[Honsure-messenger] S that drop from deep windows: all flowers, the

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Farguharson Keemer trigo****@givev*****
2010年 9月 18日 (土) 12:20:36 JST

Y the fierce battle under every blade, By the etiolation of the shade,
By drouth and thirst and things undone
half made, Oh, hear! By all the horrors of re-quickened dust, By the
eternal waste of baffled lust, By mildews and by cankers and by rust,
Oh, hear! By the fierce scythe of Spring upon the wold, By the dead
eaning mother in the fold, By stillborn,
stricken young and tortured old, Oh, hear! By fading eyes pecked from
a dying head, By the hot
mouthful of a thing not dead, By all thy

bleeding, struggling, shrieking
red, Oh, hear! By madness caged and madness running free, Through this
our conscious race that heeds not thee, In its concept insane of
Liberty, Oh, hear! By all the agonies of all the past, By earth's cold

dust and ashes
at the last, By her return to the unconscious vast,

Children and lovers and the cloud-robed

sea Shall mourn him first; and then the mother land Weeping in silence
by his empty hand And fallen sword that flashed for Liberty.
Song-bringer of a glad new minstrelsy, He
came and found joy sleeping and swift fanned Old

pagan fires
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