[Groonga-commit] groonga/groonga at 3ae82a5 [master] select output_columns v2: fix a bug that "*" isn't expand to columns

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Kouhei Sutou null+****@clear*****
Wed May 4 21:50:40 JST 2016

Kouhei Sutou	2016-05-04 21:50:40 +0900 (Wed, 04 May 2016)

  New Revision: 3ae82a5db9cba8f7aa74836793bc3c9e9362c464

    select output_columns v2: fix a bug that "*" isn't expand to columns

  Modified files:

  Modified: lib/grn_ecmascript.c (+682 -648)
--- lib/grn_ecmascript.c    2016-05-04 20:39:09 +0900 (73e188e)
+++ lib/grn_ecmascript.c    2016-05-04 21:50:40 +0900 (3ae2585)
@@ -103,21 +103,17 @@ typedef union {
 #define grn_expr_parserARG_FETCH  efs_info *efsi  = yypParser->efsi 
 #define grn_expr_parserARG_STORE yypParser->efsi  = efsi 
 #define YYNSTATE             142
-#define YYNRULE              133
+#define YYNRULE              134
 #define YY_MAX_SHIFT         141
 #define YY_MIN_SHIFTREDUCE   227
-#define YY_MAX_SHIFTREDUCE   359
-#define YY_MIN_REDUCE        360
-#define YY_MAX_REDUCE        492
-#define YY_ERROR_ACTION      493
-#define YY_ACCEPT_ACTION     494
-#define YY_NO_ACTION         495
+#define YY_MAX_SHIFTREDUCE   360
+#define YY_MIN_REDUCE        361
+#define YY_MAX_REDUCE        494
+#define YY_ERROR_ACTION      495
+#define YY_ACCEPT_ACTION     496
+#define YY_NO_ACTION         497
 /************* End control #defines *******************************************/
-/* The yyzerominor constant is used to initialize instances of
-** YYMINORTYPE objects to zero. */
-static const YYMINORTYPE yyzerominor = { 0 };
 /* Define the yytestcase() macro to be a no-op if is not already defined
 ** otherwise.
@@ -185,182 +181,182 @@ static const YYMINORTYPE yyzerominor = { 0 };
 *********** Begin parsing tables **********************************************/
 #define YY_ACTTAB_COUNT (1759)
 static const YYACTIONTYPE yy_action[] = {
- /*     0 */     3,   71,  112,  338,  133,  236,    2,   77,   81,  126,
- /*    10 */     1,  231,   70,  494,   78,  109,  128,  241,  231,  317,
- /*    20 */   242,  244,   88,  123,  122,  136,  135,  134,  117,   85,
- /*    30 */   100,  113,  101,  295,  299,  314,   74,  319,  322,  319,
- /*    40 */   322,  236,   73,  341,   81,  141,    9,  232,   70,  235,
+ /*     0 */     3,   71,  112,  354,  133,  316,    2,   77,   81,  126,
+ /*    10 */     1,  315,   70,  496,   78,  109,  128,  234,  315,  335,
+ /*    20 */   318,  319,   88,  123,  122,  136,  135,  134,  117,   85,
+ /*    30 */   100,  113,  101,  330,  331,  333,   74,  337,  340,  337,
+ /*    40 */   340,  316,   73,  356,   81,  141,    9,  227,   70,  230,
  /*    50 */    65,   64,   53,   52,   51,   68,   67,   66,   63,   62,
- /*    60 */    61,   60,   59,   58,  323,  324,  325,  326,  327,    4,
- /*    70 */   124,   69,   57,   56,  317,  242,  244,   88,  123,  122,
- /*    80 */   136,  135,  134,  117,   85,  100,  113,  101,  295,  299,
- /*    90 */   314,   74,  356,  130,  319,  322,  316,  318,  112,  338,
- /*   100 */   133,  236,    2,  239,   81,  126,    1,  107,   70,   77,
- /*   110 */   115,   31,   30,  231,  317,  242,  244,   88,  123,  122,
- /*   120 */   136,  135,  134,  117,   85,  100,  113,  101,  295,  299,
- /*   130 */   314,   74,  238,    7,  319,  322,  321,   72,  355,  130,
- /*   140 */   339,  133,  344,  336,  234,   76,   65,   64,   23,   55,
+ /*    60 */    61,   60,   59,   58,  341,  342,  343,  344,  345,    4,
+ /*    70 */   124,   69,   57,   56,  335,  318,  319,   88,  123,  122,
+ /*    80 */   136,  135,  134,  117,   85,  100,  113,  101,  330,  331,
+ /*    90 */   333,   74,  308,  130,  337,  340,  292,  336,  112,  354,
+ /*   100 */   133,  316,    2,  232,   81,  126,    1,  107,   70,   77,
+ /*   110 */   115,   31,   30,  315,  335,  318,  319,   88,  123,  122,
+ /*   120 */   136,  135,  134,  117,   85,  100,  113,  101,  330,  331,
+ /*   130 */   333,   74,  231,    7,  337,  340,  339,   72,  359,  130,
+ /*   140 */   355,  133,  297,  293,  229,   76,   65,   64,   23,   55,
  /*   150 */    54,   68,   67,   66,   63,   62,   61,   60,   59,   58,
- /*   160 */   323,  324,  325,  326,  327,    4,   83,   82,   79,  236,
- /*   170 */    73,  237,   81,  141,    9,  320,   70,   65,   64,  351,
- /*   180 */   233,   28,   68,   67,   66,   63,   62,   61,   60,   59,
- /*   190 */    58,  323,  324,  325,  326,  327,    4,  108,  331,  352,
- /*   200 */   317,  353,  244,   88,  123,  122,  136,  135,  134,  117,
- /*   210 */    85,  100,  113,  101,  295,  299,  314,   74,   10,    7,
- /*   220 */   319,  322,  321,   72,   36,   35,  332,    6,  349,  317,
- /*   230 */   333,  244,   88,  123,  122,  136,  135,  134,  117,   85,
- /*   240 */   100,  113,  101,  295,  299,  314,   74,  362,  361,  319,
- /*   250 */   322,   11,   84,    7,  474,  330,  321,   72,  312,  313,
- /*   260 */   332,    5,   28,   65,   64,   28,   80,   29,   68,   67,
- /*   270 */    66,   63,   62,   61,   60,   59,   58,  323,  324,  325,
- /*   280 */   326,  327,    4,  329,    7,  359,  358,  321,   72,   26,
- /*   290 */     8,  331,  132,  240,  127,   28,  129,   65,   64,  363,
- /*   300 */    32,  343,   68,   67,   66,   63,   62,   61,   60,   59,
- /*   310 */    58,  323,  324,  325,  326,  327,    4,  328,   24,   34,
- /*   320 */    25,  362,  342,   33,  362,  362,  362,  362,   65,   64,
- /*   330 */   362,  362,  362,   68,   67,   66,   63,   62,   61,   60,
- /*   340 */    59,   58,  323,  324,  325,  326,  327,    4,  362,  362,
- /*   350 */    75,  317,  353,  244,   88,  123,  122,  136,  135,  134,
- /*   360 */   117,   85,  100,  113,  101,  295,  299,  314,   74,  362,
- /*   370 */   362,  319,  322,  362,  362,  362,  362,  362,  362,  350,
- /*   380 */   317,  346,  244,   88,  123,  122,  136,  135,  134,  117,
- /*   390 */    85,  100,  113,  101,  295,  299,  314,   74,  362,  362,
- /*   400 */   319,  322,  362,  362,  362,  362,  362,  111,  115,  362,
- /*   410 */   362,  362,  317,  242,  244,   88,  123,  122,  136,  135,
- /*   420 */   134,  117,   85,  100,  113,  101,  295,  299,  314,   74,
- /*   430 */   118,  362,  319,  322,  317,  242,  244,   88,  123,  122,
- /*   440 */   136,  135,  134,  117,   85,  100,  113,  101,  295,  299,
- /*   450 */   314,   74,  362,    7,  319,  322,  321,   72,  124,  362,
- /*   460 */   362,  362,  317,  242,  244,   88,  123,  122,  136,  135,
- /*   470 */   134,  117,   85,  100,  113,  101,  295,  299,  314,   74,
- /*   480 */   362,    7,  319,  322,  321,   72,  362,  362,  362,  362,
- /*   490 */   362,  362,  362,  362,  362,  362,  362,   65,   64,  362,
- /*   500 */   362,  362,   68,   67,   66,   63,   62,   61,   60,   59,
- /*   510 */    58,  323,  324,  125,  326,  327,    4,  362,  362,  362,
- /*   520 */   362,  362,  362,  362,  362,   65,   64,  362,  362,  362,
- /*   530 */    68,   67,   66,   63,   62,   61,   60,   59,   58,  323,
- /*   540 */   324,  325,  326,  327,    4,  317,  335,  244,   88,  123,
- /*   550 */   122,  136,  135,  134,  117,   85,  100,  113,  101,  295,
- /*   560 */   299,  314,   74,  362,  362,  319,  322,  317,  334,  244,
+ /*   160 */   341,  342,  343,  344,  345,    4,   83,   82,   79,  316,
+ /*   170 */    73,  317,   81,  141,    9,  338,   70,   65,   64,  305,
+ /*   180 */   228,   28,   68,   67,   66,   63,   62,   61,   60,   59,
+ /*   190 */    58,  341,  342,  343,  344,  345,    4,  108,  349,  306,
+ /*   200 */   335,  307,  319,   88,  123,  122,  136,  135,  134,  117,
+ /*   210 */    85,  100,  113,  101,  330,  331,  333,   74,   10,    7,
+ /*   220 */   337,  340,  339,   72,   36,   35,  350,    6,  302,  335,
+ /*   230 */   351,  319,   88,  123,  122,  136,  135,  134,  117,   85,
+ /*   240 */   100,  113,  101,  330,  331,  333,   74,  447,  446,  337,
+ /*   250 */   340,   11,   84,    7,  490,  348,  339,   72,  290,  291,
+ /*   260 */   350,    5,   28,   65,   64,   28,   80,   29,   68,   67,
+ /*   270 */    66,   63,   62,   61,   60,   59,   58,  341,  342,  343,
+ /*   280 */   344,  345,    4,  347,    7,  310,  309,  339,   72,   26,
+ /*   290 */     8,  349,  132,  233,  127,   28,  129,   65,   64,  448,
+ /*   300 */    32,  357,   68,   67,   66,   63,   62,   61,   60,   59,
+ /*   310 */    58,  341,  342,  343,  344,  345,    4,  346,   24,   34,
+ /*   320 */    25,  363,  296,   33,  363,  363,  363,  363,   65,   64,
+ /*   330 */   363,  363,  363,   68,   67,   66,   63,   62,   61,   60,
+ /*   340 */    59,   58,  341,  342,  343,  344,  345,    4,  363,  363,
+ /*   350 */    75,  335,  307,  319,   88,  123,  122,  136,  135,  134,
+ /*   360 */   117,   85,  100,  113,  101,  330,  331,  333,   74,  363,
+ /*   370 */   363,  337,  340,  363,  363,  363,  363,  363,  363,  304,
+ /*   380 */   335,  299,  319,   88,  123,  122,  136,  135,  134,  117,
+ /*   390 */    85,  100,  113,  101,  330,  331,  333,   74,  363,  363,
+ /*   400 */   337,  340,  363,  363,  363,  363,  363,  111,  115,  363,
+ /*   410 */   363,  363,  335,  318,  319,   88,  123,  122,  136,  135,
+ /*   420 */   134,  117,   85,  100,  113,  101,  330,  331,  333,   74,
+ /*   430 */   118,  363,  337,  340,  335,  318,  319,   88,  123,  122,
+ /*   440 */   136,  135,  134,  117,   85,  100,  113,  101,  330,  331,
+ /*   450 */   333,   74,  363,    7,  337,  340,  339,   72,  124,  363,
+ /*   460 */   363,  363,  335,  318,  319,   88,  123,  122,  136,  135,
+ /*   470 */   134,  117,   85,  100,  113,  101,  330,  331,  333,   74,
+ /*   480 */   363,    7,  337,  340,  339,   72,  363,  363,  363,  363,
+ /*   490 */   363,  363,  363,  363,  363,  363,  363,   65,   64,  363,
+ /*   500 */   363,  363,   68,   67,   66,   63,   62,   61,   60,   59,
+ /*   510 */    58,  341,  342,  125,  344,  345,    4,  363,  363,  363,
+ /*   520 */   363,  363,  363,  363,  363,   65,   64,  363,  363,  363,
+ /*   530 */    68,   67,   66,   63,   62,   61,   60,   59,   58,  341,
+ /*   540 */   342,  343,  344,  345,    4,  335,  353,  319,   88,  123,
+ /*   550 */   122,  136,  135,  134,  117,   85,  100,  113,  101,  330,
