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WinFF is a cross platform batch GUI for FFmpeg.
WinFF processes multiple files in multiple formats
at one time. For example, it will convert MPEG,
FLV, and MOV files into AVI files all at once.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2010-02-06 16:27

预览和种植增加了。现在该程序和文件名逃脱引号检查。 / usr / local / bin目录添加到ffplay搜索路径。增加了工具提示。更多房间提供翻译字符串。
Preview and cropping were added. The program now checks for and escapes quotes in filenames. /usr/local/bin was added to the ffplay search path. Tool tips were added. More room was provided for translated strings.

2009-09-03 05:56

这个版本有一个新的标志和图标。它会记住每一个预设的最后目标目录。导入从命令行预置已得到修复。中国支持已更新。新预设的谷歌机器人,诺基亚,索尼随身听等。图标已被移到一个文件夹结构描述它们的大小。大多数翻译文件已经更新了版权声明。 Linux的脚本来创建增加了压缩档。
This release has a new logo and icons. It will remember each preset's last destination directory. Importing presets from the command line has been fixed. Chinese support has been updated. New preset for Google Android, Nokia, Sony Walkman, and more. Icons have been moved to a folder structure describing their size. Most translation files have been updated with copyright notices. A Linux script to create tarballs has been added.

2009-03-26 08:07

导入/导出多种预置在一个文件中成为可能。它使用了Ubuntu的明智浏览器的命令/基于Debian的发行版。它majorly libavcodec的修改为51和52预置。开展帮助和Web站点不占用主窗口。中的一个类别选择预设的编辑器。挪威和塞尔维亚语文件已被添加。现在的文件是在荷兰和法国。有许多小的错误修正。
Importing/exporting of multiple presets in one file is now possible. It uses the sensible-browser command on Ubuntu/Debian based distributions. It majorly revises presets with for libavcodec 51 and 52. Launching help and Web site doesn't tie up the main window. A category selector in the preset editor. Norwegian and Serbian language files have been added. The documentation is now in Dutch and French. There are many little bugfixes.

2008-10-29 22:11

在“添加文件”对话框返回值是固定的。tprocess来代替壳启动命令行。三个字符的文件扩展名的限制被取消。删除从文件列表中删除文件的关键。许可自述文件被更新。预置增加了ffmpeg的修订13712。 Debian和Ubuntu的仓库,现已在。
标签: Minor bugfixes
The "Add files" dialog return value was fixed.
tprocess is used instead of the shell to launch a
command line. The three-character file extension
limit was removed. The delete key deletes files
from the file list. The license readmes were
updated. Presets were added for ffmpeg revision
13712. Debian and Ubuntu repositories are now
available at

2008-06-29 06:48

在新的gtk的崩溃+ 2版本是固定的。一个小错误相当数量是固定的。巴西葡萄牙语,葡萄牙语,荷兰语,西班牙语,繁体中文,法文,并增加了波兰语言。
标签: Minor feature enhancements
Crashes in newer GTK+ 2 releases were fixed. A
good number of minor bugs were fixed. Brazilian
Portuguese, Portuguese, Dutch, Spanish,
Traditional Chinese, French, and Polish languages
were added.

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