[Groonga-commit] groonga/fluent-plugin-groonga [master] doc: add diagrams for large system

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Kouhei Sutou null+****@clear*****
Sat Dec 8 01:11:09 JST 2012

Kouhei Sutou	2012-12-08 01:11:09 +0900 (Sat, 08 Dec 2012)

  New Revision: 12efc59208ace8838d45b5f5b27c5215be68cbd7

    doc: add diagrams for large system

  Modified files:

  Modified: doc/text/constitution.md (+49 -1)
--- doc/text/constitution.md    2012-12-08 00:43:18 +0900 (c242e18)
+++ doc/text/constitution.md    2012-12-08 01:11:09 +0900 (c0faf4e)
@@ -166,7 +166,9 @@ You cannot update data until you finish to recover.
 ### Medium system
-In medium system, you has two or more groonga slave servers.
+In medium system, you have two or more slave groonga servers. Fluentd
+updates two or more slave groonga servers with the `copy` output
+plugin and the `groonga` output plugin.
 Here is a diagram of this constitution.
@@ -189,3 +191,49 @@ Here is a diagram of this constitution.
 TODO: ...
+### Large system
+In large system, you have two or more slave groonga server clusters.
+Fluentd that connects with master groonga server updates two or more
+fluentds that are in slave groonga server clusters with the `copy`
+output plugin and the `forward` output plugin. A slave cluster has a
+fluentd. Fluentd in slave groonga server clusters updates slave
+groonga server in the same slave groonga server cluster by the `copy`
+output plugin and `groonga` output plugin.
+Here is a diagram of this constitution.
+                update                 update
+                 and                    and
+                search    +---------+  search  +---------+
+    +--------+ <--------> | fluentd | <------> | master  |
+    |        |            +---------+          | groonga |
+    | client |                |                +---------+
+    |        |                +------------------------------+
+    +--------+          +----------------------------------+ |
+    |        |          |        slave cluster             | |
+    | client |  search  | +---------+  update  +---------+ | |
+    |        | <------> | |  slave  | <------- | fluentd | <-+ update
+    +--------|          | | groonga |          +---------+ | |
+    |        |          | +---------+   +-----------+      | |
+    | client |  search  | +---------+   |                  | |
+    |        | <------> | |  slave  | <-+ update           | |
+    +--------|          | | groonga |   |                  | |
+    |        |          | +---------+   |                  | |
+    |  ...   |   ...    |     ...      ...                 | |
+                        +----------------------------------+ |
+    +--------+          +----------------------------------+ |
+    |        |          |        slave cluster             | |
+    | client |  search  | +---------+  update  +---------+ | |
+    |        | <------> | |  slave  | <------- | fluentd | <-+ update
+    +--------|          | | groonga |          +---------+ | |
+    |        |          | +---------+   +-----------+      | |
+    | client |  search  | +---------+   |                  | |
+    |        | <------> | |  slave  | <-+ update           | |
+    +--------|          | | groonga |   |                  | |
+    |        |          | +---------+   |                  | |
+    |  ...   |   ...    |     ...      ...                 | |
+                        +----------------------------------+ |
+                                      ...                   ...
+TODO: ...
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