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Wyrd is a curses front-end for Remind, a powerful calendar and alarm application. The display features a scrollable time table suitable for visualizing your schedule at a glance. Wyrd integrates with an external editor of your choice to make editing of reminder files more efficient, and provides hotkeys to quickly access the most common Remind options. Other features include extensive configurability, Mutt-like interface design, and minimal resource requirements.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2006-07-17 02:10

标签: Major bugfixes
The "blank screen" bug experienced by certain users has been fixed, and the coloring issues with black-on-white terminals have been corrected. A configuration variable was added to enable users to switch between US and non-US numeric date conventions when specifying quick reminders.

2006-06-27 02:13

在“快速提示”命令加入,使用户能够快速进入所描述它使用自然语言提醒。着色代码已更新,修正了一些错误,使背景的透明度。可选ISO - 8601格式周数被添加到一个月的日历。
标签: Minor feature enhancements
The "quick reminder" command was added, enabling the user to quickly enter a reminder by describing it using natural language. The coloring code was updated, to fix some bugs and to enable background transparency. Optional ISO-8601 week numbers were added to the month calendar.

2006-02-25 09:32

标签: Minor feature enhancements
Reminders may now be cut, copied, and pasted. The display can be scrolled directly to a specific day by typing in that date. The default editor is now set to $EDITOR.

2005-11-20 12:49

标签: Minor bugfixes
The status line "doubling" bug was fixed, along with a bug that sometimes caused search_next and next_reminder to fail. An online help command was added, and new colorable objects were implemented in order to enable highlighting of the current date and time.

2005-09-22 06:48

标签: Minor bugfixes
In an effort to improve portability, the
dependency on cal(1) has been removed and the
build script has been updated.

Project Resources