[Lha-users] Dear Friend,

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Mrs Suzana Vaye suzav****@walla*****
2004年 12月 12日 (日) 03:12:19 JST


Kindly accept my apology for sending my mail to you. Am a true God fearing person, and I want you to trust me and help me out in this my condition. I believe you are a highly respected personality, considering the fact that I sourced your profile from a human resource profile database on your country in the Internet. 

Though, I do not know to what extent you are familiar with events and fragile political situation in Liberia but it has formed consistent headlines in the CNN, BBC news bulletins.

My Name is MRS. SUZANA VAYE from Liberia, a Country in West Africa. My late Husband is Issac Nuhan Vaye, Deputy Minister of Public Works in Liberia. My Husband was falsely accused of plotting to remove the then PRESIDENT OF LIBERIA CHARLES TAYLOR) from office. Without trial, Charles Taylor killed him. 
You can verify this from some of the international newspapers posted in 
the web sites below:

(I) http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2003-07-15-liberia_x.htm
(ii) http://www.unwire.org/UNWire/20030716/449_66 21.asp

Before my husband was killed, he moved out the sum of $5.2 million and large quantities of Diamonds through a diplomatic means, and deposited it with a Finance Security Company Abroad.

All that is needed is for me to instruct the Finance company to transfer the funds/diamonds to your account, I will remunerate you with 20% at the end, but most of all is that I solicit your trust in this transaction. 

Kindly include  your Full Name, Private Telephone and Fax Numbers where you can always be reached, your Residential or Company Address to enable him send detail
information/documents that will enable you receive the fund  without any problem either now or in future as all modalities as been perfected.
As soon as I get your full acceptance I will forward you the contact informations of the Finance company in Europe. My email address is: suzav****@katam*****

Please your urgent response is needed. 

Best Regards.

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