[Groonga-mysql-commit] mroonga/mroonga [master] [wrapper][create][test] follow the recent change.

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null+****@clear***** null+****@clear*****
2011年 6月 18日 (土) 18:00:05 JST

Kouhei Sutou	2011-06-18 09:00:05 +0000 (Sat, 18 Jun 2011)

  New Revision: 57bbe48164c71aa1e37f6d076faa7fec2552c69c

    [wrapper][create][test] follow the recent change.

  Modified files:

  Modified: test/sql/r/create_table_wrapper.result (+46 -85)
--- test/sql/r/create_table_wrapper.result    2011-06-18 08:54:41 +0000 (5cb8d85)
+++ test/sql/r/create_table_wrapper.result    2011-06-18 09:00:05 +0000 (b381433)
@@ -1,148 +1,109 @@
 drop table if exists t1, t2, t3;
-create table t1 (c1 int) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
-create table t2 (c1 int) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
-create table t3 (c1 int) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t1 (c1 int primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t2 (c1 int primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t3 (c1 int primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
 drop table t1,t2,t3;
-create table t1 (c1 int, c2 int, c3 int) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
-create table t2 (c1 int primary key, c2 int, c3 int) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
-drop table t1,t2;
-create table t1 (c1 bit) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
-desc t1;
-Field	Type	Null	Key	Default	Extra
-c1	bit(1)	YES		NULL	
-drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 tinyint) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
-desc t1;
-Field	Type	Null	Key	Default	Extra
-c1	tinyint(4)	YES		NULL	
-drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 smallint) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
-desc t1;
-Field	Type	Null	Key	Default	Extra
-c1	smallint(6)	YES		NULL	
-drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 mediumint) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
-desc t1;
-Field	Type	Null	Key	Default	Extra
-c1	mediumint(9)	YES		NULL	
-drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 int) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
-desc t1;
-Field	Type	Null	Key	Default	Extra
-c1	int(11)	YES		NULL	
+create table t1 (c1 int primary key, c2 int, c3 int) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
 drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 bigint) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t1 (c1 bit primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
 desc t1;
 Field	Type	Null	Key	Default	Extra
-c1	bigint(20)	YES		NULL	
+c1	bit(1)	NO	PRI	NULL	
 drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 double) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t1 (c1 tinyint primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
 desc t1;
 Field	Type	Null	Key	Default	Extra
-c1	double	YES		NULL	
+c1	tinyint(4)	NO	PRI	NULL	
 drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 float) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t1 (c1 smallint primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
 desc t1;
 Field	Type	Null	Key	Default	Extra
-c1	float	YES		NULL	
+c1	smallint(6)	NO	PRI	NULL	
 drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 decimal) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t1 (c1 mediumint primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
 desc t1;
 Field	Type	Null	Key	Default	Extra
-c1	decimal(10,0)	YES		NULL	
+c1	mediumint(9)	NO	PRI	NULL	
 drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 date) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t1 (c1 int primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
 desc t1;
 Field	Type	Null	Key	Default	Extra
-c1	date	YES		NULL	
+c1	int(11)	NO	PRI	NULL	
 drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 time) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t1 (c1 bigint primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
 desc t1;
 Field	Type	Null	Key	Default	Extra
-c1	time	YES		NULL	
+c1	bigint(20)	NO	PRI	NULL	
 drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 timestamp) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t1 (c1 double primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
 desc t1;
 Field	Type	Null	Key	Default	Extra
+c1	double	NO	PRI	NULL	
 drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 datetime) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t1 (c1 float primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
 desc t1;
 Field	Type	Null	Key	Default	Extra
-c1	datetime	YES		NULL	
+c1	float	NO	PRI	NULL	
 drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 year) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t1 (c1 decimal primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
 desc t1;
 Field	Type	Null	Key	Default	Extra
-c1	year(4)	YES		NULL	
+c1	decimal(10,0)	NO	PRI	NULL	
 drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 char(10)) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t1 (c1 date primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
 desc t1;
 Field	Type	Null	Key	Default	Extra
-c1	char(10)	YES		NULL	
+c1	date	NO	PRI	NULL	
 drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 varchar(10)) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t1 (c1 time primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
 desc t1;
 Field	Type	Null	Key	Default	Extra
-c1	varchar(10)	YES		NULL	
+c1	time	NO	PRI	NULL	
 drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 binary(10)) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t1 (c1 timestamp primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
 desc t1;
 Field	Type	Null	Key	Default	Extra
-c1	binary(10)	YES		NULL	
 drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 varbinary(10)) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t1 (c1 datetime primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
 desc t1;
 Field	Type	Null	Key	Default	Extra
-c1	varbinary(10)	YES		NULL	
+c1	datetime	NO	PRI	NULL	
 drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 tinyblob) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t1 (c1 year primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
 desc t1;
 Field	Type	Null	Key	Default	Extra
-c1	tinyblob	YES		NULL	
+c1	year(4)	NO	PRI	NULL	
 drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 blob) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t1 (c1 char(10) primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
 desc t1;
 Field	Type	Null	Key	Default	Extra
-c1	blob	YES		NULL	
+c1	char(10)	NO	PRI	NULL	
 drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 mediumblob) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t1 (c1 varchar(10) primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
 desc t1;
 Field	Type	Null	Key	Default	Extra
-c1	mediumblob	YES		NULL	
+c1	varchar(10)	NO	PRI	NULL	
 drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 longblob) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t1 (c1 binary(10) primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
 desc t1;
 Field	Type	Null	Key	Default	Extra
-c1	longblob	YES		NULL	
+c1	binary(10)	NO	PRI	NULL	
 drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 tinytext) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t1 (c1 varbinary(10) primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
 desc t1;
 Field	Type	Null	Key	Default	Extra
-c1	tinytext	YES		NULL	
+c1	varbinary(10)	NO	PRI	NULL	
 drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 text) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t1 (c1 enum("yes","no") primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
 desc t1;
 Field	Type	Null	Key	Default	Extra
-c1	text	YES		NULL	
+c1	enum('yes','no')	NO	PRI	NULL	
 drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 mediumtext) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t1 (c1 set("A","B","AB","O") primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
 desc t1;
 Field	Type	Null	Key	Default	Extra
-c1	mediumtext	YES		NULL	
-drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 longtext) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
-desc t1;
-Field	Type	Null	Key	Default	Extra
-c1	longtext	YES		NULL	
-drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 enum("yes","no")) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
-desc t1;
-Field	Type	Null	Key	Default	Extra
-c1	enum('yes','no')	YES		NULL	
-drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 set("A","B","AB","O")) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
-desc t1;
-Field	Type	Null	Key	Default	Extra
-c1	set('A','B','AB','O')	YES		NULL	
+c1	set('A','B','AB','O')	NO	PRI	NULL	
 drop table t1;
+create table t1 (c1 int) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+ERROR 42000: This table type requires a primary key