+ /*   560 */   331,  333,   74,  363,  363,  337,  340,  335,  352,  319,
  /*   570 */    88,  123,  122,  136,  135,  134,  117,   85,  100,  113,
- /*   580 */   101,  295,  299,  314,   74,  362,  362,  319,  322,  317,
- /*   590 */   256,  244,   88,  123,  122,  136,  135,  134,  117,   85,
- /*   600 */   100,  113,  101,  295,  299,  314,   74,  362,  362,  319,
- /*   610 */   322,  362,  362,  317,  255,  244,   88,  123,  122,  136,
- /*   620 */   135,  134,  117,   85,  100,  113,  101,  295,  299,  314,
- /*   630 */    74,  362,  362,  319,  322,  317,  254,  244,   88,  123,
- /*   640 */   122,  136,  135,  134,  117,   85,  100,  113,  101,  295,
- /*   650 */   299,  314,   74,  362,  362,  319,  322,  317,  253,  244,
+ /*   580 */   101,  330,  331,  333,   74,  363,  363,  337,  340,  335,
+ /*   590 */   247,  319,   88,  123,  122,  136,  135,  134,  117,   85,
+ /*   600 */   100,  113,  101,  330,  331,  333,   74,  363,  363,  337,
+ /*   610 */   340,  363,  363,  335,  246,  319,   88,  123,  122,  136,
+ /*   620 */   135,  134,  117,   85,  100,  113,  101,  330,  331,  333,
+ /*   630 */    74,  363,  363,  337,  340,  335,  245,  319,   88,  123,
+ /*   640 */   122,  136,  135,  134,  117,   85,  100,  113,  101,  330,
+ /*   650 */   331,  333,   74,  363,  363,  337,  340,  335,  244,  319,
  /*   660 */    88,  123,  122,  136,  135,  134,  117,   85,  100,  113,
- /*   670 */   101,  295,  299,  314,   74,  362,  362,  319,  322,  317,
- /*   680 */   252,  244,   88,  123,  122,  136,  135,  134,  117,   85,
- /*   690 */   100,  113,  101,  295,  299,  314,   74,  362,  362,  319,
- /*   700 */   322,  317,  251,  244,   88,  123,  122,  136,  135,  134,
- /*   710 */   117,   85,  100,  113,  101,  295,  299,  314,   74,  362,
- /*   720 */   362,  319,  322,  317,  250,  244,   88,  123,  122,  136,
- /*   730 */   135,  134,  117,   85,  100,  113,  101,  295,  299,  314,
- /*   740 */    74,  362,  362,  319,  322,  317,  249,  244,   88,  123,
- /*   750 */   122,  136,  135,  134,  117,   85,  100,  113,  101,  295,
- /*   760 */   299,  314,   74,  362,  362,  319,  322,  317,  248,  244,
+ /*   670 */   101,  330,  331,  333,   74,  363,  363,  337,  340,  335,
+ /*   680 */   243,  319,   88,  123,  122,  136,  135,  134,  117,   85,
+ /*   690 */   100,  113,  101,  330,  331,  333,   74,  363,  363,  337,
+ /*   700 */   340,  335,  242,  319,   88,  123,  122,  136,  135,  134,
+ /*   710 */   117,   85,  100,  113,  101,  330,  331,  333,   74,  363,
+ /*   720 */   363,  337,  340,  335,  241,  319,   88,  123,  122,  136,
+ /*   730 */   135,  134,  117,   85,  100,  113,  101,  330,  331,  333,
+ /*   740 */    74,  363,  363,  337,  340,  335,  240,  319,   88,  123,
+ /*   750 */   122,  136,  135,  134,  117,   85,  100,  113,  101,  330,
+ /*   760 */   331,  333,   74,  363,  363,  337,  340,  335,  239,  319,
  /*   770 */    88,  123,  122,  136,  135,  134,  117,   85,  100,  113,
- /*   780 */   101,  295,  299,  314,   74,  362,  362,  319,  322,  317,
- /*   790 */   247,  244,   88,  123,  122,  136,  135,  134,  117,   85,
- /*   800 */   100,  113,  101,  295,  299,  314,   74,  362,  362,  319,
- /*   810 */   322,  317,  246,  244,   88,  123,  122,  136,  135,  134,
- /*   820 */   117,   85,  100,  113,  101,  295,  299,  314,   74,  362,
- /*   830 */   362,  319,  322,  317,  347,  244,   88,  123,  122,  136,
- /*   840 */   135,  134,  117,   85,  100,  113,  101,  295,  299,  314,
- /*   850 */    74,  362,  362,  319,  322,  317,  340,  244,   88,  123,
- /*   860 */   122,  136,  135,  134,  117,   85,  100,  113,  101,  295,
- /*   870 */   299,  314,   74,  362,  362,  319,  322,  317,  258,  244,
+ /*   780 */   101,  330,  331,  333,   74,  363,  363,  337,  340,  335,
+ /*   790 */   238,  319,   88,  123,  122,  136,  135,  134,  117,   85,
+ /*   800 */   100,  113,  101,  330,  331,  333,   74,  363,  363,  337,
+ /*   810 */   340,  335,  237,  319,   88,  123,  122,  136,  135,  134,
+ /*   820 */   117,   85,  100,  113,  101,  330,  331,  333,   74,  363,
+ /*   830 */   363,  337,  340,  335,  300,  319,   88,  123,  122,  136,
+ /*   840 */   135,  134,  117,   85,  100,  113,  101,  330,  331,  333,
+ /*   850 */    74,  363,  363,  337,  340,  335,  295,  319,   88,  123,
+ /*   860 */   122,  136,  135,  134,  117,   85,  100,  113,  101,  330,
+ /*   870 */   331,  333,   74,  363,  363,  337,  340,  335,  248,  319,
  /*   880 */    88,  123,  122,  136,  135,  134,  117,   85,  100,  113,
- /*   890 */   101,  295,  299,  314,   74,  362,  362,  319,  322,  317,
- /*   900 */   140,  244,   88,  123,  122,  136,  135,  134,  117,   85,
- /*   910 */   100,  113,  101,  295,  299,  314,   74,  362,  362,  319,
- /*   920 */   322,  317,  245,  244,   88,  123,  122,  136,  135,  134,
- /*   930 */   117,   85,  100,  113,  101,  295,  299,  314,   74,  362,
- /*   940 */   362,  319,  322,  317,  243,  244,   88,  123,  122,  136,
- /*   950 */   135,  134,  117,   85,  100,  113,  101,  295,  299,  314,
- /*   960 */    74,  362,  317,  319,  322,  119,  362,  110,  136,  135,
- /*   970 */   134,  117,   85,  100,  113,  101,  295,  299,  314,   74,
- /*   980 */   362,  317,  319,  322,  119,  362,  362,  131,  135,  134,
- /*   990 */   117,   85,  100,  113,  101,  295,  299,  314,   74,  362,
- /*  1000 */   362,  319,  322,  317,  362,  362,  119,  362,  362,  139,
- /*  1010 */   135,  134,  117,   85,  100,  113,  101,  295,  299,  314,
- /*  1020 */    74,  362,  362,  319,  322,  317,  362,  362,  119,  362,
- /*  1030 */   362,  362,  138,  134,  117,   85,  100,  113,  101,  295,
- /*  1040 */   299,  314,   74,  362,  362,  319,  322,  317,  362,  362,
- /*  1050 */   119,  362,  362,  362,  362,  137,  117,   85,  100,  113,
- /*  1060 */   101,  295,  299,  314,   74,  362,  362,  319,  322,   50,
+ /*   890 */   101,  330,  331,  333,   74,  363,  363,  337,  340,  335,
+ /*   900 */   140,  319,   88,  123,  122,  136,  135,  134,  117,   85,
+ /*   910 */   100,  113,  101,  330,  331,  333,   74,  363,  363,  337,
+ /*   920 */   340,  335,  236,  319,   88,  123,  122,  136,  135,  134,
+ /*   930 */   117,   85,  100,  113,  101,  330,  331,  333,   74,  363,
+ /*   940 */   363,  337,  340,  335,  235,  319,   88,  123,  122,  136,
+ /*   950 */   135,  134,  117,   85,  100,  113,  101,  330,  331,  333,
+ /*   960 */    74,  363,  335,  337,  340,  119,  363,  110,  136,  135,
+ /*   970 */   134,  117,   85,  100,  113,  101,  330,  331,  333,   74,
+ /*   980 */   363,  335,  337,  340,  119,  363,  363,  131,  135,  134,
+ /*   990 */   117,   85,  100,  113,  101,  330,  331,  333,   74,  363,
+ /*  1000 */   363,  337,  340,  335,  363,  363,  119,  363,  363,  139,
+ /*  1010 */   135,  134,  117,   85,  100,  113,  101,  330,  331,  333,
+ /*  1020 */    74,  363,  363,  337,  340,  335,  363,  363,  119,  363,
+ /*  1030 */   363,  363,  138,  134,  117,   85,  100,  113,  101,  330,
+ /*  1040 */   331,  333,   74,  363,  363,  337,  340,  335,  363,  363,
+ /*  1050 */   119,  363,  363,  363,  363,  137,  117,   85,  100,  113,
+ /*  1060 */   101,  330,  331,  333,   74,  363,  363,  337,  340,   50,
  /*  1070 */    49,   48,   47,   46,   45,   44,   43,   42,   41,   40,
  /*  1080 */    39,   38,   37,   27,   22,   21,   20,   19,   18,   17,
- /*  1090 */    16,   15,   14,   13,   12,  317,  362,  362,  119,  362,
- /*  1100 */   362,  362,  362,  362,  121,   85,  100,  113,  101,  295,
- /*  1110 */   299,  314,   74,  362,  362,  319,  322,  362,  317,  362,
- /*  1120 */   362,  119,  362,  362,  362,  312,  313,  362,   86,  100,
- /*  1130 */   113,  101,  295,  299,  314,   74,  362,  362,  319,  322,
- /*  1140 */   317,  362,  362,  119,  362,  362,  362,  362,  362,  362,
- /*  1150 */    87,  100,  113,  101,  295,  299,  314,   74,  362,  317,
- /*  1160 */   319,  322,  119,  362,  362,  362,  362,  362,  362,  362,
- /*  1170 */    89,  113,  101,  295,  299,  314,   74,  362,  317,  319,
- /*  1180 */   322,  119,  362,  362,  362,  362,  362,  362,  362,   90,
- /*  1190 */   113,  101,  295,  299,  314,   74,  362,  362,  319,  322,
- /*  1200 */   362,  317,  362,  362,  119,  362,  362,    7,  362,  362,
- /*  1210 */   321,   72,   91,  113,  101,  295,  299,  314,   74,  362,
- /*  1220 */   362,  319,  322,  317,  362,  362,  119,  362,  362,  362,
- /*  1230 */   362,  362,  362,  362,   92,  113,  101,  295,  299,  314,
- /*  1240 */    74,  362,  317,  319,  322,  119,  362,  362,  362,  362,
- /*  1250 */   362,  362,  362,   93,  113,  101,  295,  299,  314,   74,
- /*  1260 */   362,  317,  319,  322,  119,  323,  324,  325,  326,  327,
- /*  1270 */     4,  362,   94,  113,  101,  295,  299,  314,   74,  362,
- /*  1280 */   362,  319,  322,  362,  317,  362,  362,  119,  362,  362,
- /*  1290 */   362,  362,  362,  362,  362,   95,  113,  101,  295,  299,
- /*  1300 */   314,   74,  362,  362,  319,  322,  317,  362,  362,  119,
- /*  1310 */   362,  362,  362,  362,  362,  362,  362,   96,  113,  101,
- /*  1320 */   295,  299,  314,   74,  362,  317,  319,  322,  119,  362,
- /*  1330 */   362,  362,  362,  362,  362,  362,   97,  113,  101,  295,
- /*  1340 */   299,  314,   74,  362,  317,  319,  322,  119,  362,  362,
- /*  1350 */   362,  362,  362,  362,  362,   98,  113,  101,  295,  299,
- /*  1360 */   314,   74,  362,  362,  319,  322,  362,  317,  362,  362,
- /*  1370 */   119,  362,  362,  362,  362,  362,  362,  362,   99,  113,
- /*  1380 */   101,  295,  299,  314,   74,  362,  362,  319,  322,  317,
- /*  1390 */   362,  362,  119,  362,  362,  362,  362,  362,  362,  362,
- /*  1400 */   102,  113,  101,  295,  299,  314,   74,  362,  317,  319,
- /*  1410 */   322,  119,  362,  362,  362,  362,  362,  362,  362,  104,
- /*  1420 */   113,  101,  295,  299,  314,   74,  362,  317,  319,  322,
- /*  1430 */   119,  362,  362,  362,  362,  362,  362,  362,  106,  113,
- /*  1440 */   101,  295,  299,  314,   74,  362,  362,  319,  322,  362,
- /*  1450 */   317,  362,  362,  119,  362,  362,  362,  362,  362,  362,
