[logaling-commit] logaling/logalimacs [master] Use API for upload

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null+****@clear***** null+****@clear*****
Thu Jun 7 12:09:24 JST 2012

yuta yamada	2012-06-07 12:09:24 +0900 (Thu, 07 Jun 2012)

  New Revision: 1e82afc7fa758721051fc2a0111b1d5f1c675b9b

    Use API for upload

  Modified files:

  Modified: Rakefile (+36 -0)
--- Rakefile    2012-06-07 11:01:01 +0900 (6e2aed7)
+++ Rakefile    2012-06-07 12:09:24 +0900 (1bb5998)
@@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ DESCRIPTION = "Front-end of logaling-command for Ruby gem"
 DEPENDENCIES = [["popwin", "0.4"], ["popup", "0.4"]]
+require "net/http"
+require "json"
 task :default => :package
 desc "Package #{PACKAGE_NAME}"
@@ -46,3 +50,35 @@ task :init => "Rakefile" do
 (define-package "#{PACKAGE_NAME}" "#{PACKAGE_VERSION}" "#{DESCRIPTION}" #{dependencies})
+def read_password
+  print("Password: ")
+  system("stty -echo")
+  input = $stdin.gets.chomp
+  system("stty echo")
+  puts
+  input
+desc "Uploads package"
+task :upload => :package do
+  print("User name: ")
+  user = $stdin.gets.chomp
+  password = read_password
+  marmalade_api_base_url = "http://marmalade-repo.org"
+  login_url = URI.parse("#{marmalade_api_base_url}/v1/users/login")
+  response = Net::HTTP.post_form(login_url,
+                                 {"name" => user, "password" => password})
+  if response.status != 200
+    raise "failed to login (#{user}): #{response.body}"
+  end
+  login_info = JSON.parse(response.body)
+  token = login_info["token"]
+  sh("curl",
+     "-F", "name=#{PACKAGE_NAME}",
+     "-F", "token=#{token}",
+     "-F", "file=@#{MARMALADE_PACKAGE_NAME}.tar",
+     "#{marmalade_api_base_url}/v1/packages")

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