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SCMS is an MVC based secure content management system. It is designed from the ground up to withstand common Web application vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, XSS, CSRF, session fixation/hijacking, and many others. It is designed for PHP 5.0-5.2.x and MySQL 4.1+, and it can optionally support PostgreSQL as a database backend.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-04-05 12:43

标签: Bug fixes and enhancements, Code cleanup
Directories were restructured. The database layer was rewritten to use the PDO driver. Object models were added. XHTML mark-up was changed from Transitional to Strict. Session database storage bugs, including CAPTCHA and CSRF session data loss, were fixed. A plug-in and model class auto-loader was added. SCMS dynamic configuration was implemented. Many bugs were fixed, including problems with account locking and error handling, and there were many code cleanups and optimizations.

2011-02-03 12:08
SCMS 1.0 release candidate 2

一个主要的供应链管理系统的目录结构进行重新设计。新pagesController而不是菜单,登录,索引,验证码,注销控制器。每一个控制器方法SSL要求(而不是每控制器)。改进的调试模式登录(新debugLog配置指令)。 SITEROOT已被取代的文档根,和IncludePath删除(供应链管理系统,现在必须在域的文档根目录安装)。
标签: Major feature enhancements, release candidate 2, Major Code cleanup
A major redesign of the SCMS directory structure. New pagesController instead of menu, login, index, captcha, and logout controllers. An SSL requirement per controller method (as opposed to per controller). Improved debug mode logging (a new debugLog configuration directive). SITEROOT has been substituted for DOCROOT, and IncludePath removed
(SCMS must now be installed in the document root of the domain).

2011-01-19 19:40

标签: Bug fixes and enhancements, new features, release candidate 1
New User and Role views were added with paging, and Session and Login views were renamed. A new configuration directive, RecordPerPage, was added. A problem in which captchas were not being saved in the session was fixed. The router now passes method parameters via URL (using reflection). The font of captcha was changed to a clearer font, since the previous font made the numeral for one look like the letter "I". An error controller was added for 404 and other SCMS errors. The database now prevents reconnection if a connection is already present. All hashed passwords are now salted using xor'ed scmsEncryption_Salt.

2010-01-23 00:40

SCMS was completely rewritten into an MVC framework with singleton design pattern support. Many features were added, and stability was improved.

2009-09-21 21:39

一个简单的CAPTCHA已包含在供应链管理系统/ scms_include /的captcha。一个scmsUseCaptchaS不断已使添加/禁用图片验证环节。的captcha图像已被添加到所有的身份验证形式。旧的$ _SESSION ['scms_logins']变量已从authenticate.php和main.php删除。错误已在更新()在scms_users.php。旧代码bugFixRequirePath.php已被删除所有包含。
标签: CMS, Alpha, PHP 5, MySQL, Bug fixes and enhancements
A simple CAPTCHA is included in scms/scms_include/captcha. An scmsUseCaptchaS constant has been added for enabling/disabling image CAPTCHAs. Captcha Images have been added to ALL AUTHENTICATED forms. The old $_SESSION['scms_logins'] variable has been removed from authenticate.php and main.php. Bugs have been fixed in Update() in scms_users.php. The old code bugFixRequirePath.php has been removed from all includes.

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