- /*  1460 */   362,  362,  114,  101,  295,  299,  314,   74,  362,  362,
- /*  1470 */   319,  322,  317,  362,  362,  119,  362,  362,  362,  362,
- /*  1480 */   362,  362,  362,  362,  116,  101,  295,  299,  314,   74,
- /*  1490 */   362,  317,  319,  322,  119,  362,  362,  362,  362,  362,
- /*  1500 */   362,  362,  362,  120,  101,  295,  299,  314,   74,  362,
- /*  1510 */   362,  319,  322,  360,  362,  362,   83,   82,   79,  236,
- /*  1520 */    73,  362,   81,  141,    9,  317,   70,  362,  119,  362,
- /*  1530 */   362,  362,  362,  362,  362,  362,  362,  362,  103,  295,
- /*  1540 */   299,  314,   74,  362,  362,  319,  322,  317,  362,  362,
- /*  1550 */   119,  362,  362,  362,  362,  317,  362,  362,  119,  362,
- /*  1560 */   105,  295,  299,  314,   74,  362,  362,  319,  322,  298,
- /*  1570 */   299,  314,   74,  362,  317,  319,  322,  119,  362,  362,
- /*  1580 */   362,  362,  362,  362,  362,  362,  362,  362,  297,  299,
- /*  1590 */   314,   74,  362,  362,  319,  322,  317,  362,  362,  119,
- /*  1600 */   362,  362,  362,  362,  362,  317,  362,  362,  119,  362,
- /*  1610 */   310,  299,  314,   74,  362,  362,  319,  322,  362,  309,
- /*  1620 */   299,  314,   74,  362,  317,  319,  322,  119,  362,  362,
- /*  1630 */   362,  362,  362,  317,  362,  362,  119,  362,  308,  299,
- /*  1640 */   314,   74,  362,  317,  319,  322,  119,  307,  299,  314,
- /*  1650 */    74,  362,  317,  319,  322,  119,  362,  306,  299,  314,
- /*  1660 */    74,  362,  362,  319,  322,  362,  305,  299,  314,   74,
- /*  1670 */   362,  317,  319,  322,  119,  362,  362,  362,  362,  317,
- /*  1680 */   362,  362,  119,  362,  362,  304,  299,  314,   74,  362,
- /*  1690 */   362,  319,  322,  303,  299,  314,   74,  362,  362,  319,
- /*  1700 */   322,  362,  317,  362,  362,  119,  362,  362,  362,  362,
- /*  1710 */   317,  362,  362,  119,  362,  362,  302,  299,  314,   74,
- /*  1720 */   362,  362,  319,  322,  301,  299,  314,   74,  362,  317,
- /*  1730 */   319,  322,  119,  362,  362,  362,  362,  317,  362,  362,
- /*  1740 */   119,  362,  362,  300,  299,  314,   74,  362,  362,  319,
- /*  1750 */   322,  296,  299,  314,   74,  362,  362,  319,  322,
+ /*  1090 */    16,   15,   14,   13,   12,  335,  363,  363,  119,  363,
+ /*  1100 */   363,  363,  363,  363,  121,   85,  100,  113,  101,  330,
+ /*  1110 */   331,  333,   74,  363,  363,  337,  340,  363,  335,  363,
+ /*  1120 */   363,  119,  363,  363,  363,  290,  291,  363,   86,  100,
+ /*  1130 */   113,  101,  330,  331,  333,   74,  363,  363,  337,  340,
+ /*  1140 */   335,  363,  363,  119,  363,  363,  363,  363,  363,  363,
+ /*  1150 */    87,  100,  113,  101,  330,  331,  333,   74,  363,  335,
+ /*  1160 */   337,  340,  119,  363,  363,  363,  363,  363,  363,  363,
+ /*  1170 */    89,  113,  101,  330,  331,  333,   74,  363,  335,  337,
+ /*  1180 */   340,  119,  363,  363,  363,  363,  363,  363,  363,   90,
+ /*  1190 */   113,  101,  330,  331,  333,   74,  363,  363,  337,  340,
+ /*  1200 */   363,  335,  363,  363,  119,  363,  363,    7,  363,  363,
+ /*  1210 */   339,   72,   91,  113,  101,  330,  331,  333,   74,  363,
+ /*  1220 */   363,  337,  340,  335,  363,  363,  119,  363,  363,  363,
+ /*  1230 */   363,  363,  363,  363,   92,  113,  101,  330,  331,  333,
+ /*  1240 */    74,  363,  335,  337,  340,  119,  363,  363,  363,  363,
+ /*  1250 */   363,  363,  363,   93,  113,  101,  330,  331,  333,   74,
+ /*  1260 */   363,  335,  337,  340,  119,  341,  342,  343,  344,  345,
+ /*  1270 */     4,  363,   94,  113,  101,  330,  331,  333,   74,  363,
+ /*  1280 */   363,  337,  340,  363,  335,  363,  363,  119,  363,  363,
+ /*  1290 */   363,  363,  363,  363,  363,   95,  113,  101,  330,  331,
+ /*  1300 */   333,   74,  363,  363,  337,  340,  335,  363,  363,  119,
+ /*  1310 */   363,  363,  363,  363,  363,  363,  363,   96,  113,  101,
+ /*  1320 */   330,  331,  333,   74,  363,  335,  337,  340,  119,  363,
+ /*  1330 */   363,  363,  363,  363,  363,  363,   97,  113,  101,  330,
+ /*  1340 */   331,  333,   74,  363,  335,  337,  340,  119,  363,  363,
+ /*  1350 */   363,  363,  363,  363,  363,   98,  113,  101,  330,  331,
+ /*  1360 */   333,   74,  363,  363,  337,  340,  363,  335,  363,  363,
+ /*  1370 */   119,  363,  363,  363,  363,  363,  363,  363,   99,  113,
+ /*  1380 */   101,  330,  331,  333,   74,  363,  363,  337,  340,  335,
+ /*  1390 */   363,  363,  119,  363,  363,  363,  363,  363,  363,  363,
+ /*  1400 */   102,  113,  101,  330,  331,  333,   74,  363,  335,  337,
+ /*  1410 */   340,  119,  363,  363,  363,  363,  363,  363,  363,  104,
+ /*  1420 */   113,  101,  330,  331,  333,   74,  363,  335,  337,  340,
+ /*  1430 */   119,  363,  363,  363,  363,  363,  363,  363,  106,  113,
+ /*  1440 */   101,  330,  331,  333,   74,  363,  363,  337,  340,  363,
+ /*  1450 */   335,  363,  363,  119,  363,  363,  363,  363,  363,  363,
+ /*  1460 */   363,  363,  114,  101,  330,  331,  333,   74,  363,  363,
+ /*  1470 */   337,  340,  335,  363,  363,  119,  363,  363,  363,  363,
+ /*  1480 */   363,  363,  363,  363,  116,  101,  330,  331,  333,   74,
+ /*  1490 */   363,  335,  337,  340,  119,  363,  363,  363,  363,  363,
+ /*  1500 */   363,  363,  363,  120,  101,  330,  331,  333,   74,  363,
+ /*  1510 */   363,  337,  340,  445,  363,  363,   83,   82,   79,  316,
+ /*  1520 */    73,  363,   81,  141,    9,  335,   70,  363,  119,  363,
+ /*  1530 */   363,  363,  363,  363,  363,  363,  363,  363,  103,  330,
+ /*  1540 */   331,  333,   74,  363,  363,  337,  340,  335,  363,  363,
+ /*  1550 */   119,  363,  363,  363,  363,  335,  363,  363,  119,  363,
+ /*  1560 */   105,  330,  331,  333,   74,  363,  363,  337,  340,  278,
+ /*  1570 */   331,  333,   74,  363,  335,  337,  340,  119,  363,  363,
+ /*  1580 */   363,  363,  363,  363,  363,  363,  363,  363,  277,  331,
+ /*  1590 */   333,   74,  363,  363,  337,  340,  335,  363,  363,  119,
+ /*  1600 */   363,  363,  363,  363,  363,  335,  363,  363,  119,  363,
+ /*  1610 */   289,  331,  333,   74,  363,  363,  337,  340,  363,  288,
+ /*  1620 */   331,  333,   74,  363,  335,  337,  340,  119,  363,  363,
+ /*  1630 */   363,  363,  363,  335,  363,  363,  119,  363,  287,  331,
+ /*  1640 */   333,   74,  363,  335,  337,  340,  119,  286,  331,  333,
+ /*  1650 */    74,  363,  335,  337,  340,  119,  363,  285,  331,  333,
+ /*  1660 */    74,  363,  363,  337,  340,  363,  284,  331,  333,   74,
+ /*  1670 */   363,  335,  337,  340,  119,  363,  363,  363,  363,  335,
+ /*  1680 */   363,  363,  119,  363,  363,  283,  331,  333,   74,  363,
+ /*  1690 */   363,  337,  340,  282,  331,  333,   74,  363,  363,  337,
+ /*  1700 */   340,  363,  335,  363,  363,  119,  363,  363,  363,  363,
+ /*  1710 */   335,  363,  363,  119,  363,  363,  281,  331,  333,   74,
+ /*  1720 */   363,  363,  337,  340,  280,  331,  333,   74,  363,  335,
+ /*  1730 */   337,  340,  119,  363,  363,  363,  363,  335,  363,  363,
+ /*  1740 */   119,  363,  363,  279,  331,  333,   74,  363,  363,  337,
+ /*  1750 */   340,  276,  331,  333,   74,  363,  363,  337,  340,
 static const YYCODETYPE yy_lookahead[] = {
  /*     0 */     1,    2,  106,  107,  108,    6,    7,   77,    9,   10,
@@ -577,21 +573,21 @@ static const short yy_reduce_ofst[] = {
  /*    80 */    22,   51,   63,   99,  114,
 static const YYACTIONTYPE yy_default[] = {
- /*     0 */   493,  470,  493,  481,  493,  493,  478,  493,  493,  493,
- /*    10 */   493,  493,  493,  493,  493,  493,  493,  493,  493,  493,
- /*    20 */   493,  493,  493,  493,  493,  493,  493,  493,  493,  493,
- /*    30 */   493,  493,  493,  493,  493,  493,  493,  493,  493,  493,
- /*    40 */   493,  493,  493,  493,  493,  493,  493,  493,  493,  493,
- /*    50 */   493,  493,  493,  493,  493,  493,  493,  493,  493,  493,
- /*    60 */   493,  493,  493,  493,  493,  493,  493,  493,  493,  493,
- /*    70 */   493,  487,  470,  493,  448,  493,  493,  493,  493,  493,
- /*    80 */   493,  493,  493,  493,  493,  403,  405,  404,  444,  420,
- /*    90 */   419,  418,  417,  416,  415,  414,  413,  412,  411,  410,
- /*   100 */   406,  425,  409,  427,  408,  426,  407,  493,  493,  493,
- /*   110 */   393,  493,  493,  421,  424,  493,  423,  401,  493,  444,
- /*   120 */   422,  402,  392,  390,  493,  458,  454,  493,  493,  493,
- /*   130 */   490,  396,  493,  493,  399,  397,  394,  400,  398,  395,
- /*   140 */   493,  493,
+ /*     0 */   495,  428,  495,  435,  495,  437,  432,  495,  495,  495,
+ /*    10 */   495,  495,  495,  495,  495,  495,  495,  495,  495,  495,
+ /*    20 */   495,  495,  495,  495,  495,  495,  495,  495,  495,  495,
+ /*    30 */   495,  495,  495,  495,  495,  495,  495,  495,  495,  495,
+ /*    40 */   495,  495,  495,  495,  495,  495,  495,  495,  495,  495,
+ /*    50 */   495,  495,  495,  495,  495,  495,  495,  495,  495,  495,
+ /*    60 */   495,  495,  495,  495,  495,  495,  495,  495,  495,  495,
+ /*    70 */   495,  492,  428,  495,  468,  495,  495,  495,  495,  495,
+ /*    80 */   495,  495,  495,  495,  495,  460,  390,  389,  466,  404,
+ /*    90 */   403,  402,  401,  400,  399,  398,  397,  396,  395,  394,
+ /*   100 */   461,  463,  393,  409,  392,  408,  391,  495,  495,  495,
+ /*   110 */   383,  495,  495,  462,  407,  495,  406,  459,  495,  466,
+ /*   120 */   405,  388,  455,  454,  495,  477,  473,  495,  495,  495,
+ /*   130 */   494,  385,  495,  495,  458,  457,  456,  387,  386,  384,
+ /*   140 */   495,  495,
 /********** End of lemon-generated parsing tables *****************************/
@@ -646,7 +642,9 @@ struct yyParser {
   int yyidxMax;                 /* Maximum value of yyidx */
   int yyerrcnt;                 /* Shifts left before out of the error */
   grn_expr_parserARG_SDECL                /* A place to hold %extra_argument */
   int yystksz;                  /* Current side of the stack */
@@ -729,139 +727,140 @@ static const char *const yyTokenName[] = {
 /* For tracing reduce actions, the names of all rules are required.
