[Howm-eng 40] customization

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khi****@users***** khi****@users*****
Sat Apr 5 22:41:26 JST 2008

Hi, all.

For your information, I post a copy of my private email (+ a new answer)
to this ML. Thanks for permission > Maillard-san.


> First question: where is the documentation ? 

Thank you for your interest.  There are few English documents of
howm-mode because I am lazy.  So, I would like to post a copy of this
answer to howm-eng ML.  Is it OK?

This tutorial (erased draft) may also help you.

> Ok another question: do you have tips or tricks to speed up go-to
> link and friends ? I mean, typing >>> is "hard" and "counter
> productive". So I need to find a way to type these "tags" faster.

Do you mean a simple key binding like this?

(eval-after-load "howm"
  '(define-key howm-mode-map "\C-c,>"
               (lambda () (interactive) (insert ">>> "))))

Or, do you have a better idea?

If you like to change the tag ">>>" itself to a shorter one, do
something like (setq howm-ref-header "->") *before* loading howm-mode.
This variable is defined at the head of howm-mode.el, and several
other variables are set dependently on it.

> Question: globally, how can I customise howm. I do not like the
> default "template" of the note (I do not need date >>>> file on
> every note for example).

">>> file" is erased if you type "\C-/" or "\C-x u" (undo) just after
creating a new note.  To customize the template,
(setq howm-view-title-header "= %title%cursor\n%date\n\n")

You can try M-x customize-group RET howm RET to browse most other


> Ah, yes, another question :) Is there a way to have "named" note
> instead of dated ? I mean, automatically with some magic key
> binding and not by saving my note as foo.howm.

(global-set-key "\C-c,f" 'howm-create-interactively)
(autoload 'howm-create-interactively "howm" "Hitori Otegaru Wiki Modoki" t)

It is undocumented because I don't like to take care of file names. ;-)

howm-open-naMed-file (C-c , M) may be also interesting.
It is available in howm-1.3.3 or later.


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