[Groonga-commit] groonga/groonga.org at 1bb71b7 [gh-pages] blog ja: add more release topics

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Kentaro Hayashi null+****@clear*****
Sat May 28 17:05:10 JST 2016

Kentaro Hayashi	2016-05-28 17:05:10 +0900 (Sat, 28 May 2016)

  New Revision: 1bb71b7b19c4c8b0053634bfa61d9d5dfd4dad20

    blog ja: add more release topics

  Modified files:

  Modified: ja/_posts/2016-05-29-groonga-6.0.3.md (+149 -1)
--- ja/_posts/2016-05-29-groonga-6.0.3.md    2016-05-27 22:39:03 +0900 (d3ff6f9)
+++ ja/_posts/2016-05-29-groonga-6.0.3.md    2016-05-28 17:05:10 +0900 (44ec6b9)
@@ -87,7 +87,155 @@ Groongaには[コマンドにバージョン](http://groonga.org/ja/docs/referen
+#### 新規プラグインを2つ追加しました
+    plugin_register functions/number
+    table_create Prices TABLE_PAT_KEY Int32
+    load --table Prices
+    [
+    {"_key": 0},
+    {"_key": 1},
+    {"_key": 99},
+    {"_key": 100},
+    {"_key": 101},
+    {"_key": 199},
+    {"_key": 200},
+    {"_key": 201}
+    ]
+    select Prices --sortby _id --limit -1 --output_columns '_key, number_classify(_key, 100)'
+``number_classify(_key, 100)``は分類には``_key``の値を使うこと、値の範囲は100区切りで分類する、というのを指定しています。
+    [
+      [
+        [8],
+        [
+          ["_key","Int32"],
+          ["number_classify",null]
+        ],
+        [0,0],
+        [1,0],
+        [99,0],
+        [100,100],
+        [101,100],
+        [199,100],
+        [200,200],
+        [201,200]
+      ]
+    ]
+* time_classify_second
+* time_classify_minute
+* time_classify_hour
+* time_classify_day
+* time_classify_week
+* time_classify_month
+* time_classify_year
+    plugin_register functions/time
+    table_create Timestamps TABLE_PAT_KEY Time
+    load --table Timestamps
+    [
+    {"_key": "2016-05-05 22:29:59.999999"},
+    {"_key": "2016-05-05 22:30:00.000000"},
+    {"_key": "2016-05-05 22:30:00.000001"},
+    {"_key": "2016-05-05 22:39:59.999999"},
+    {"_key": "2016-05-05 22:40:00.000000"},
+    {"_key": "2016-05-05 22:40:00.000001"}
+    ]
+    select Timestamps --sortby _id --limit -1 --output_columns '_key, time_classify_minute(_key, 10)'
+    [
+      [
+        [6],
+        [
+          ["_key","Time"],
+          ["time_classify_minute",null]
+        ],
+        [1462454999.999999,1462454400.0],
+        [1462455000.0,1462455000.0],
+        [1462455000.000001,1462455000.0],
+        [1462455599.999999,1462455000.0],
+        [1462455600.0,1462455600.0],
+        [1462455600.000001,1462455600.0]
+      ]
+    ]
+#### ウィンドウ関数をサポートしました
+    table_create Items TABLE_HASH_KEY ShortText
+    column_create Items price COLUMN_SCALAR UInt32
+    load --table Items
+    [
+    {"_key": "item1", "price": 666},
+    {"_key": "item2", "price": 999},
+    {"_key": "item3", "price": 777},
+    {"_key": "item4", "price": 111},
+    {"_key": "item5", "price": 333},
+    {"_key": "item6", "price": 222}
+    ]
+    select Items \
+      --columns[nth_record].stage initial \
+      --columns[nth_record].value 'record_number()' \
+      --columns[nth_record].type UInt32 \
+      --columns[nth_record].window.sort_keys price \
+      --output_columns '_key, price, nth_record'
+    [
+      [
+        [6],
+        [
+          ["_key","ShortText"],
+          ["price","UInt32"],
+          ["nth_record","UInt32"]
+        ],
+        ["item1",666,4],
+        ["item2",999,6],
+        ["item3",777,5],
+        ["item4",111,1],
+        ["item5",333,3],
+        ["item6",222,2]
+      ]
+    ]
 ### お知らせ
-------------- next part --------------

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