 static const char *const yyRuleName[] = {
- /*   0 */ "input ::= query",
- /*   1 */ "input ::= expression",
- /*   2 */ "input ::= START_OUTPUT_COLUMNS output_columns",
- /*   3 */ "input ::= START_ADJUSTER adjuster",
- /*   4 */ "query ::= query_element",
- /*   5 */ "query ::= query query_element",
- /*   6 */ "query ::= query LOGICAL_AND query_element",
- /*   7 */ "query ::= query LOGICAL_AND_NOT query_element",
- /*   8 */ "query ::= query LOGICAL_OR query_element",
- /*   9 */ "query_element ::= QSTRING",
- /*  10 */ "query_element ::= PARENL query PARENR",
- /*  11 */ "query_element ::= RELATIVE_OP query_element",
- /*  12 */ "query_element ::= IDENTIFIER RELATIVE_OP query_element",
- /*  13 */ "query_element ::= BRACEL expression BRACER",
- /*  14 */ "query_element ::= EVAL primary_expression",
- /*  15 */ "expression ::= assignment_expression",
- /*  16 */ "expression ::= expression COMMA assignment_expression",
- /*  17 */ "assignment_expression ::= conditional_expression",
- /*  18 */ "assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression ASSIGN assignment_expression",
- /*  19 */ "assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression STAR_ASSIGN assignment_expression",
- /*  20 */ "assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression SLASH_ASSIGN assignment_expression",
- /*  21 */ "assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression MOD_ASSIGN assignment_expression",
- /*  22 */ "assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression PLUS_ASSIGN assignment_expression",
- /*  23 */ "assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression MINUS_ASSIGN assignment_expression",
- /*  24 */ "assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression SHIFTL_ASSIGN assignment_expression",
- /*  25 */ "assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression SHIFTR_ASSIGN assignment_expression",
- /*  26 */ "assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression SHIFTRR_ASSIGN assignment_expression",
- /*  27 */ "assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression AND_ASSIGN assignment_expression",
- /*  28 */ "assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression XOR_ASSIGN assignment_expression",
- /*  29 */ "assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression OR_ASSIGN assignment_expression",
- /*  30 */ "conditional_expression ::= logical_or_expression",
- /*  31 */ "conditional_expression ::= logical_or_expression QUESTION assignment_expression COLON assignment_expression",
- /*  32 */ "logical_or_expression ::= logical_and_expression",
- /*  33 */ "logical_or_expression ::= logical_or_expression LOGICAL_OR logical_and_expression",
- /*  34 */ "logical_and_expression ::= bitwise_or_expression",
- /*  35 */ "logical_and_expression ::= logical_and_expression LOGICAL_AND bitwise_or_expression",
- /*  36 */ "logical_and_expression ::= logical_and_expression LOGICAL_AND_NOT bitwise_or_expression",
- /*  37 */ "bitwise_or_expression ::= bitwise_xor_expression",
- /*  38 */ "bitwise_or_expression ::= bitwise_or_expression BITWISE_OR bitwise_xor_expression",
- /*  39 */ "bitwise_xor_expression ::= bitwise_and_expression",
- /*  40 */ "bitwise_xor_expression ::= bitwise_xor_expression BITWISE_XOR bitwise_and_expression",
- /*  41 */ "bitwise_and_expression ::= equality_expression",
- /*  42 */ "bitwise_and_expression ::= bitwise_and_expression BITWISE_AND equality_expression",
- /*  43 */ "equality_expression ::= relational_expression",
- /*  44 */ "equality_expression ::= equality_expression EQUAL relational_expression",
- /*  45 */ "equality_expression ::= equality_expression NOT_EQUAL relational_expression",
- /*  46 */ "relational_expression ::= shift_expression",
- /*  47 */ "relational_expression ::= relational_expression LESS shift_expression",
- /*  48 */ "relational_expression ::= relational_expression GREATER shift_expression",
- /*  49 */ "relational_expression ::= relational_expression LESS_EQUAL shift_expression",
- /*  50 */ "relational_expression ::= relational_expression GREATER_EQUAL shift_expression",
- /*  51 */ "relational_expression ::= relational_expression IN shift_expression",
- /*  52 */ "relational_expression ::= relational_expression MATCH shift_expression",
- /*  53 */ "relational_expression ::= relational_expression NEAR shift_expression",
- /*  54 */ "relational_expression ::= relational_expression NEAR2 shift_expression",
- /*  55 */ "relational_expression ::= relational_expression SIMILAR shift_expression",
- /*  56 */ "relational_expression ::= relational_expression TERM_EXTRACT shift_expression",
- /*  57 */ "relational_expression ::= relational_expression LCP shift_expression",
- /*  58 */ "relational_expression ::= relational_expression PREFIX shift_expression",
- /*  59 */ "relational_expression ::= relational_expression SUFFIX shift_expression",
- /*  60 */ "relational_expression ::= relational_expression REGEXP shift_expression",
- /*  61 */ "shift_expression ::= additive_expression",
- /*  62 */ "shift_expression ::= shift_expression SHIFTL additive_expression",
- /*  63 */ "shift_expression ::= shift_expression SHIFTR additive_expression",
- /*  64 */ "shift_expression ::= shift_expression SHIFTRR additive_expression",
- /*  65 */ "additive_expression ::= multiplicative_expression",
- /*  66 */ "additive_expression ::= additive_expression PLUS multiplicative_expression",
- /*  67 */ "additive_expression ::= additive_expression MINUS multiplicative_expression",
- /*  68 */ "multiplicative_expression ::= unary_expression",
- /*  69 */ "multiplicative_expression ::= multiplicative_expression STAR unary_expression",
- /*  70 */ "multiplicative_expression ::= multiplicative_expression SLASH unary_expression",
- /*  71 */ "multiplicative_expression ::= multiplicative_expression MOD unary_expression",
- /*  72 */ "unary_expression ::= postfix_expression",
- /*  73 */ "unary_expression ::= DELETE unary_expression",
- /*  74 */ "unary_expression ::= INCR unary_expression",
- /*  75 */ "unary_expression ::= DECR unary_expression",
- /*  76 */ "unary_expression ::= PLUS unary_expression",
- /*  77 */ "unary_expression ::= MINUS unary_expression",
- /*  78 */ "unary_expression ::= NOT unary_expression",
- /*  79 */ "unary_expression ::= BITWISE_NOT unary_expression",
- /*  80 */ "unary_expression ::= ADJUST unary_expression",
- /*  81 */ "unary_expression ::= EXACT unary_expression",
- /*  82 */ "unary_expression ::= PARTIAL unary_expression",
- /*  83 */ "unary_expression ::= UNSPLIT unary_expression",
- /*  84 */ "postfix_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression",
- /*  85 */ "postfix_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression INCR",
- /*  86 */ "postfix_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression DECR",
- /*  87 */ "lefthand_side_expression ::= call_expression",
- /*  88 */ "lefthand_side_expression ::= member_expression",
- /*  89 */ "call_expression ::= member_expression arguments",
- /*  90 */ "member_expression ::= primary_expression",
- /*  91 */ "member_expression ::= member_expression member_expression_part",
- /*  92 */ "primary_expression ::= object_literal",
- /*  93 */ "primary_expression ::= PARENL expression PARENR",
- /*  94 */ "primary_expression ::= IDENTIFIER",
- /*  95 */ "primary_expression ::= array_literal",
- /*  96 */ "primary_expression ::= DECIMAL",
- /*  97 */ "primary_expression ::= HEX_INTEGER",
- /*  98 */ "primary_expression ::= STRING",
- /*  99 */ "primary_expression ::= BOOLEAN",
- /* 100 */ "primary_expression ::= NULL",
- /* 101 */ "array_literal ::= BRACKETL elision BRACKETR",
- /* 102 */ "array_literal ::= BRACKETL element_list elision BRACKETR",
- /* 103 */ "array_literal ::= BRACKETL element_list BRACKETR",
- /* 104 */ "elision ::= COMMA",
- /* 105 */ "elision ::= elision COMMA",
- /* 106 */ "element_list ::= assignment_expression",
- /* 107 */ "element_list ::= elision assignment_expression",
- /* 108 */ "element_list ::= element_list elision assignment_expression",
- /* 109 */ "object_literal ::= BRACEL property_name_and_value_list BRACER",
- /* 110 */ "property_name_and_value_list ::=",
- /* 111 */ "property_name_and_value_list ::= property_name_and_value",
- /* 112 */ "property_name_and_value_list ::= property_name_and_value_list COMMA property_name_and_value",
- /* 113 */ "property_name_and_value ::= property_name COLON assignment_expression",
- /* 114 */ "property_name ::= STRING",
- /* 115 */ "member_expression_part ::= BRACKETL expression BRACKETR",
- /* 116 */ "member_expression_part ::= DOT IDENTIFIER",
- /* 117 */ "arguments ::= PARENL argument_list PARENR",
- /* 118 */ "argument_list ::=",
- /* 119 */ "argument_list ::= assignment_expression",
- /* 120 */ "argument_list ::= argument_list COMMA assignment_expression",
- /* 121 */ "output_columns ::=",
- /* 122 */ "output_columns ::= output_column",
- /* 123 */ "output_columns ::= output_columns COMMA output_column",
- /* 124 */ "output_column ::= STAR",
- /* 125 */ "output_column ::= NONEXISTENT_COLUMN",
- /* 126 */ "output_column ::= assignment_expression",
- /* 127 */ "adjuster ::=",
- /* 128 */ "adjuster ::= adjust_expression",
- /* 129 */ "adjuster ::= adjuster PLUS adjust_expression",
- /* 130 */ "adjust_expression ::= adjust_match_expression",
- /* 131 */ "adjust_expression ::= adjust_match_expression STAR DECIMAL",
- /* 132 */ "adjust_match_expression ::= IDENTIFIER MATCH STRING",
+ /*   0 */ "query ::= query query_element",
+ /*   1 */ "query ::= query LOGICAL_AND query_element",
+ /*   2 */ "query ::= query LOGICAL_AND_NOT query_element",
+ /*   3 */ "query ::= query LOGICAL_OR query_element",
+ /*   4 */ "query_element ::= RELATIVE_OP query_element",
+ /*   5 */ "query_element ::= IDENTIFIER RELATIVE_OP query_element",
+ /*   6 */ "query_element ::= BRACEL expression BRACER",
+ /*   7 */ "query_element ::= EVAL primary_expression",
+ /*   8 */ "expression ::= expression COMMA assignment_expression",
+ /*   9 */ "assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression ASSIGN assignment_expression",
+ /*  10 */ "assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression STAR_ASSIGN assignment_expression",
+ /*  11 */ "assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression SLASH_ASSIGN assignment_expression",
+ /*  12 */ "assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression MOD_ASSIGN assignment_expression",
+ /*  13 */ "assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression PLUS_ASSIGN assignment_expression",
+ /*  14 */ "assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression MINUS_ASSIGN assignment_expression",
+ /*  15 */ "assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression SHIFTL_ASSIGN assignment_expression",
+ /*  16 */ "assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression SHIFTR_ASSIGN assignment_expression",
+ /*  17 */ "assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression SHIFTRR_ASSIGN assignment_expression",
+ /*  18 */ "assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression AND_ASSIGN assignment_expression",
+ /*  19 */ "assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression XOR_ASSIGN assignment_expression",
+ /*  20 */ "assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression OR_ASSIGN assignment_expression",
+ /*  21 */ "conditional_expression ::= logical_or_expression QUESTION assignment_expression COLON assignment_expression",
+ /*  22 */ "logical_or_expression ::= logical_or_expression LOGICAL_OR logical_and_expression",
+ /*  23 */ "logical_and_expression ::= logical_and_expression LOGICAL_AND bitwise_or_expression",
+ /*  24 */ "logical_and_expression ::= logical_and_expression LOGICAL_AND_NOT bitwise_or_expression",
+ /*  25 */ "bitwise_or_expression ::= bitwise_or_expression BITWISE_OR bitwise_xor_expression",
+ /*  26 */ "bitwise_xor_expression ::= bitwise_xor_expression BITWISE_XOR bitwise_and_expression",
+ /*  27 */ "bitwise_and_expression ::= bitwise_and_expression BITWISE_AND equality_expression",
+ /*  28 */ "equality_expression ::= equality_expression EQUAL relational_expression",
+ /*  29 */ "equality_expression ::= equality_expression NOT_EQUAL relational_expression",
+ /*  30 */ "relational_expression ::= relational_expression LESS shift_expression",
+ /*  31 */ "relational_expression ::= relational_expression GREATER shift_expression",
+ /*  32 */ "relational_expression ::= relational_expression LESS_EQUAL shift_expression",
+ /*  33 */ "relational_expression ::= relational_expression GREATER_EQUAL shift_expression",
+ /*  34 */ "relational_expression ::= relational_expression IN shift_expression",
+ /*  35 */ "relational_expression ::= relational_expression MATCH shift_expression",
+ /*  36 */ "relational_expression ::= relational_expression NEAR shift_expression",
+ /*  37 */ "relational_expression ::= relational_expression NEAR2 shift_expression",
+ /*  38 */ "relational_expression ::= relational_expression SIMILAR shift_expression",
+ /*  39 */ "relational_expression ::= relational_expression TERM_EXTRACT shift_expression",
+ /*  40 */ "relational_expression ::= relational_expression LCP shift_expression",
+ /*  41 */ "relational_expression ::= relational_expression PREFIX shift_expression",
+ /*  42 */ "relational_expression ::= relational_expression SUFFIX shift_expression",
+ /*  43 */ "relational_expression ::= relational_expression REGEXP shift_expression",
+ /*  44 */ "shift_expression ::= shift_expression SHIFTL additive_expression",
+ /*  45 */ "shift_expression ::= shift_expression SHIFTR additive_expression",
+ /*  46 */ "shift_expression ::= shift_expression SHIFTRR additive_expression",
+ /*  47 */ "additive_expression ::= additive_expression PLUS multiplicative_expression",
+ /*  48 */ "additive_expression ::= additive_expression MINUS multiplicative_expression",
+ /*  49 */ "multiplicative_expression ::= multiplicative_expression STAR unary_expression",
+ /*  50 */ "multiplicative_expression ::= multiplicative_expression SLASH unary_expression",
+ /*  51 */ "multiplicative_expression ::= multiplicative_expression MOD unary_expression",
+ /*  52 */ "unary_expression ::= DELETE unary_expression",
+ /*  53 */ "unary_expression ::= INCR unary_expression",
+ /*  54 */ "unary_expression ::= DECR unary_expression",
+ /*  55 */ "unary_expression ::= PLUS unary_expression",
+ /*  56 */ "unary_expression ::= MINUS unary_expression",
+ /*  57 */ "unary_expression ::= NOT unary_expression",
+ /*  58 */ "unary_expression ::= BITWISE_NOT unary_expression",
+ /*  59 */ "unary_expression ::= ADJUST unary_expression",
+ /*  60 */ "unary_expression ::= EXACT unary_expression",
+ /*  61 */ "unary_expression ::= PARTIAL unary_expression",
+ /*  62 */ "unary_expression ::= UNSPLIT unary_expression",
+ /*  63 */ "postfix_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression INCR",
+ /*  64 */ "postfix_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression DECR",
+ /*  65 */ "call_expression ::= member_expression arguments",
+ /*  66 */ "object_literal ::= BRACEL property_name_and_value_list BRACER",
+ /*  67 */ "property_name_and_value_list ::=",
+ /*  68 */ "property_name_and_value ::= property_name COLON assignment_expression",
