Raquel Farmer
2004年 7月 14日 (水) 14:26:07 JST
**FCON****FCON****FCON****FCON****FCON***FCON** H.O.T New Issue - F.inancialContent, Inc. - T.ICKER: FCON H.UGE N.EWS: MediaNews Group Signs Network-Wide Licensing Agreement with FinancialContent Dont sleep on this s.tock - get in today! FCON will e.xplode on 14th of July and next week when even better news are e.xpected FCON j.ust r.eleased V.ery H.O.T news. Please read below, we expect that many newsle.tters will cover FCON in next 5 days and we believe the s.toc.k is headed to 2.50 If you take a look at the chart of FCON for the last 1 year you will find this is one of the most stable OTCBB stocks. --------------------------- Current P.rice : 1.45 Near-ter.m target: 2.70 Long-ter.m target: 3.50 --------------------------- +++ Our L.ast P.ick: XLPI ( we recemmended at 70 cents and now its $1.60) +++ How many times have you seen new issues e.xplode but you couldn't get your han.ds on t.hem? We are alert.ing you to a spec.ial com.pany with a uniq.ue bu.siness model that is set to expl.ode in next 1 mon.th -- this is y.our chan.ce to get in at the very begi.nning! This is also a chan.ce to get in ea.rly, where usu.ally only inst.itutional i.nvestors get in, at the beginning. The average investor rarely gets the opport.unity to get new issue shares at the begin.ning because brokers give them all to he.dge fun.ds and clients that do thou.sands of dolla.rs of commissi.on busin.ess with them, thereby leaving the small indi.vidual out in the COLD! This is exc.iting bu.siness in an exci.ting place and time. Don't be the one to look back and say, I had the chance to inve.st, but passed . _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ch.eck out there amaz.ing n.ews here: MediaNews Group Signs Network-Wide Licensing Agreement with FinancialContent SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Jul 13, 2004 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- FinancialContent, Inc. (FCON) , a leading provider of financial data and business applications to online media and fin.ancial serv.ices compa.nies worl.dwide, today anno.unced that the Comp.any has entered into a major licensing agree.ment with MediaNe.ws Group to deliver custo.mized online fina.ncial channels across its network of media properties. MediaN.ews Group, Inc. is the nation's 7th-largest new.spaper company, with headqu.arters in Denver, Colorado. MediaNews Group and its affi.liated comp.anies publish 50 daily newspapers and 115 non-daily public.ations in 12 states, with daily and Sunday circulation of appro.ximately 2.1 million and 2.4 million respectively. In addition, MediaNews Group owns a CBS affili.ate in Anchorage, Alaska and four radio stations in Texas. MediaNews will implement the first deployments on the websi.tes for the Connecticut Post, the Denver Post, the Los Angeles Daily News and the Salt Lake Tribune. Forty other daily online editions will add custom financial channels over the next several weeks. "MediaNews represents the finest example to date of an enterprise customer lev.eraging all the features and capab.ilities of our Studio 3.5 content manage.ment platform," said Wing Yu, CEO of Fin.ancialContent. -------------------- D.i.s.c.l.a.i.m.e.r -------------------- Inform.ation within this email contains "f.orward look.ing state.ments" within the meaning of Sect.ion 27A of the Sec.urities Ac.t of 1933 and Sect.ion 21B of the Securit.ies Exc.hange Ac.t of 1934. Any stat.ements that express or involve discu.ssions with resp.ect to pre.dictions, goa.ls, expec.tations, be.liefs, pl.ans, proje.ctions, object.ives, assu.mptions or fut.ure eve.nts or perform.ance are not stat.ements of histo.rical fact and may be "forw.ard loo.king stat.ements." For.ward looking state.ments are based on expect.ations, estim.ates and project.ions at the time the statem.ents are made that involve a number of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those prese.ntly anticipated. Forward look.ing statements in this action may be identified through the use of words su.ch as: "pro.jects", "for.esee", "expects", "est.imates," "be.lieves," "underst.ands" "wil.l," "part of: "anticip.ates," or that by stat.ements indi.cating certain actions "may," "cou.ld," or "might" occur. All information provided within this em.ail pertai.ning to inv.esting, st.ocks, securi.ties must be under.stood as informa.tion provided and not investm.ent advice. Eme.rging Equity Al.ert advi.ses all re.aders and subscrib.ers to seek advice from a registered profe.ssional secu.rities represent.ative before dec.iding to trade in sto.cks featured within this ema.il. None of the mate.rial within this rep.ort shall be const r.ued as any kind of invest.ment advi.ce. Please have in mind that the interpr.etation of the witer of this newsl.etter about the news published by the company does not represent the com.pany official sta.tement and in fact may differ from the real meaning of what the news rele.ase meant to say. Please read the news release by your.self and judge by yourself about the detai.ls in it. In compli.ance with Sec.tion 17(b), we discl.ose the hol.ding of FCON s.hares prior to the publi.cation of this report. Be aware of an inher.ent co.nflict of interest res.ulting from such holdi.ngs due to our intent to pro.fit from the liqui.dation of these shares. Sh.ares may be s.old at any time, even after posi.tive state.ments have been made regard.ing the above company. Since we own sh.ares, there is an inher.ent conf.lict of inte.rest in our statem.ents and opin.ions. Readers of this publi.cation are cauti.oned not to place und.ue relia.nce on forw.ard-looki.ng statements, which are based on certain assump.tions and expectati.ons invo.lving various risks and uncert.ainties, that could cause results to differ materi..ally from those set forth in the forw.ard- looking state.ments. Please be advi.sed that noth.ing within this em.ail shall cons.titute a solic.itation or an offer to buy or sell any s.ecurity menti.oned her.ein. This news.letter is neither a regi.stered inves.tment ad.visor nor affil.iated with any brok.er or dealer. All statements made are our express opinion only and should be treated as such. We may own, buy and sell any securi.ties menti.oned at any time. This report includes forw.ard-looki.ng stat.ements within the meaning of The Pri.vate Securi.ties Litig.ation Ref.orm Ac.t of 1995. These state.ments may include terms as "expe.ct", "bel.ieve", "ma.y", "wi.ll", "mo.ve","und.ervalued" and "inte.nd" or simil.ar terms. This news.letter was paid $7500 from th.ird p.arty to se.nd this report. PL.EASE DO YOUR OWN D.UE DI.LIGENCE B.EFORE INVES.TING IN ANY PRO.FILED COMP.ANY. You may lo.se mon.ey from inve.sting in Pen.ny St.ocks. To be removed from further emails send email to --------------------- fahey prig eliot info buffet germany domestic alcestis haploidy laze repairmen apathetic proof demystify jackboot harmony leguminous culinary sadism that'll anastomosis parentheses virulent inhale drip daffodil transpire climatology taketh bobolink anamorphic sikorsky atlantis spontaneous dee .