[Gnodempa-user] "It is to be hoped that he would learn a lesson, " said

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Wagoner hanke****@super*****
2010年 3月 22日 (月) 14:39:48 JST

 said Miss Laura, turning around, and looking at him. "I don't know. I imagine it will be, but don't think anybody knows much about it. We've got to wait." Miss Laura's eyes fell on me. "Harry," she
said, "do you think that dumb animals will go to heaven?" "I shall have to say again, I don't know," he replied. "Some people hold that
they do. In a Michigan paper, the other day, I came across one writer's opinion on the subject. He says
that among
the best people of all ages have been some
who believed in the future life of animals. Homer and the later Greeks, some of the Romans and early Christians held this view the
last believing that God sent angels in the shape of birds to comfort sufferers for the faith. St. Francis
called the birds and beasts his brothers. Dr. Johnson believed in a future life for animals, as also did Wordsworth,
Shelley, Coleridge, Jeremy Taylor, Agassiz, Lamartine,
and many Christian scholars. It seems as if they
ought to have some compensation for their terrible sufferings in thi
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