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white_dune is a graphical VRML97/X3DV editor, simple NURBS/Superformula 3D modeller, animation tool, and VRML97/X3DV commandline compiler in development. VRML97 (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) is the ISO standard for displaying 3D data over the Web via browser plugins ("HTML for realtime 3D"). X3DV is the direct successor of VRML97. VRML97 and X3DV have support for animation, real-time interaction, and multimedia (images, movies, and sounds). white_dune can read, create, and display VRML97/X3DV files and let the user change the scenegraph/fields. It also has support for stereoscopic view via "quadbuffer"-capable stereo visuals, and support for 3D input devices like a joystick, spaceball, or magnetic tracker.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-11-01 07:08

此版本添加了一个"WonderlandImportJava"扩展节点。它在 NurbsSet/NurbsGroup 转换修复一个 bug。它修复了与缺少检查的仙境导出路径的问题。它固定问题与生成错误的变量名在 C / C + + Java 出口的 IndexedFaceSet 节点。它将被生产了 4kids 动画菜单添加到 white_dune 主 GUI。它将添加"搜索内插器"menupoint。
标签: Minor bugfixes, Minor feature enhancements
This release adds a "WonderlandImportJava" extension node. It fixes a bug in NurbsSet/NurbsGroup conversion. It fixes a problem with missing checks of wonderland export path. It fixed problem with generating wrong variable names on C/C++/Java export of IndexedFaceSet nodes. It adds a 4kids animation menu to the white_dune main GUI. It adds a "search Interpolator" menupoint.

2011-10-06 02:10

此版本修复 Java 导出到基于网格节点路线的错误、 抵御崩溃在 NurbsCurve/NurbsSurface EXTERNPROTO 解析,修复错误类型和字段的 NurbsTextureSurface,一种解决方法添加节点和开放仙境出口所支持的事件小蓝色标记中添加、 更新有关开放仙境出口的文档、 添加对 PositionInterpolator2D 和 CoordinteInterpolator2D 开放仙境出口管制,修复错误的句柄运动对 multihandle 选择支持并添加缺失的 NurbsGroup/NurbsSet 菜单点。
标签: Development, Major bugfixes, Documentation
This release fixes Java export errors of ROUTEs to mesh-based nodes, adds a workaround against crashes in NurbsCurve/NurbsSurface EXTERNPROTO parsing, fixes wrong types and fields in NurbsTextureSurface, adds small blue marks for nodes and events supported by Open Wonderland exportation, updates the documentation about Open Wonderland exportation, adds support for PositionInterpolator2D and CoordinteInterpolator2D to Open Wonderland exportation, fix wrong handle movement on multihandle selection, and adds missing NurbsGroup/NurbsSet menu points.

2011-09-14 23:43

此版本修复CI命令的默认接受文件名,用空格分割到建模和渲染设置对话框的喜好设定对话框,修正了导出的Java源代码的事件分配的问题,增加了一个失踪KeySensor.shiftKey eventOut,并增加了KeySensor和StringSensor互动打开仙境出口。
标签: Minor bugfixes, Minor feature enhancements, Development
This release fixes the default ci command to accept filenames with blanks, splits the Preference settings dialog into modelling and rendering settings dialogs, fixes a problem in event distribution of exported Java sources, adds a missing KeySensor.shiftKey eventOut, and adds KeySensor and StringSensor interaction to Open Wonderland export.

2011-08-16 23:50

关于残疾人的新创建的动画的一个错误是固定的。两个NurbsSurface.controlPoint消失的错误是固定的。 “删除所有的动画数据”menupoint是补充。 “转到前一个/下一个动画值”图标。崩溃中的“文件 - >导入”menupoint是固定的。背景和雾的支持被添加到VrmlCut节点。失踪Transform.scale交换是固定的。
标签: Major bugfixes, Minor feature enhancements, Development
A bug regarding a disabled new created animation was fixed. Two NurbsSurface.controlPoint vanish bugs were fixed. The "Delete all animation data" menupoint was added. The "Goto former/next animation value" icons were added. A crash in the "File -> Import" menupoint was fixed. Background and Fog support were added to VrmlCut node. Missing swap of Transform.scale was fixed.

2011-07-30 12:59

一个DEF与“动画”开头的名称加入到出口MeshMorphing节点,因为在浏览器盖/ Covise中的一个奇怪的规则。变换处理后改变缺少更新是固定的“移动中心”图标的问题。被添加到启动/停止TimeSensor互动的简单TouchSensor打开仙境出口。显示输入设备图标的一个错误是固定的。一个问题与多个观点在C / C + +源是固​​定的出口。事件分布在C / C + + / Java源出口已被更改。
标签: Development, Minor bugfixes, major feature enhancement
A DEF name beginning with "Animated" was added to exported MeshMorphing node because of a strange rule in the Cover/Covise browser. A missing update after changing Transform handles was fixed along with a problem with the "move center" icon. Simple TouchSensor starting/stopping TimeSensor interaction was added to Open Wonderland export. A bug in displaying input device icons was fixed. A problem with multiple Viewpoints in C/C++ source export was fixed. Event distribution in C/C++/Java source export was changed.

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