+ /*  69 */ "member_expression_part ::= BRACKETL expression BRACKETR",
+ /*  70 */ "arguments ::= PARENL argument_list PARENR",
+ /*  71 */ "argument_list ::=",
+ /*  72 */ "argument_list ::= assignment_expression",
+ /*  73 */ "argument_list ::= argument_list COMMA assignment_expression",
+ /*  74 */ "output_columns ::=",
+ /*  75 */ "output_columns ::= output_column",
+ /*  76 */ "output_columns ::= output_columns COMMA",
+ /*  77 */ "output_columns ::= output_columns COMMA output_column",
+ /*  78 */ "output_column ::= STAR",
+ /*  79 */ "output_column ::= NONEXISTENT_COLUMN",
+ /*  80 */ "output_column ::= assignment_expression",
+ /*  81 */ "adjuster ::= adjuster PLUS adjust_expression",
+ /*  82 */ "adjust_expression ::= adjust_match_expression STAR DECIMAL",
+ /*  83 */ "adjust_match_expression ::= IDENTIFIER MATCH STRING",
+ /*  84 */ "input ::= query",
+ /*  85 */ "input ::= expression",
+ /*  86 */ "input ::= START_OUTPUT_COLUMNS output_columns",
+ /*  87 */ "input ::= START_ADJUSTER adjuster",
+ /*  88 */ "query ::= query_element",
+ /*  89 */ "query_element ::= QSTRING",
+ /*  90 */ "query_element ::= PARENL query PARENR",
+ /*  91 */ "expression ::= assignment_expression",
+ /*  92 */ "assignment_expression ::= conditional_expression",
+ /*  93 */ "conditional_expression ::= logical_or_expression",
+ /*  94 */ "logical_or_expression ::= logical_and_expression",
+ /*  95 */ "logical_and_expression ::= bitwise_or_expression",
+ /*  96 */ "bitwise_or_expression ::= bitwise_xor_expression",
+ /*  97 */ "bitwise_xor_expression ::= bitwise_and_expression",
+ /*  98 */ "bitwise_and_expression ::= equality_expression",
+ /*  99 */ "equality_expression ::= relational_expression",
+ /* 100 */ "relational_expression ::= shift_expression",
+ /* 101 */ "shift_expression ::= additive_expression",
+ /* 102 */ "additive_expression ::= multiplicative_expression",
+ /* 103 */ "multiplicative_expression ::= unary_expression",
+ /* 104 */ "unary_expression ::= postfix_expression",
+ /* 105 */ "postfix_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression",
+ /* 106 */ "lefthand_side_expression ::= call_expression",
+ /* 107 */ "lefthand_side_expression ::= member_expression",
+ /* 108 */ "member_expression ::= primary_expression",
+ /* 109 */ "member_expression ::= member_expression member_expression_part",
+ /* 110 */ "primary_expression ::= object_literal",
+ /* 111 */ "primary_expression ::= PARENL expression PARENR",
+ /* 112 */ "primary_expression ::= IDENTIFIER",
+ /* 113 */ "primary_expression ::= array_literal",
+ /* 114 */ "primary_expression ::= DECIMAL",
+ /* 115 */ "primary_expression ::= HEX_INTEGER",
+ /* 116 */ "primary_expression ::= STRING",
+ /* 117 */ "primary_expression ::= BOOLEAN",
+ /* 118 */ "primary_expression ::= NULL",
+ /* 119 */ "array_literal ::= BRACKETL elision BRACKETR",
+ /* 120 */ "array_literal ::= BRACKETL element_list elision BRACKETR",
+ /* 121 */ "array_literal ::= BRACKETL element_list BRACKETR",
+ /* 122 */ "elision ::= COMMA",
+ /* 123 */ "elision ::= elision COMMA",
+ /* 124 */ "element_list ::= assignment_expression",
+ /* 125 */ "element_list ::= elision assignment_expression",
+ /* 126 */ "element_list ::= element_list elision assignment_expression",
+ /* 127 */ "property_name_and_value_list ::= property_name_and_value",
+ /* 128 */ "property_name_and_value_list ::= property_name_and_value_list COMMA property_name_and_value",
+ /* 129 */ "property_name ::= STRING",
+ /* 130 */ "member_expression_part ::= DOT IDENTIFIER",
+ /* 131 */ "adjuster ::=",
+ /* 132 */ "adjuster ::= adjust_expression",
+ /* 133 */ "adjust_expression ::= adjust_match_expression",
 #endif /* NDEBUG */
@@ -958,7 +957,7 @@ static void yy_destructor(
-#line 962 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 961 "grn_ecmascript.c"
 /********* End destructor definitions *****************************************/
@@ -1023,7 +1022,7 @@ int grn_expr_parserStackPeak(void *p){
 ** Find the appropriate action for a parser given the terminal
 ** look-ahead token iLookAhead.
-static int yy_find_shift_action(
+static unsigned int yy_find_shift_action(
   yyParser *pParser,        /* The parser */
   YYCODETYPE iLookAhead     /* The look-ahead token */
@@ -1119,7 +1118,7 @@ static int yy_find_reduce_action(
 ** The following routine is called if the stack overflows.
-static void yyStackOverflow(yyParser *yypParser, YYMINORTYPE *yypMinor){
+static void yyStackOverflow(yyParser *yypParser){
 #ifndef NDEBUG
@@ -1162,7 +1161,7 @@ static void yy_shift(
   yyParser *yypParser,          /* The parser to be shifted */
   int yyNewState,               /* The new state to shift in */
   int yyMajor,                  /* The major token to shift in */
-  YYMINORTYPE *yypMinor         /* Pointer to the minor token to shift in */
+  grn_expr_parserTOKENTYPE yyMinor        /* The minor token to shift in */
   yyStackEntry *yytos;
@@ -1173,14 +1172,14 @@ static void yy_shift(
   if( yypParser->yyidx>=YYSTACKDEPTH ){
-    yyStackOverflow(yypParser, yypMinor);
+    yyStackOverflow(yypParser);
   if( yypParser->yyidx>=yypParser->yystksz ){
     if( yypParser->yyidx>=yypParser->yystksz ){
-      yyStackOverflow(yypParser, yypMinor);
+      yyStackOverflow(yypParser);
@@ -1188,7 +1187,7 @@ static void yy_shift(
   yytos = &yypParser->yystack[yypParser->yyidx];
   yytos->stateno = (YYACTIONTYPE)yyNewState;
   yytos->major = (YYCODETYPE)yyMajor;
-  yytos->minor = *yypMinor;
+  yytos->minor.yy0 = yyMinor;
   yyTraceShift(yypParser, yyNewState);
@@ -1199,24 +1198,15 @@ static const struct {
   YYCODETYPE lhs;         /* Symbol on the left-hand side of the rule */
   unsigned char nrhs;     /* Number of right-hand side symbols in the rule */
 } yyRuleInfo[] = {
-  { 76, 1 },
-  { 76, 1 },
-  { 76, 2 },
-  { 76, 2 },
-  { 77, 1 },
   { 77, 2 },
   { 77, 3 },
   { 77, 3 },
   { 77, 3 },
-  { 81, 1 },
-  { 81, 3 },
   { 81, 2 },
   { 81, 3 },
   { 81, 3 },
   { 81, 2 },
-  { 78, 1 },
   { 78, 3 },
-  { 83, 1 },
   { 83, 3 },
   { 83, 3 },
   { 83, 3 },
@@ -1229,23 +1219,15 @@ static const struct {
   { 83, 3 },
   { 83, 3 },
   { 83, 3 },
-  { 84, 1 },
   { 84, 5 },
-  { 86, 1 },
   { 86, 3 },
-  { 87, 1 },
   { 87, 3 },
   { 87, 3 },
-  { 88, 1 },
   { 88, 3 },
-  { 89, 1 },
   { 89, 3 },
-  { 90, 1 },
   { 90, 3 },
-  { 91, 1 },
   { 91, 3 },
   { 91, 3 },
-  { 92, 1 },
   { 92, 3 },
   { 92, 3 },
   { 92, 3 },
@@ -1260,18 +1242,14 @@ static const struct {
   { 92, 3 },
   { 92, 3 },
   { 92, 3 },
-  { 93, 1 },
   { 93, 3 },
   { 93, 3 },
   { 93, 3 },
-  { 94, 1 },
   { 94, 3 },
   { 94, 3 },
-  { 95, 1 },
   { 95, 3 },
   { 95, 3 },
   { 95, 3 },
-  { 96, 1 },
   { 96, 2 },
   { 96, 2 },
   { 96, 2 },
@@ -1283,12 +1261,51 @@ static const struct {
   { 96, 2 },
   { 96, 2 },
   { 96, 2 },
-  { 97, 1 },
   { 97, 2 },
   { 97, 2 },
+  { 98, 2 },
+  { 102, 3 },
+  { 106, 0 },
+  { 107, 3 },
+  { 101, 3 },
+  { 100, 3 },
+  { 109, 0 },
+  { 109, 1 },
+  { 109, 3 },
+  { 79, 0 },
+  { 79, 1 },
+  { 79, 2 },
+  { 79, 3 },
+  { 110, 1 },
+  { 110, 1 },
+  { 110, 1 },
+  { 80, 3 },
+  { 111, 3 },
+  { 112, 3 },
+  { 76, 1 },
+  { 76, 1 },
+  { 76, 2 },
+  { 76, 2 },
+  { 77, 1 },
+  { 81, 1 },
+  { 81, 3 },
+  { 78, 1 },
+  { 83, 1 },
+  { 84, 1 },
+  { 86, 1 },
+  { 87, 1 },
+  { 88, 1 },
+  { 89, 1 },
+  { 90, 1 },
+  { 91, 1 },
+  { 92, 1 },
+  { 93, 1 },
+  { 94, 1 },
+  { 95, 1 },
+  { 96, 1 },
+  { 97, 1 },
   { 85, 1 },
   { 85, 1 },
-  { 98, 2 },
   { 99, 1 },
   { 99, 2 },
   { 82, 1 },
@@ -1308,30 +1325,13 @@ static const struct {
   { 105, 1 },
   { 105, 2 },
   { 105, 3 },
-  { 102, 3 },
-  { 106, 0 },
   { 106, 1 },
   { 106, 3 },
-  { 107, 3 },
   { 108, 1 },
-  { 101, 3 },
   { 101, 2 },
-  { 100, 3 },
-  { 109, 0 },
-  { 109, 1 },
-  { 109, 3 },
-  { 79, 0 },
-  { 79, 1 },
-  { 79, 3 },
-  { 110, 1 },
-  { 110, 1 },
-  { 110, 1 },
   { 80, 0 },
   { 80, 1 },
-  { 80, 3 },
   { 111, 1 },
-  { 111, 3 },
-  { 112, 3 },
 static void yy_accept(yyParser*);  /* Forward Declaration */
@@ -1342,24 +1342,46 @@ static void yy_accept(yyParser*);  /* Forward Declaration */
 static void yy_reduce(
   yyParser *yypParser,         /* The parser */
-  int yyruleno                 /* Number of the rule by which to reduce */
+  unsigned int yyruleno        /* Number of the rule by which to reduce */
   int yygoto;                     /* The next state */
   int yyact;                      /* The next action */
-  YYMINORTYPE yygotominor;        /* The LHS of the rule reduced */
   yyStackEntry *yymsp;            /* The top of the parser's stack */
   int yysize;                     /* Amount to pop the stack */
   yymsp = &yypParser->yystack[yypParser->yyidx];
 #ifndef NDEBUG
-  if( yyTraceFILE && yyruleno>=0 
-        && yyruleno<(int)(sizeof(yyRuleName)/sizeof(yyRuleName[0])) ){
+  if( yyTraceFILE && yyruleno<(int)(sizeof(yyRuleName)/sizeof(yyRuleName[0])) ){
     yysize = yyRuleInfo[yyruleno].nrhs;
     fprintf(yyTraceFILE, "%sReduce [%s], go to state %d.\n", yyTracePrompt,
       yyRuleName[yyruleno], yymsp[-yysize].stateno);
 #endif /* NDEBUG */
-  yygotominor = yyzerominor;
+  /* Check that the stack is large enough to grow by a single entry
+  ** if the RHS of the rule is empty.  This ensures that there is room
+  ** enough on the stack to push the LHS value */
+  if( yyRuleInfo[yyruleno].nrhs==0 ){
+    if( yypParser->yyidx>yypParser->yyidxMax ){
+      yypParser->yyidxMax = yypParser->yyidx;
+    }
+    if( yypParser->yyidx>=YYSTACKDEPTH-1 ){
+      yyStackOverflow(yypParser);
+      return;
+    }
+    if( yypParser->yyidx>=yypParser->yystksz-1 ){
+      yyGrowStack(yypParser);
+      if( yypParser->yyidx>=yypParser->yystksz-1 ){
+        yyStackOverflow(yypParser);
+        return;
+      }
+    }
+  }
   switch( yyruleno ){
   /* Beginning here are the reduction cases.  A typical example
@@ -1371,46 +1393,47 @@ static void yy_reduce(
   **     break;
 /********** Begin reduce actions **********************************************/
-      case 5: /* query ::= query query_element */
+        YYMINORTYPE yylhsminor;
+      case 0: /* query ::= query query_element */
 #line 46 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, grn_int32_value_at(&efsi->op_stack, -1), 2);
-#line 1380 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1403 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 6: /* query ::= query LOGICAL_AND query_element */
-      case 35: /* logical_and_expression ::= logical_and_expression LOGICAL_AND bitwise_or_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==35);
+      case 1: /* query ::= query LOGICAL_AND query_element */
+      case 23: /* logical_and_expression ::= logical_and_expression LOGICAL_AND bitwise_or_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==23);
 #line 49 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_AND, 2);
-#line 1388 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1411 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 7: /* query ::= query LOGICAL_AND_NOT query_element */
-      case 36: /* logical_and_expression ::= logical_and_expression LOGICAL_AND_NOT bitwise_or_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==36);
+      case 2: /* query ::= query LOGICAL_AND_NOT query_element */
+      case 24: /* logical_and_expression ::= logical_and_expression LOGICAL_AND_NOT bitwise_or_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==24);
 #line 52 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_AND_NOT, 2);
-#line 1396 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1419 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 8: /* query ::= query LOGICAL_OR query_element */
-      case 33: /* logical_or_expression ::= logical_or_expression LOGICAL_OR logical_and_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==33);
+      case 3: /* query ::= query LOGICAL_OR query_element */
+      case 22: /* logical_or_expression ::= logical_or_expression LOGICAL_OR logical_and_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==22);
 #line 55 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_OR, 2);
-#line 1404 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1427 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 11: /* query_element ::= RELATIVE_OP query_element */
+      case 4: /* query_element ::= RELATIVE_OP query_element */
 #line 62 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   int mode;
   GRN_INT32_POP(&efsi->mode_stack, mode);
-#line 1412 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1435 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 12: /* query_element ::= IDENTIFIER RELATIVE_OP query_element */
+      case 5: /* query_element ::= IDENTIFIER RELATIVE_OP query_element */
 #line 66 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   int mode;
@@ -1435,316 +1458,316 @@ static void yy_reduce(
-#line 1439 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1462 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 13: /* query_element ::= BRACEL expression BRACER */
-      case 14: /* query_element ::= EVAL primary_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==14);
+      case 6: /* query_element ::= BRACEL expression BRACER */
+      case 7: /* query_element ::= EVAL primary_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==7);
 #line 89 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   efsi->flags = efsi->default_flags;
-#line 1447 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1470 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 16: /* expression ::= expression COMMA assignment_expression */
+      case 8: /* expression ::= expression COMMA assignment_expression */
 #line 97 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_COMMA, 2);
-#line 1454 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1477 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 18: /* assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression ASSIGN assignment_expression */
+      case 9: /* assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression ASSIGN assignment_expression */
 #line 102 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_ASSIGN, 2);
-#line 1461 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1484 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 19: /* assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression STAR_ASSIGN assignment_expression */
+      case 10: /* assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression STAR_ASSIGN assignment_expression */
 #line 105 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_STAR_ASSIGN, 2);
-#line 1468 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1491 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 20: /* assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression SLASH_ASSIGN assignment_expression */
+      case 11: /* assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression SLASH_ASSIGN assignment_expression */
 #line 108 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_SLASH_ASSIGN, 2);
-#line 1475 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1498 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 21: /* assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression MOD_ASSIGN assignment_expression */
