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SQL Relay is a persistent database connection pooling, proxying, and load balancing system. It supports many database systems and programming languages. There are drop-in replacement libraries for MySQL and PostgreSQL, command line clients, a GUI configuration tool, and extensive documentation. The APIs support advanced database operations such as binding variables, multi-row fetches, client-side result set caching, suspended transactions, query routing, and query filtering. It can be used for speeding up database-driven Web-based applications, accessing databases from unsupported platforms, migrating between databases, distributing access to replicated databases, and throttling database access.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2009-04-13 19:27

Several functions were added to the MySQL drop-in replacement library. The FAQ was updated and several patches were applied.

2007-08-04 09:17

标签: Minor bugfixes
An uninitialized variable in sqlr-import was fixed along with readline detection in the configure script.

2007-08-03 14:09

几个补丁是应用作出了贡献。甲骨文的稳定性得到改善。支持Oracle操作系统,增加了验证。该maxlisteners选项增加。对于Sybase存储过程的返回结果集的支持增加了。一个Zope空结果集错误是固定的。支持Mac OS X操作系统,Solaris和Cygwin的进行了改进。
标签: Major feature enhancements
Several contributed patches were applied. Oracle
stability was improved. Support for Oracle
OS-authentication was added. The maxlisteners
option was added. Support for Sybase stored
procedures which return result sets was added. A
Zope empty-result set bug was fixed. Support for
Mac OS X, Solaris, and Cygwin was improved.

2006-11-03 10:55

此版本增加了对查询路由和过滤,MySQL的stmt API支持,一些甲骨文的Unicode CLOB的修补程序支持。
标签: Major feature enhancements
This release adds support for query routing and
filtering, MySQL stmt API support, and some Oracle
Unicode CLOB fixes.

2006-08-07 08:14

固定一些Oracle CLOB的,Python的数据库使用此版本,梨数据库和PHP错误。
标签: Major bugfixes
This release fixed some Oracle CLOB, Python DB, and PHP Pear DB bugs.

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