[JM:01754] Re: New Order

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Emma sales****@aesur*****
2020年 6月 12日 (金) 16:46:22 JST

Dear Sir/Ma,


 I am Emma  from PT Daiyat Klain Limited and we are interested in your product,
We need you to get back to us with your catalogs specification so we can select the requested item our customer need.
And please confirm the follow details.

 Duration of delivery.

 Payments terms .

 Send me your catalog and indicate for us the products in stock
 Our company need your above confirmation. 
 we are looking for a long time Co-operation with your company.

 Best Regards,

 Purchasing Manager

 Mrs Emma Kimi
 PT Daiyat Klain Limited
+62 821-7623-330
 Skype: emma_kimi893
Address: No, 5 close Sumatra street Block Uttara Indonesia
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