[Groonga-commit] ranguba/rroonga at e12506f [master] Add 6.0.2 entry

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Kouhei Sutou null+****@clear*****
Wed May 18 10:09:19 JST 2016

Kouhei Sutou	2016-05-18 10:09:19 +0900 (Wed, 18 May 2016)

  New Revision: e12506feaa5b4ad99ca9c8158d7c5cbcaa8c36ba

    Add 6.0.2 entry

  Modified files:

  Modified: doc/text/news.md (+37 -0)
--- doc/text/news.md    2016-05-18 09:57:52 +0900 (9409d3e)
+++ doc/text/news.md    2016-05-18 10:09:19 +0900 (24323c3)
@@ -1,5 +1,42 @@
+## 6.0.2 2016-05-18 {#version-6-0-2}
+### Improvements
+  * Supported Groonga 6.0.2. Groonga 6.0.1 or older aren't supported.
+  * {Groonga::Table#select}: Supported nested array as conditions.
+  * Supported HTTP proxy with authentication on install.
+    [GitHub#129] [Patch by ngram]
+  * {Groonga::Cancel}: Added a new error class.
+  * {Groonga::Table#select}: Supported passing Hash as function argument.
+  * {Groonga::Hash.create}: Added `:key_large` option to create hash
+    table that supports 1TiB total key size.
+  * {Groonga::Type#text_family?}: Added a new predicate that returns
+    `true` for `ShortText`, `Text` and `LongText` types.
+  * {Groonga::Type#number_family?}: Added a new predicate that returns
+    `true` for `UInt8`, `Int8`, ..., `UInt64`, `Int64` and `Float`
+    types.
+  * {Groonga::Type#builtin?}: Added a new predicate that returns
+    `true` for builtin types such as `Int32`.
+  * {Groonga::Object#remove}: Added `:dependent` option to remove all
+    tables and columns that depend on the object.
+  * {Groonga::RequestCanceler}: Added an interface that cancels one or
+    more requests.
+  * {Groonga::RequestTimer}: Added an interface that provides request
+    timeout feature.
 ## 6.0.0: 2016-03-06 {#version-6-0-0}
 ### Improvements
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