[Groonga-commit] groonga/gcs [master] Implement DeleteIndexField action

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2012年 7月 6日 (金) 15:24:15 JST

SHIMODA Hiroshi	2012-07-06 15:24:15 +0900 (Fri, 06 Jul 2012)

  New Revision: ad2b5eb74fc152c74e3d283167d64858410a9166

    Implement DeleteIndexField action

  Modified files:

  Modified: lib/api/2011-02-01/configuration.js (+39 -0)
--- lib/api/2011-02-01/configuration.js    2012-07-06 14:56:09 +0900 (c41f9cc)
+++ lib/api/2011-02-01/configuration.js    2012-07-06 15:24:15 +0900 (62671a8)
@@ -233,6 +233,45 @@ handlers.DefineIndexField = function(database, request, response) {
+function createDeleteIndexFieldResponse(options) {
+  return '<?xml version="1.0"?>\n' +
+         '<DefineIndexFieldResponse xmlns="' + XMLNS + '">' +
+           '<DefineIndexFieldResult/>' +
+           '<ResponseMetadata>' +
+             '<RequestId>' + (options.requestId || '') + '</RequestId>' +
+           '</ResponseMetadata>' +
+         '</DefineIndexFieldResponse>';
+handlers.DeleteIndexField = function(database, request, response) {
+  var domain = new Domain(request);
+  var fieldName = request.query['IndexFieldName'] || '';
+  var field = domain.getIndexField(fieldName);
+  var options = {
+        table: domain.tableName,
+        name: field.columnName
+      };
+  database.commandDeferred('column_remove', options)
+    .next(function(data) {
+      var termsOptions = {
+            table: domain.termsTableName,
+            name: field.indexColumnName
+          };
+      return database.commandDeferred('column_remove', termsOptions);
+    })
+    .next(function() {
+      response.contentType('application/xml');
+      response.send(createDeleteIndexFieldResponse());
+    })
+    .error(function(error) {
+      var body = createCommonErrorResponse('InternalFailure', error.message);
+      response.contentType('application/xml');
+      return response.send(body, 400);
+    });
 exports.createHandler = function(database) {
   return function(request, response, next) {
     var message, body;

  Modified: test/api-configuration.test.js (+48 -0)
--- test/api-configuration.test.js    2012-07-06 14:56:09 +0900 (5f843b9)
+++ test/api-configuration.test.js    2012-07-06 15:24:15 +0900 (b0b15e6)
@@ -210,6 +210,54 @@ suite('Configuration API', function() {
+  test('Get, Action=DeleteIndexField', function(done) {
+    var path = '/?DomainName=companies&Action=CreateDomain&Version=2011-02-01';
+    utils.get(path, {
+                'Host': 'cloudsearch.localhost'
+              })
+      .next(function(response) {
+        var path = '/?DomainName=companies&IndexField.IndexFieldName=name&' +
+                   'Action=DefineIndexField&Version=2011-02-01';
+        return utils.get(path);
+      })
+      .next(function(response) {
+        var path = '/?DomainName=companies&IndexFieldName=name&' +
+                   'Action=DeleteIndexField&Version=2011-02-01';
+        return utils.get(path);
+      })
+      .next(function(response) {
+        var expected = {
+              statusCode: 200,
+              body: '<?xml version="1.0"?>\n' +
+                    '<DeleteIndexFieldResponse xmlns="' + XMLNS + '">' +
+                      '<DeleteIndexFieldResult/>' +
+                      '<ResponseMetadata>' +
+                        '<RequestId></RequestId>' +
+                      '</ResponseMetadata>' +
+                    '</DeleteIndexFieldResponse>'
+            };
+        var actual = {
+              statusCode: response.statusCode,
+              body: response.body
+            };
+        assert.deepEqual(actual, expected);
+        var dump = database.commandSync('dump', {
+              tables: 'companies'
+            });
+        var expected = 'table_create companies_BigramTerms ' +
+                         'TABLE_PAT_KEY|KEY_NORMALIZE ShortText ' +
+                         '--default_tokenizer TokenBigram\n' +
+                       'table_create companies TABLE_HASH_KEY ShortText';
+        assert.equal(dump, expected);
+        done();
+      })
+      .error(function(error) {
+        done(error);
+      });
+  });
   test('Get, no version', function(done) {
     var path = '/?Action=unknown';
     utils.get(path, {
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