  Modified: test/sql/t/create_table_wrapper.test (+29 -50)
--- test/sql/t/create_table_wrapper.test    2011-06-18 08:54:41 +0000 (09c99fd)
+++ test/sql/t/create_table_wrapper.test    2011-06-18 09:00:05 +0000 (b8e39dd)
@@ -22,98 +22,77 @@ drop table if exists t1, t2, t3;
 # simple test
-create table t1 (c1 int) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
-create table t2 (c1 int) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
-create table t3 (c1 int) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t1 (c1 int primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t2 (c1 int primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t3 (c1 int primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
 drop table t1,t2,t3;
-create table t1 (c1 int, c2 int, c3 int) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
-create table t2 (c1 int primary key, c2 int, c3 int) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
-drop table t1,t2;
+create table t1 (c1 int primary key, c2 int, c3 int) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+drop table t1;
 # data type support
-create table t1 (c1 bit) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
-desc t1;
-drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 tinyint) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
-desc t1;
-drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 smallint) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
-desc t1;
-drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 mediumint) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
-desc t1;
-drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 int) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t1 (c1 bit primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
 desc t1;
 drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 bigint) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t1 (c1 tinyint primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
 desc t1;
 drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 double) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t1 (c1 smallint primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
 desc t1;
 drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 float) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t1 (c1 mediumint primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
 desc t1;
 drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 decimal) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t1 (c1 int primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
 desc t1;
 drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 date) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t1 (c1 bigint primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
 desc t1;
 drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 time) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t1 (c1 double primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
 desc t1;
 drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 timestamp) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t1 (c1 float primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
 desc t1;
 drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 datetime) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t1 (c1 decimal primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
 desc t1;
 drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 year) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t1 (c1 date primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
 desc t1;
 drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 char(10)) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t1 (c1 time primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
 desc t1;
 drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 varchar(10)) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t1 (c1 timestamp primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
 desc t1;
 drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 binary(10)) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t1 (c1 datetime primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
 desc t1;
 drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 varbinary(10)) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t1 (c1 year primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
 desc t1;
 drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 tinyblob) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t1 (c1 char(10) primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
 desc t1;
 drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 blob) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t1 (c1 varchar(10) primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
 desc t1;
 drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 mediumblob) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t1 (c1 binary(10) primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
 desc t1;
 drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 longblob) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t1 (c1 varbinary(10) primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
 desc t1;
 drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 tinytext) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t1 (c1 enum("yes","no") primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
 desc t1;
 drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 text) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
-desc t1;
-drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 mediumtext) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
-desc t1;
-drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 longtext) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
-desc t1;
-drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 enum("yes","no")) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
-desc t1;
-drop table t1;
-create table t1 (c1 set("A","B","AB","O")) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
+create table t1 (c1 set("A","B","AB","O") primary key) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
 desc t1;
 drop table t1;
+# error test
+--error 1173
+create table t1 (c1 int) COMMENT = 'engine "innodb"';
 --source suite/groonga/include/groonga_deinit.inc

Groonga-mysql-commit メーリングリストの案内
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