会,并在生成的函数命名错误,可能导致免疫缺陷产生的作用有其名非法字符。所有的GNU复合语句表达式的处理被禁用。他们仍然被解析,其中包括,但从未仪器。一个错误的仪器-在表达“指针引用是固定的。该块变量跟踪代码被重写,以消除一些令人担忧的inflexibilites。曾试图简化配置选项,使之更灵活一点。图形用户界面进行了重新设计,以反映配置选项的变化。
标签: Major bugfixes
Fixes were made for a major bug in the handling of "else if" blocks, a bug in
scope tracking for anonymous structs/unions, and a bug in generated function
naming that could result in a SCID-generated function having illegal characters
in its name. All handling of GNU compound statement expressions was disabled.
They should still be parsed and included, but never instrumented. A bug in the
instrumentation of -> dereferences on expressions was fixed. The block variable
tracking code was rewritten to eliminate some worrying inflexibilites. An
attempt was made to simplify configuration options and make them a little more
flexible. The GUI was redesigned to reflect changes in the configuration

2001-06-08 04:32

标签: Initial freshmeat announcement

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