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WidgetServer is a Java/XML server-side GUI-framework which enables an application to run as either a monolithic Swing app, a client/server Swing app, or as a Web app without any change and without loss of functionality. An Eclipse Plugin is available as well. A rich widget set is supported that includes tree views, tabbed panes, split panels, and much more. Animations, all types of events, and several effects are supported, as well. A unified widget-based, object-oriented programming interface for Web and Swing GUIs is offered to the developer to control and assemble the GUI. Web applications are fully AJAX enabled. For Swing client/server applications, the framework handles client/server communication, including compression and security layers.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2007-01-04 14:46

此版本已经过测试,可以与IE 7,Firefox 2的兼容,和Java 6。现在HTTP会话超时工程基于Swing的瘦客户机。无效的秋千HTTP会话所确认服务器,客户端会自动关闭。 TabbedPanes能够提供任何其他组件(如“制表关闭扣”)的标签。在下拉菜单和上下文菜单菜单项增加了加速器。通信层的halfobject已重构,加快低带宽通信。
标签: Major feature enhancements
This release has been tested to be compatible with
IE 7, FireFox 2, and Java 6. HTTP session timeout
now works for Swing based thin clients. Invalid
Swing HTTP sessions are recognized by the server,
which closes the client automatically. TabbedPanes
are able to render any other component (like a
"Tab-Close-Button") in tabs. Accelerators for
menuitems in pulldown menus and context menus were
added. The halfobject communication layer has been
refactored to speed up low bandwidth

2006-11-30 18:15

阿GUI Builder中的错误撤消/重做功能已得到修复,使一些在HTML表格的问题已得到纠正。秋千表头包含其他组件(如按钮,组合框等)默认情况下resizeable,和Swing的表列的大小取决于在头放置元件的大小设置。
标签: Minor bugfixes
A bug in the GUI builder's undo/redo function has been fixed, and some render problems in HTML tables have been corrected. Swing table headers that contain other components (like buttons, combo boxes, etc.) are resizeable by default, and Swing table column sizes are determined by the size settings of the components placed in the header.

2006-11-22 17:34

此版本的变化呈现表,列出了接口,以及简单的处理(改造)的字符串值的树木。修正了已知错误模型具有约束力,并且在web.xml中一些新的参数的自动处理会议增值计数overlow -错误的,无效的,客户类型错误,不饼干eanbled误差。客户检测得到加强使用正则表达式来评估用户代理领域。一些返工已经这样做了部署模板,解释新的参数设置。
标签: Minor feature enhancements
This release changes the render interfaces of
tables, lists, and trees for simpler handling of
(transformed) string values. Some bugs were fixed
in model binding, and some new parameters in
web.xml were added for automatic handling of
invalid-client-type-error, and
no-cookies-eanbled-error. Client detection was
enhanced to use regexp to evaluate the user-agent
field. Some rework has been done in the deployment
template to explain the new parameter settings.

2006-09-18 13:10

此版本带来了一些事件进行除错处理从而导致网络流量大幅降低使用树视图,表,收音机面板。其他一些半对象的相关协议进行重新设计,以减少网络流量。飞溅屏幕显示的要快得多了。 Swing的客户端用户界面已经脱了HTTP请求,以加强反应能力。
标签: Minor feature enhancements
This release brings some bugfixes in event
handling which lead to significantly lower network
traffic when using tree views, tables, and radio
panels. Some other half-object-protocol related
redesign was done to reduce network traffic.
Splash screens are displayed much faster now. The
Swing client UI has been decoupled from HTTP
request to enhance responsiveness.

2006-09-12 18:31

此版本带来了一些小错误修正,并在网络的一些关键事件处理增强/ AJAX的应用。
标签: Minor bugfixes
This release brings some minor bugfixes and some enhancements in key event handling for Web/AJAX based applications.

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