+      case 12: /* assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression MOD_ASSIGN assignment_expression */
 #line 111 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_MOD_ASSIGN, 2);
-#line 1482 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1505 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 22: /* assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression PLUS_ASSIGN assignment_expression */
+      case 13: /* assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression PLUS_ASSIGN assignment_expression */
 #line 114 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_PLUS_ASSIGN, 2);
-#line 1489 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1512 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 23: /* assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression MINUS_ASSIGN assignment_expression */
+      case 14: /* assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression MINUS_ASSIGN assignment_expression */
 #line 117 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_MINUS_ASSIGN, 2);
-#line 1496 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1519 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 24: /* assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression SHIFTL_ASSIGN assignment_expression */
+      case 15: /* assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression SHIFTL_ASSIGN assignment_expression */
 #line 120 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_SHIFTL_ASSIGN, 2);
-#line 1503 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1526 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 25: /* assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression SHIFTR_ASSIGN assignment_expression */
+      case 16: /* assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression SHIFTR_ASSIGN assignment_expression */
 #line 123 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_SHIFTR_ASSIGN, 2);
-#line 1510 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1533 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 26: /* assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression SHIFTRR_ASSIGN assignment_expression */
+      case 17: /* assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression SHIFTRR_ASSIGN assignment_expression */
 #line 126 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_SHIFTRR_ASSIGN, 2);
-#line 1517 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1540 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 27: /* assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression AND_ASSIGN assignment_expression */
+      case 18: /* assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression AND_ASSIGN assignment_expression */
 #line 129 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_AND_ASSIGN, 2);
-#line 1524 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1547 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 28: /* assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression XOR_ASSIGN assignment_expression */
+      case 19: /* assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression XOR_ASSIGN assignment_expression */
 #line 132 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_XOR_ASSIGN, 2);
-#line 1531 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1554 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 29: /* assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression OR_ASSIGN assignment_expression */
+      case 20: /* assignment_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression OR_ASSIGN assignment_expression */
 #line 135 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_OR_ASSIGN, 2);
-#line 1538 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1561 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 31: /* conditional_expression ::= logical_or_expression QUESTION assignment_expression COLON assignment_expression */
+      case 21: /* conditional_expression ::= logical_or_expression QUESTION assignment_expression COLON assignment_expression */
 #line 140 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr *e = (grn_expr *)efsi->e;
   e->codes[yymsp[-3].minor.yy0].nargs = yymsp[-1].minor.yy0 - yymsp[-3].minor.yy0;
   e->codes[yymsp[-1].minor.yy0].nargs = e->codes_curr - yymsp[-1].minor.yy0 - 1;
-#line 1547 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1570 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 38: /* bitwise_or_expression ::= bitwise_or_expression BITWISE_OR bitwise_xor_expression */
+      case 25: /* bitwise_or_expression ::= bitwise_or_expression BITWISE_OR bitwise_xor_expression */
 #line 160 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_BITWISE_OR, 2);
-#line 1554 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1577 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 40: /* bitwise_xor_expression ::= bitwise_xor_expression BITWISE_XOR bitwise_and_expression */
+      case 26: /* bitwise_xor_expression ::= bitwise_xor_expression BITWISE_XOR bitwise_and_expression */
 #line 165 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_BITWISE_XOR, 2);
-#line 1561 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1584 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 42: /* bitwise_and_expression ::= bitwise_and_expression BITWISE_AND equality_expression */
+      case 27: /* bitwise_and_expression ::= bitwise_and_expression BITWISE_AND equality_expression */
 #line 170 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_BITWISE_AND, 2);
-#line 1568 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1591 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 44: /* equality_expression ::= equality_expression EQUAL relational_expression */
+      case 28: /* equality_expression ::= equality_expression EQUAL relational_expression */
 #line 175 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_EQUAL, 2);
-#line 1575 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1598 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 45: /* equality_expression ::= equality_expression NOT_EQUAL relational_expression */
+      case 29: /* equality_expression ::= equality_expression NOT_EQUAL relational_expression */
 #line 178 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_NOT_EQUAL, 2);
-#line 1582 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1605 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 47: /* relational_expression ::= relational_expression LESS shift_expression */
+      case 30: /* relational_expression ::= relational_expression LESS shift_expression */
 #line 183 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_LESS, 2);
-#line 1589 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1612 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 48: /* relational_expression ::= relational_expression GREATER shift_expression */
+      case 31: /* relational_expression ::= relational_expression GREATER shift_expression */
 #line 186 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_GREATER, 2);
-#line 1596 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1619 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 49: /* relational_expression ::= relational_expression LESS_EQUAL shift_expression */
+      case 32: /* relational_expression ::= relational_expression LESS_EQUAL shift_expression */
 #line 189 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_LESS_EQUAL, 2);
-#line 1603 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1626 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 50: /* relational_expression ::= relational_expression GREATER_EQUAL shift_expression */
+      case 33: /* relational_expression ::= relational_expression GREATER_EQUAL shift_expression */
 #line 192 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_GREATER_EQUAL, 2);
-#line 1610 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1633 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 51: /* relational_expression ::= relational_expression IN shift_expression */
+      case 34: /* relational_expression ::= relational_expression IN shift_expression */
 #line 195 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_IN, 2);
-#line 1617 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1640 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 52: /* relational_expression ::= relational_expression MATCH shift_expression */
-      case 132: /* adjust_match_expression ::= IDENTIFIER MATCH STRING */ yytestcase(yyruleno==132);
+      case 35: /* relational_expression ::= relational_expression MATCH shift_expression */
+      case 83: /* adjust_match_expression ::= IDENTIFIER MATCH STRING */ yytestcase(yyruleno==83);
 #line 198 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_MATCH, 2);
-#line 1625 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1648 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 53: /* relational_expression ::= relational_expression NEAR shift_expression */
+      case 36: /* relational_expression ::= relational_expression NEAR shift_expression */
 #line 201 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_NEAR, 2);
-#line 1632 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1655 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 54: /* relational_expression ::= relational_expression NEAR2 shift_expression */
+      case 37: /* relational_expression ::= relational_expression NEAR2 shift_expression */
 #line 204 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_NEAR2, 2);
-#line 1639 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1662 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 55: /* relational_expression ::= relational_expression SIMILAR shift_expression */
+      case 38: /* relational_expression ::= relational_expression SIMILAR shift_expression */
 #line 207 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_SIMILAR, 2);
-#line 1646 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1669 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 56: /* relational_expression ::= relational_expression TERM_EXTRACT shift_expression */
+      case 39: /* relational_expression ::= relational_expression TERM_EXTRACT shift_expression */
 #line 210 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_TERM_EXTRACT, 2);
-#line 1653 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1676 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 57: /* relational_expression ::= relational_expression LCP shift_expression */
+      case 40: /* relational_expression ::= relational_expression LCP shift_expression */
 #line 213 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_LCP, 2);
-#line 1660 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1683 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 58: /* relational_expression ::= relational_expression PREFIX shift_expression */
+      case 41: /* relational_expression ::= relational_expression PREFIX shift_expression */
 #line 216 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_PREFIX, 2);
-#line 1667 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1690 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 59: /* relational_expression ::= relational_expression SUFFIX shift_expression */
+      case 42: /* relational_expression ::= relational_expression SUFFIX shift_expression */
 #line 219 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_SUFFIX, 2);
-#line 1674 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1697 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 60: /* relational_expression ::= relational_expression REGEXP shift_expression */
+      case 43: /* relational_expression ::= relational_expression REGEXP shift_expression */
 #line 222 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_REGEXP, 2);
-#line 1681 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1704 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 62: /* shift_expression ::= shift_expression SHIFTL additive_expression */
+      case 44: /* shift_expression ::= shift_expression SHIFTL additive_expression */
 #line 227 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_SHIFTL, 2);
-#line 1688 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1711 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 63: /* shift_expression ::= shift_expression SHIFTR additive_expression */
+      case 45: /* shift_expression ::= shift_expression SHIFTR additive_expression */
 #line 230 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_SHIFTR, 2);
-#line 1695 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1718 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 64: /* shift_expression ::= shift_expression SHIFTRR additive_expression */
+      case 46: /* shift_expression ::= shift_expression SHIFTRR additive_expression */
 #line 233 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_SHIFTRR, 2);
-#line 1702 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1725 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 66: /* additive_expression ::= additive_expression PLUS multiplicative_expression */
-      case 129: /* adjuster ::= adjuster PLUS adjust_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==129);
+      case 47: /* additive_expression ::= additive_expression PLUS multiplicative_expression */
+      case 81: /* adjuster ::= adjuster PLUS adjust_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==81);
 #line 238 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_PLUS, 2);
-#line 1710 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1733 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 67: /* additive_expression ::= additive_expression MINUS multiplicative_expression */
+      case 48: /* additive_expression ::= additive_expression MINUS multiplicative_expression */
 #line 241 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_MINUS, 2);
-#line 1717 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1740 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 69: /* multiplicative_expression ::= multiplicative_expression STAR unary_expression */
-      case 131: /* adjust_expression ::= adjust_match_expression STAR DECIMAL */ yytestcase(yyruleno==131);
+      case 49: /* multiplicative_expression ::= multiplicative_expression STAR unary_expression */
+      case 82: /* adjust_expression ::= adjust_match_expression STAR DECIMAL */ yytestcase(yyruleno==82);
 #line 246 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_STAR, 2);
-#line 1725 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1748 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 70: /* multiplicative_expression ::= multiplicative_expression SLASH unary_expression */
+      case 50: /* multiplicative_expression ::= multiplicative_expression SLASH unary_expression */
 #line 249 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_SLASH, 2);
-#line 1732 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1755 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 71: /* multiplicative_expression ::= multiplicative_expression MOD unary_expression */
+      case 51: /* multiplicative_expression ::= multiplicative_expression MOD unary_expression */
