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Sitellite is an advanced Web content
management system (CMS) and content publishing tool, featuring multilingual support, advanced document versioning, workflow, privileges, and an easy-to-use visual editing interface for non-technical users. Sitellite is also a powerful framework for Web application development, including integrated support for AJAX and modern Web development concepts.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2006-01-21 13:07

此更新包括各种bug修正,新的零码输入验证使用同样的技术,原本只限于形式,可以使用一个新的本地化localdate日期()函数相同的日期()函数,但尊重setLocale()的。 Unicode字符现在妥善处理,网页的内容了。翻译建设者是固定的。一种新的基于AJAX的网页浏览器取代了网页之间链接选择框,使其更容易与众多的网页。快速连结之间增加了简易和高级编辑模式切换。
标签: Minor feature enhancements
This update included various bugfixes, new zero-code input validation using the same technique previously limited to forms, and dates that can be localized using a new localdate() function identical to the date() function, but respecting setlocale(). Unicode characters are now properly handled in page contents again. The translation builder was fixed. A new AJAX-powered page browser replaces the select box for linking between pages, mkaing it easier on sites with many pages. Quick links were added for switching between Easy and Advanced editing modes.

2005-12-23 09:42

在AJAX库的固定和加强。有关文档版本控制和工作流程是固定的几个错误。一种新的简单/高级模式输出的创建是为了使界面更容易技术性较低的用户。 JavaScript和其他动态元素的使用已启用的Xed所见即所得的编辑器。比如一个新的网站与软件安装了新的用户,以帮助开得更快。
标签: Minor bugfixes
The the AJAX libraries were fixed and enhanced.
Several bugs related to document versioning and
workflow were fixed. A new easy/advanced mode
output was created to make the GUI easier for less
technical users. The use of JavaScript and other
dynamic elements was enabled in the Xed WYSIWYG
editor. A new example website that installs with
the software was made to help new users get going
more quickly.

2005-11-02 23:09

这是首次发布的功能,初步PHP 5中全力支持PHP 5的支持,被定为5.0。它改善了对其他Web服务器配置,包括CGI模式,FastCGI的,和Microsoft IIS支持。额外的错误修正包括在一个网页的内容最大规模的扩大,为更广泛的使用范围,允许系统,对SSL功能的改进,使强迫每个模块中的任何Sitellite屏幕的基础上SSL的使用率,和修正额外的用户界面和API不一致和其他小的错误。
标签: Major feature enhancements
This is the first release to feature preliminary PHP 5 support, with full PHP 5 support being scheduled for 5.0. It improves support for additional Web server configurations, including CGI-mode, FastCGI, and Microsoft IIS. Additional bugfixes include an increase in the maximum size of a Web page's contents, allowing for a wider range of uses for the system, improvements to the SSL capabilities, allowing forced SSL usage on a per-screen basis in any Sitellite module, and fixes for additional user interface and API inconsistencies and other minor bugs.

2005-09-07 20:57

此版本修正了对MySQL 4.1 sitellite_news表类型+,1至今年,“当前的对象外,参照saf.Database.Manager妥善mysql_select_db()在setCurrent()的调用多个MySQL连接,和CMS /文件系统中处理的文件大小是需要较长的时间超过30秒下载。它增加了新的方法和包括getActive()方法和session_user_get_active()函数,以及session_user_is_unique的saf.Session.Source职能,()和session_user_get_email()。它消除了两个sitemember数据库调用/对未成年人的速度增加清单。
标签: Minor bugfixes
This release fixes the table type for sitellite_news for MySQL 4.1+, a reference to $this->current outside of an object, saf.Database.Manager to properly call mysql_select_db() on setCurrent() for multiple MySQL connections, and the cms/filesystem box to handle file sizes that take longer than 30 seconds to download. It adds new methods and functions to saf.Session.Source, including the getActive() method and session_user_get_active() function, as well as session_user_is_unique() and session_user_get_email(). It eliminates two database calls in sitemember/list for a minor speed boost.

2005-07-15 20:18

标签: Minor feature enhancements
A workflow action to reset the menu cache whenever a page is added, modified, or deleted. This allows you to set the menu cache to store cache changes for much longer, and guarantees the cache is always in sync with the site. Form help tips now obey the form help on/off preference. Optional thumbnail images have been added to the news app. The missing login failure notice in SiteMember, broken external links with protocols other than HTTP (e.g. HTTPS and FTP), member viewing of rejected story submissions, and several other bufs have been fixed.

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