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Zope is an application server specializing in content management, intranets, and custom Web applications. It is written in Python and has a large global community of developers and companies.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2006-09-27 19:31

标签: 3.x Stable
This release provides a new component registry API that allows multiple component registries to be combined more flexibly than before. It has greatly simplified local-component registration. See 'zope.component.interfaces.IComponentRegistry' for more information. Many packages have been moved out of to make them easier to use outside of Zope.

2006-09-25 19:51

实施的ZPT现在的基础上的Zope 3。实验支持WSGI扭加入。一个时钟服务器已经被集成,以及Zope的3.3和1.5个。无数的Zope 2模块取代了他们的Zope 3版本。许多小的改进和错误修正了。
标签: 2.x Development, Major feature enhancements
The ZPT implementation is now based on Zope 3. Experimental support for WSGI and Twisted was added. A clock server has been integrated, as well as Zope 3.3 and Five 1.5. Numerous Zope 2 modules were replaced by their Zope 3 versions. Many minor improvements and bugfixes were made.

2006-07-20 18:38

标签: 2.x Stable, Major bugfixes
Various bugfixes were made, including the
important recent security fix for

2006-05-30 08:11
2.10.0 beta 1

这个版本的特点是ZPT执行的Zope 3,实验WSGI扭一体化为基础,和Zope 3.3和5个1.5的集成。一个时钟服务器已得到执行。轻微的改进和修正了许多。许多Zope的2单元已取代了他们的Zope的三姐妹的执行情况。
标签: 2.x Development, Major feature enhancements
This release features a ZPT implementation based on Zope 3, experimental WSGI and Twisted integration, and Zope 3.3 and Five 1.5 integration. A clock server has been implemented. Lots of minor improvements and fixes were made. Many Zope 2 modules were replaced with their sister implementation of Zope 3.

2006-05-29 22:23

标签: 2.x Stable, Minor bugfixes
Numerous bugfixes were made, and ZODB 3.4.3 is included.

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