 #line 252 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_MOD, 2);
-#line 1739 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1762 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 73: /* unary_expression ::= DELETE unary_expression */
+      case 52: /* unary_expression ::= DELETE unary_expression */
 #line 257 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_DELETE, 1);
-#line 1746 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1769 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 74: /* unary_expression ::= INCR unary_expression */
+      case 53: /* unary_expression ::= INCR unary_expression */
 #line 260 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_ctx *ctx = efsi->ctx;
@@ -1763,9 +1786,9 @@ static void yy_reduce(
     grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_INCR, 1);
-#line 1767 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1790 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 75: /* unary_expression ::= DECR unary_expression */
+      case 54: /* unary_expression ::= DECR unary_expression */
 #line 277 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_ctx *ctx = efsi->ctx;
@@ -1784,65 +1807,65 @@ static void yy_reduce(
     grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_DECR, 1);
-#line 1788 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1811 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 76: /* unary_expression ::= PLUS unary_expression */
+      case 55: /* unary_expression ::= PLUS unary_expression */
 #line 294 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_PLUS, 1);
-#line 1795 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1818 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 77: /* unary_expression ::= MINUS unary_expression */
+      case 56: /* unary_expression ::= MINUS unary_expression */
 #line 297 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_MINUS, 1);
-#line 1802 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1825 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 78: /* unary_expression ::= NOT unary_expression */
+      case 57: /* unary_expression ::= NOT unary_expression */
 #line 300 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_NOT, 1);
-#line 1809 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1832 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 79: /* unary_expression ::= BITWISE_NOT unary_expression */
+      case 58: /* unary_expression ::= BITWISE_NOT unary_expression */
 #line 303 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_BITWISE_NOT, 1);
-#line 1816 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1839 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 80: /* unary_expression ::= ADJUST unary_expression */
+      case 59: /* unary_expression ::= ADJUST unary_expression */
 #line 306 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_ADJUST, 1);
-#line 1823 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1846 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 81: /* unary_expression ::= EXACT unary_expression */
+      case 60: /* unary_expression ::= EXACT unary_expression */
 #line 309 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_EXACT, 1);
-#line 1830 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1853 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 82: /* unary_expression ::= PARTIAL unary_expression */
+      case 61: /* unary_expression ::= PARTIAL unary_expression */
 #line 312 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_PARTIAL, 1);
-#line 1837 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1860 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 83: /* unary_expression ::= UNSPLIT unary_expression */
+      case 62: /* unary_expression ::= UNSPLIT unary_expression */
 #line 315 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_UNSPLIT, 1);
-#line 1844 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1867 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 85: /* postfix_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression INCR */
+      case 63: /* postfix_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression INCR */
 #line 320 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_ctx *ctx = efsi->ctx;
@@ -1861,9 +1884,9 @@ static void yy_reduce(
     grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_INCR_POST, 1);
-#line 1865 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1888 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 86: /* postfix_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression DECR */
+      case 64: /* postfix_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression DECR */
 #line 337 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_ctx *ctx = efsi->ctx;
@@ -1882,16 +1905,16 @@ static void yy_reduce(
     grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_DECR_POST, 1);
-#line 1886 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1909 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 89: /* call_expression ::= member_expression arguments */
+      case 65: /* call_expression ::= member_expression arguments */
 #line 358 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_CALL, yymsp[0].minor.yy0);
-#line 1893 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1916 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 109: /* object_literal ::= BRACEL property_name_and_value_list BRACER */
+      case 66: /* object_literal ::= BRACEL property_name_and_value_list BRACER */
 #line 386 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_ctx *ctx = efsi->ctx;
@@ -1900,9 +1923,9 @@ static void yy_reduce(
                       GRN_OP_PUSH, 1);
   efsi->object_literal = NULL;
-#line 1904 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1927 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 110: /* property_name_and_value_list ::= */
+      case 67: /* property_name_and_value_list ::= */
 #line 394 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_ctx *ctx = efsi->ctx;
@@ -1916,9 +1939,9 @@ static void yy_reduce(
         (int)(efsi->str_end - efsi->str), efsi->str);
-#line 1920 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1943 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 113: /* property_name_and_value ::= property_name COLON assignment_expression */
+      case 68: /* property_name_and_value ::= property_name COLON assignment_expression */
 #line 409 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_ctx *ctx = efsi->ctx;
@@ -1960,69 +1983,76 @@ static void yy_reduce(
-#line 1964 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1987 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 115: /* member_expression_part ::= BRACKETL expression BRACKETR */
+      case 69: /* member_expression_part ::= BRACKETL expression BRACKETR */
 #line 452 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_GET_MEMBER, 2);
-#line 1971 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 1994 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 117: /* arguments ::= PARENL argument_list PARENR */
+      case 70: /* arguments ::= PARENL argument_list PARENR */
 #line 457 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
-{ yygotominor.yy0 = yymsp[-1].minor.yy0; }
-#line 1976 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+{ yymsp[-2].minor.yy0 = yymsp[-1].minor.yy0; }
+#line 1999 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 118: /* argument_list ::= */
+      case 71: /* argument_list ::= */
 #line 458 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
-{ yygotominor.yy0 = 0; }
-#line 1981 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+{ yymsp[1].minor.yy0 = 0; }
+#line 2004 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 119: /* argument_list ::= assignment_expression */
+      case 72: /* argument_list ::= assignment_expression */
 #line 459 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
-{ yygotominor.yy0 = 1; }
-#line 1986 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+{ yymsp[0].minor.yy0 = 1; }
+#line 2009 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 120: /* argument_list ::= argument_list COMMA assignment_expression */
+      case 73: /* argument_list ::= argument_list COMMA assignment_expression */
 #line 460 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
-{ yygotominor.yy0 = yymsp[-2].minor.yy0 + 1; }
-#line 1991 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+{ yylhsminor.yy0 = yymsp[-2].minor.yy0 + 1; }
+#line 2014 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+  yymsp[-2].minor.yy0 = yylhsminor.yy0;
-      case 121: /* output_columns ::= */
+      case 74: /* output_columns ::= */
 #line 462 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
-  yygotominor.yy0 = 0;
+  yymsp[1].minor.yy0 = 0;
-#line 1998 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 2022 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 122: /* output_columns ::= output_column */
+      case 75: /* output_columns ::= output_column */
 #line 465 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
-  if (yymsp[0].minor.yy0) {
-    yygotominor.yy0 = 0;
-  } else {
-    yygotominor.yy0 = 1;
-  }
+  yylhsminor.yy0 = yymsp[0].minor.yy0;
-#line 2009 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 2029 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+  yymsp[0].minor.yy0 = yylhsminor.yy0;
-      case 123: /* output_columns ::= output_columns COMMA output_column */
-#line 473 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
+      case 76: /* output_columns ::= output_columns COMMA */
+#line 469 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
-  if (yymsp[0].minor.yy0) {
-    yygotominor.yy0 = yymsp[-2].minor.yy0;
+  yylhsminor.yy0 = yymsp[-1].minor.yy0;
+#line 2037 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+  yymsp[-1].minor.yy0 = yylhsminor.yy0;
+        break;
+      case 77: /* output_columns ::= output_columns COMMA output_column */
+#line 474 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
+  if (yymsp[0].minor.yy0 == 0) {
+    yylhsminor.yy0 = yymsp[-2].minor.yy0;
   } else {
-    if (yymsp[-2].minor.yy0 == 1) {
+    if (yymsp[-2].minor.yy0 > 0 || yymsp[0].minor.yy0 > 1) {
       grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_COMMA, 2);
-    yygotominor.yy0 = 1;
+    yylhsminor.yy0 = 1;
-#line 2023 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 2052 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+  yymsp[-2].minor.yy0 = yylhsminor.yy0;
-      case 124: /* output_column ::= STAR */
-#line 484 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
+      case 78: /* output_column ::= STAR */
+#line 485 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
   grn_ctx *ctx = efsi->ctx;
   grn_obj *expr = efsi->e;
@@ -2034,125 +2064,129 @@ static void yy_reduce(
     grn_obj columns_buffer;
     grn_obj **columns;
     int i, n_columns;
+    int n_output_columns;
     GRN_PTR_INIT(&columns_buffer, GRN_OBJ_VECTOR, GRN_ID_NIL);
     grn_obj_columns(ctx, table, "*", strlen("*"), &columns_buffer);
     n_columns = GRN_BULK_VSIZE(&columns_buffer) / sizeof(grn_obj *);
     columns = (grn_obj **)GRN_BULK_HEAD(&columns_buffer);
+    if (e->codes_curr == 0) {
+      n_output_columns = 0;
+    } else {
+      grn_expr_code *codes;
+      grn_expr_code *codes_end;
+      n_output_columns = 1;
+      codes_end = e->codes + e->codes_curr;
+      for (codes = e->codes; codes < codes_end; codes++) {
+        if (codes[0].op == GRN_OP_COMMA) {
+          n_output_columns++;
+        }
+      }
+    }
     for (i = 0; i < n_columns; i++) {
-      if (i > 0) {
+      if (n_output_columns > 1 && i > 0) {
         grn_expr_append_op(ctx, expr, GRN_OP_COMMA, 2);
       grn_expr_append_const(ctx, expr, columns[i], GRN_OP_GET_VALUE, 1);
+      n_output_columns++;
       GRN_PTR_PUT(ctx, &e->objs, columns[i]);
     GRN_OBJ_FIN(ctx, &columns_buffer);
-    if (n_columns > 0) {
-      yygotominor.yy0 = GRN_FALSE;
-    } else {
-      yygotominor.yy0 = GRN_TRUE;
-    }
+    yymsp[0].minor.yy0 = n_columns;
   } else {
     /* TODO: report error */
-    yygotominor.yy0 = GRN_TRUE;
+    yymsp[0].minor.yy0 = 0;
-#line 2064 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 2107 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 125: /* output_column ::= NONEXISTENT_COLUMN */
-#line 521 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
+      case 79: /* output_column ::= NONEXISTENT_COLUMN */
+#line 535 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
-  yygotominor.yy0 = GRN_TRUE;
+  yymsp[0].minor.yy0 = 0;
-#line 2071 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 2114 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      case 126: /* output_column ::= assignment_expression */
-#line 524 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
+      case 80: /* output_column ::= assignment_expression */
+#line 538 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
-  yygotominor.yy0 = GRN_FALSE;
+  yymsp[0].minor.yy0 = 1;
-#line 2078 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 2121 "grn_ecmascript.c"
-      /* (0) input ::= query */ yytestcase(yyruleno==0);
-      /* (1) input ::= expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==1);
-      /* (2) input ::= START_OUTPUT_COLUMNS output_columns */ yytestcase(yyruleno==2);
-      /* (3) input ::= START_ADJUSTER adjuster */ yytestcase(yyruleno==3);
-      /* (4) query ::= query_element */ yytestcase(yyruleno==4);
-      /* (9) query_element ::= QSTRING */ yytestcase(yyruleno==9);
-      /* (10) query_element ::= PARENL query PARENR */ yytestcase(yyruleno==10);
-      /* (15) expression ::= assignment_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==15);
-      /* (17) assignment_expression ::= conditional_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==17);
-      /* (30) conditional_expression ::= logical_or_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==30);
-      /* (32) logical_or_expression ::= logical_and_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==32);
-      /* (34) logical_and_expression ::= bitwise_or_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==34);
-      /* (37) bitwise_or_expression ::= bitwise_xor_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==37);
-      /* (39) bitwise_xor_expression ::= bitwise_and_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==39);
-      /* (41) bitwise_and_expression ::= equality_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==41);
-      /* (43) equality_expression ::= relational_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==43);
-      /* (46) relational_expression ::= shift_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==46);
-      /* (61) shift_expression ::= additive_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==61);
-      /* (65) additive_expression ::= multiplicative_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==65);
-      /* (68) multiplicative_expression ::= unary_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==68);
-      /* (72) unary_expression ::= postfix_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==72);
-      /* (84) postfix_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==84);
