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Xnee can record, distribute, and replay X (X11) protocol data. This is useful for automated tests of applications or benchmarking of applications. Think of it as a robot. A GUI, a Gnome Panel Applet, and a CLI are available, as well as bash functions.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2010-05-29 06:54

建立变化:配置捞出时,没有建立任何GUI的pkg - config是安装。试验的变化:支票不需要一个X服务器连接,同时也使xcheck一样。该错误“崩溃时在xnee_key2string详细”和“cnee导致段错误”已得到修复。新的选项: - 无reparent录音。
Build changes: configure bails out when building any GUI
and no pkg-config is installed. Test changes: make check does not need an X server to connect to, while make xcheck does. The bugs "crash in xnee_key2string when verbose" and "cnee causing segfault" have been fixed. New option: --no-reparent-recording.

2009-12-25 15:16

Various bugs that were reported were fixed.

2009-12-15 23:14

坏上下文/记录错误是固定在一定程度上。阿的替代方案是用于在Xorg 1.6.0记录的问题。在Solaris 10段错误是固定的。各种错误报告savannah.gnu.org是固定的。该文件提出顶部节点之外的ifinfo声明。在“配置”构建脚本现在的libgnomeui外观。在生成过程现在ps2pdf14检查,以及ps2pdf。
The bad context / RECORD bug was fixed to some extent. A workaround was made for the RECORD problem in Xorg 1.6.0. Segfaults on Solaris 10 were fixed. Various bugs reported on were fixed. The Top node of the documentation was moved outside of the ifinfo statment. The "configure" build script now looks for libgnomeui. The build process now checks for ps2pdf14 as well as ps2pdf.

2007-11-02 07:53

标签: Minor feature enhancements
A fix was made for releases, since recording
of deliv events seem to need a workaround. The
version printout was changed according to new GNU
coding standards. Various build changes were made.

2007-07-09 20:50

文档/ Makefile.in人失踪,已添加。 gnee,“关于-”关闭并pnee,“关于,”关闭的错误,并已得到修复。
标签: Major bugfixes
doc/ was missing and has been added. gnee->About->Close and pnee->About->Close were faulty and have been fixed.

Project Resources