-      /* (87) lefthand_side_expression ::= call_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==87);
-      /* (88) lefthand_side_expression ::= member_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==88);
-      /* (90) member_expression ::= primary_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==90);
-      /* (91) member_expression ::= member_expression member_expression_part */ yytestcase(yyruleno==91);
-      /* (92) primary_expression ::= object_literal */ yytestcase(yyruleno==92);
-      /* (93) primary_expression ::= PARENL expression PARENR */ yytestcase(yyruleno==93);
-      /* (94) primary_expression ::= IDENTIFIER */ yytestcase(yyruleno==94);
-      /* (95) primary_expression ::= array_literal */ yytestcase(yyruleno==95);
-      /* (96) primary_expression ::= DECIMAL */ yytestcase(yyruleno==96);
-      /* (97) primary_expression ::= HEX_INTEGER */ yytestcase(yyruleno==97);
-      /* (98) primary_expression ::= STRING */ yytestcase(yyruleno==98);
-      /* (99) primary_expression ::= BOOLEAN */ yytestcase(yyruleno==99);
-      /* (100) primary_expression ::= NULL */ yytestcase(yyruleno==100);
-      /* (101) array_literal ::= BRACKETL elision BRACKETR */ yytestcase(yyruleno==101);
-      /* (102) array_literal ::= BRACKETL element_list elision BRACKETR */ yytestcase(yyruleno==102);
-      /* (103) array_literal ::= BRACKETL element_list BRACKETR */ yytestcase(yyruleno==103);
-      /* (104) elision ::= COMMA */ yytestcase(yyruleno==104);
-      /* (105) elision ::= elision COMMA */ yytestcase(yyruleno==105);
-      /* (106) element_list ::= assignment_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==106);
-      /* (107) element_list ::= elision assignment_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==107);
-      /* (108) element_list ::= element_list elision assignment_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==108);
-      /* (111) property_name_and_value_list ::= property_name_and_value */ yytestcase(yyruleno==111);
-      /* (112) property_name_and_value_list ::= property_name_and_value_list COMMA property_name_and_value */ yytestcase(yyruleno==112);
-      /* (114) property_name ::= STRING */ yytestcase(yyruleno==114);
-      /* (116) member_expression_part ::= DOT IDENTIFIER */ yytestcase(yyruleno==116);
-      /* (127) adjuster ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==127);
-      /* (128) adjuster ::= adjust_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==128);
-      /* (130) adjust_expression ::= adjust_match_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==130);
+      /* (84) input ::= query */ yytestcase(yyruleno==84);
+      /* (85) input ::= expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==85);
+      /* (86) input ::= START_OUTPUT_COLUMNS output_columns */ yytestcase(yyruleno==86);
+      /* (87) input ::= START_ADJUSTER adjuster */ yytestcase(yyruleno==87);
+      /* (88) query ::= query_element */ yytestcase(yyruleno==88);
+      /* (89) query_element ::= QSTRING */ yytestcase(yyruleno==89);
+      /* (90) query_element ::= PARENL query PARENR */ yytestcase(yyruleno==90);
+      /* (91) expression ::= assignment_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==91);
+      /* (92) assignment_expression ::= conditional_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==92);
+      /* (93) conditional_expression ::= logical_or_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==93);
+      /* (94) logical_or_expression ::= logical_and_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==94);
+      /* (95) logical_and_expression ::= bitwise_or_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==95);
+      /* (96) bitwise_or_expression ::= bitwise_xor_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==96);
+      /* (97) bitwise_xor_expression ::= bitwise_and_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==97);
+      /* (98) bitwise_and_expression ::= equality_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==98);
+      /* (99) equality_expression ::= relational_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==99);
+      /* (100) relational_expression ::= shift_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==100);
+      /* (101) shift_expression ::= additive_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==101);
+      /* (102) additive_expression ::= multiplicative_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==102);
+      /* (103) multiplicative_expression ::= unary_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==103);
+      /* (104) unary_expression ::= postfix_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==104);
+      /* (105) postfix_expression ::= lefthand_side_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==105);
+      /* (106) lefthand_side_expression ::= call_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==106);
+      /* (107) lefthand_side_expression ::= member_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==107);
+      /* (108) member_expression ::= primary_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==108);
+      /* (109) member_expression ::= member_expression member_expression_part */ yytestcase(yyruleno==109);
+      /* (110) primary_expression ::= object_literal */ yytestcase(yyruleno==110);
+      /* (111) primary_expression ::= PARENL expression PARENR */ yytestcase(yyruleno==111);
+      /* (112) primary_expression ::= IDENTIFIER */ yytestcase(yyruleno==112);
+      /* (113) primary_expression ::= array_literal */ yytestcase(yyruleno==113);
+      /* (114) primary_expression ::= DECIMAL */ yytestcase(yyruleno==114);
+      /* (115) primary_expression ::= HEX_INTEGER */ yytestcase(yyruleno==115);
+      /* (116) primary_expression ::= STRING */ yytestcase(yyruleno==116);
+      /* (117) primary_expression ::= BOOLEAN */ yytestcase(yyruleno==117);
+      /* (118) primary_expression ::= NULL */ yytestcase(yyruleno==118);
+      /* (119) array_literal ::= BRACKETL elision BRACKETR */ yytestcase(yyruleno==119);
+      /* (120) array_literal ::= BRACKETL element_list elision BRACKETR */ yytestcase(yyruleno==120);
+      /* (121) array_literal ::= BRACKETL element_list BRACKETR */ yytestcase(yyruleno==121);
+      /* (122) elision ::= COMMA */ yytestcase(yyruleno==122);
+      /* (123) elision ::= elision COMMA */ yytestcase(yyruleno==123);
+      /* (124) element_list ::= assignment_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==124);
+      /* (125) element_list ::= elision assignment_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==125);
+      /* (126) element_list ::= element_list elision assignment_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==126);
+      /* (127) property_name_and_value_list ::= property_name_and_value */ yytestcase(yyruleno==127);
+      /* (128) property_name_and_value_list ::= property_name_and_value_list COMMA property_name_and_value */ yytestcase(yyruleno==128);
+      /* (129) property_name ::= STRING */ yytestcase(yyruleno==129);
+      /* (130) member_expression_part ::= DOT IDENTIFIER */ yytestcase(yyruleno==130);
+      /* (131) adjuster ::= */ yytestcase(yyruleno==131);
+      /* (132) adjuster ::= adjust_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==132);
+      /* (133) adjust_expression ::= adjust_match_expression */ yytestcase(yyruleno==133);
 /********** End reduce actions ************************************************/
-  assert( yyruleno>=0 && yyruleno<sizeof(yyRuleInfo)/sizeof(yyRuleInfo[0]) );
+  assert( yyruleno<sizeof(yyRuleInfo)/sizeof(yyRuleInfo[0]) );
   yygoto = yyRuleInfo[yyruleno].lhs;
   yysize = yyRuleInfo[yyruleno].nrhs;
-  yypParser->yyidx -= yysize;
   yyact = yy_find_reduce_action(yymsp[-yysize].stateno,(YYCODETYPE)yygoto);
   if( yyact <= YY_MAX_SHIFTREDUCE ){
     if( yyact>YY_MAX_SHIFT ) yyact += YY_MIN_REDUCE - YY_MIN_SHIFTREDUCE;
-    /* If the reduce action popped at least
-    ** one element off the stack, then we can push the new element back
-    ** onto the stack here, and skip the stack overflow test in yy_shift().
-    ** That gives a significant speed improvement. */
-    if( yysize ){
-      yypParser->yyidx++;
-      yymsp -= yysize-1;
-      yymsp->stateno = (YYACTIONTYPE)yyact;
-      yymsp->major = (YYCODETYPE)yygoto;
-      yymsp->minor = yygotominor;
-      yyTraceShift(yypParser, yyact);
-    }else{
-      yy_shift(yypParser,yyact,yygoto,&yygotominor);
-    }
+    yypParser->yyidx -= yysize - 1;
+    yymsp -= yysize-1;
+    yymsp->stateno = (YYACTIONTYPE)yyact;
+    yymsp->major = (YYCODETYPE)yygoto;
+    yyTraceShift(yypParser, yyact);
     assert( yyact == YY_ACCEPT_ACTION );
+    yypParser->yyidx -= yysize;
@@ -2185,10 +2219,10 @@ static void yy_parse_failed(
 static void yy_syntax_error(
   yyParser *yypParser,           /* The parser */
   int yymajor,                   /* The major type of the error token */
-  YYMINORTYPE yyminor            /* The minor type of the error token */
+  grn_expr_parserTOKENTYPE yyminor         /* The minor type of the error token */
-#define TOKEN (yyminor.yy0)
+#define TOKEN yyminor
 /************ Begin %syntax_error code ****************************************/
 #line 17 "grn_ecmascript.lemon"
@@ -2212,7 +2246,7 @@ static void yy_syntax_error(
       GRN_OBJ_FIN(ctx, &message);
-#line 2216 "grn_ecmascript.c"
+#line 2250 "grn_ecmascript.c"
 /************ End %syntax_error code ******************************************/
   grn_expr_parserARG_STORE; /* Suppress warning about unused %extra_argument variable */
@@ -2263,7 +2297,7 @@ void grn_expr_parser(
   grn_expr_parserARG_PDECL               /* Optional %extra_argument parameter */
   YYMINORTYPE yyminorunion;
-  int yyact;            /* The parser action. */
+  unsigned int yyact;   /* The parser action. */
   int yyendofinput;     /* True if we are at the end of input */
@@ -2277,14 +2311,14 @@ void grn_expr_parser(
   if( yypParser->yyidx<0 ){
     if( yypParser->yystksz <=0 ){
-      /*memset(&yyminorunion, 0, sizeof(yyminorunion));*/
-      yyminorunion = yyzerominor;
-      yyStackOverflow(yypParser, &yyminorunion);
+      yyStackOverflow(yypParser);
     yypParser->yyidx = 0;
     yypParser->yyerrcnt = -1;
     yypParser->yystack[0].stateno = 0;
     yypParser->yystack[0].major = 0;
 #ifndef NDEBUG
@@ -2294,7 +2328,6 @@ void grn_expr_parser(
-  yyminorunion.yy0 = yyminor;
   yyendofinput = (yymajor==0);
@@ -2310,13 +2343,16 @@ void grn_expr_parser(
     yyact = yy_find_shift_action(yypParser,(YYCODETYPE)yymajor);
     if( yyact <= YY_MAX_SHIFTREDUCE ){
       if( yyact > YY_MAX_SHIFT ) yyact += YY_MIN_REDUCE - YY_MIN_SHIFTREDUCE;
-      yy_shift(yypParser,yyact,yymajor,&yyminorunion);
+      yy_shift(yypParser,yyact,yymajor,yyminor);
       yymajor = YYNOCODE;
     }else if( yyact <= YY_MAX_REDUCE ){
       assert( yyact == YY_ERROR_ACTION );
+      yyminorunion.yy0 = yyminor;
       int yymx;
@@ -2346,7 +2382,7 @@ void grn_expr_parser(
       if( yypParser->yyerrcnt<0 ){
-        yy_syntax_error(yypParser,yymajor,yyminorunion);
+        yy_syntax_error(yypParser,yymajor,yyminor);
       yymx = yypParser->yystack[yypParser->yyidx].major;
       if( yymx==YYERRORSYMBOL || yyerrorhit ){
@@ -2356,10 +2392,10 @@ void grn_expr_parser(
-        yy_destructor(yypParser, (YYCODETYPE)yymajor,&yyminorunion);
+        yy_destructor(yypParser, (YYCODETYPE)yymajor, &yyminorunion);
         yymajor = YYNOCODE;
-         while(
+        while(
           yypParser->yyidx >= 0 &&
           yymx != YYERRORSYMBOL &&
           (yyact = yy_find_reduce_action(
@@ -2373,9 +2409,7 @@ void grn_expr_parser(
           yymajor = YYNOCODE;
         }else if( yymx!=YYERRORSYMBOL ){
-          YYMINORTYPE u2;
-          u2.YYERRSYMDT = 0;
-          yy_shift(yypParser,yyact,YYERRORSYMBOL,&u2);
+          yy_shift(yypParser,yyact,YYERRORSYMBOL,yyminor);
       yypParser->yyerrcnt = 3;
@@ -2388,7 +2422,7 @@ void grn_expr_parser(
       ** Applications can set this macro (for example inside %include) if
       ** they intend to abandon the parse upon the first syntax error seen.
-      yy_syntax_error(yypParser,yymajor,yyminorunion);
+      yy_syntax_error(yypParser,yymajor, yyminor);
       yymajor = YYNOCODE;
@@ -2403,7 +2437,7 @@ void grn_expr_parser(
       ** three input tokens have been successfully shifted.
       if( yypParser->yyerrcnt<=0 ){
-        yy_syntax_error(yypParser,yymajor,yyminorunion);
+        yy_syntax_error(yypParser,yymajor, yyminor);
       yypParser->yyerrcnt = 3;

  Modified: lib/grn_ecmascript.lemon (+36 -21)
--- lib/grn_ecmascript.lemon    2016-05-04 20:39:09 +0900 (b902f42)
+++ lib/grn_ecmascript.lemon    2016-05-04 21:50:40 +0900 (36b516a)
@@ -462,26 +462,28 @@ argument_list(A) ::= argument_list(B) COMMA assignment_expression. { A = B + 1;
 output_columns(N_STACKED_COLUMNS) ::= . {
-output_columns(N_STACKED_COLUMNS) ::= output_column(IGNORED). {
-  if (IGNORED) {
-  } else {
-  }
+output_columns(N_STACKED_COLUMNS) ::= output_column(SUB_N_STACKED_COLUMNS). {
+/* Accept "column1,,,,,,column2" */
 output_columns(N_STACKED_COLUMNS) ::=
-   output_columns(SUB_N_STACKED_COLUMNS) COMMA output_column(IGNORED). {
-  if (IGNORED) {
+   output_columns(SUB_N_STACKED_COLUMNS) COMMA. {
+output_columns(N_STACKED_COLUMNS) ::=
+   output_columns(SUB_N_STACKED_COLUMNS) COMMA
+   output_column(NEW_N_STACKED_COLUMNS). {
+  if (NEW_N_STACKED_COLUMNS == 0) {
   } else {
-    if (SUB_N_STACKED_COLUMNS == 1) {
       grn_expr_append_op(efsi->ctx, efsi->e, GRN_OP_COMMA, 2);
-output_column(IGNORED) ::= STAR. {
+output_column(N_STACKED_COLUMNS) ::= STAR. {
   grn_ctx *ctx = efsi->ctx;
   grn_obj *expr = efsi->e;
   grn_expr *e = (grn_expr *)expr;
@@ -492,37 +494,50 @@ output_column(IGNORED) ::= STAR. {
     grn_obj columns_buffer;
     grn_obj **columns;
     int i, n_columns;
+    int n_output_columns;
     GRN_PTR_INIT(&columns_buffer, GRN_OBJ_VECTOR, GRN_ID_NIL);
     grn_obj_columns(ctx, table, "*", strlen("*"), &columns_buffer);
     n_columns = GRN_BULK_VSIZE(&columns_buffer) / sizeof(grn_obj *);
     columns = (grn_obj **)GRN_BULK_HEAD(&columns_buffer);
+    if (e->codes_curr == 0) {
+      n_output_columns = 0;
+    } else {
+      grn_expr_code *codes;
+      grn_expr_code *codes_end;
+      n_output_columns = 1;
+      codes_end = e->codes + e->codes_curr;
+      for (codes = e->codes; codes < codes_end; codes++) {
+        if (codes[0].op == GRN_OP_COMMA) {
+          n_output_columns++;
+        }
+      }
+    }
     for (i = 0; i < n_columns; i++) {
-      if (i > 0) {
+      if (n_output_columns > 1 && i > 0) {
         grn_expr_append_op(ctx, expr, GRN_OP_COMMA, 2);
       grn_expr_append_const(ctx, expr, columns[i], GRN_OP_GET_VALUE, 1);
+      n_output_columns++;
       GRN_PTR_PUT(ctx, &e->objs, columns[i]);
     GRN_OBJ_FIN(ctx, &columns_buffer);
-    if (n_columns > 0) {
-    } else {
-    }
+    N_STACKED_COLUMNS = n_columns;
   } else {
     /* TODO: report error */
-output_column(IGNORED) ::= NONEXISTENT_COLUMN. {
-output_column(IGNORED) ::= assignment_expression. {
+output_column(N_STACKED_COLUMNS) ::= assignment_expression. {
 adjuster ::= .

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