[macemacsjp-cvs 464] [477] modified rescale factor

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svnno****@sourc***** svnno****@sourc*****
2007年 6月 25日 (月) 22:23:45 JST

Revision: 477
Author:   matsuan
Date:     2007-06-25 22:23:44 +0900 (Mon, 25 Jun 2007)

Log Message:
modified rescale factor

Modified Paths:

-------------- next part --------------
Modified: fixed-width-fontset/branches/quick_draw/carbon-font.el
--- fixed-width-fontset/branches/quick_draw/carbon-font.el	2007-06-24 12:32:08 UTC (rev 476)
+++ fixed-width-fontset/branches/quick_draw/carbon-font.el	2007-06-25 13:23:44 UTC (rev 477)
@@ -484,6 +484,18 @@
   '(("7" . 1.15) ("8" . 1.25) ("9" . 1.35) ("10" . 1.25) ("12" . 1.2)
     ("14" . 1.2) ("16" . 1.25) ("18" . 1.25) ("20" . 1.2) ("24" . 1.2)))
+(defvar fixed-width-scale-alist-hirakaku-bold
+  '(("7" . 1.1) ("8" . 1.2) ("9" . 1.3) ("10" . 1.1) ("12" . 1.1)
+    ("14" . 1.1) ("16" . 1.2) ("18" . 1.2) ("20" . 1.15) ("24" . 1.15)))
+(defvar fixed-width-scale-alist-hirahan-bold
+  '(("7" . 0.8) ("8" . 1.1) ("9" . 1.2) ("10" . 1.0) ("12" . 1.0)
+    ("14" . 1.0) ("16" . 1.1) ("18" . 1.1) ("20" . 1.1) ("24" . 1.1)))
+(defvar fixed-width-scale-alist-hiramin
+  '(("7" . 1.15) ("8" . 1.35) ("9" . 1.2) ("10" . 1.2) ("12" . 1.2)
+    ("14" . 1.2) ("16" . 1.25) ("18" . 1.25) ("20" . 1.2) ("24" . 1.2)))
 (defvar fixed-width-scale-alist-monaco-bold
   '(("7" . 0.8) ("8" . 0.95) ("9" . 0.9) ("10" . 0.8) ("12" . 0.9)
     ("14" . 0.9) ("16" . 0.95) ("18" . 0.9) ("20" . 0.95) ("24" . 0.92)))
@@ -497,22 +509,26 @@
     ("^-apple-hiragino.*" . ,fixed-width-scale-alist-hiragino)
     (,(encode-coding-string ".*$B%R%i%.%N4]%4(B pro w4.*" 'emacs-mule) .
-    (,(encode-coding-string ".*$B%R%i%.%N3Q%4(B pro w3.*" 'emacs-mule) .
-     ,fixed-width-scale-alist-hiragino)
+    (,(encode-coding-string ".*$B%R%i%.%N3Q%4(B pro w3-medium.*" 'emacs-mule) .
+     ,fixed-width-scale-alist-osaka-normal)
+    (,(encode-coding-string ".*$B%R%i%.%N3Q%4(B pro w3-bold.*jisx0208.*" 'emacs-mule) .
+     ,fixed-width-scale-alist-hirakaku-bold)
+    (,(encode-coding-string ".*$B%R%i%.%N3Q%4(B pro w3-bold.*jisx0201.*" 'emacs-mule) .
+     ,fixed-width-scale-alist-hirahan-bold)
     (,(encode-coding-string ".*$B%R%i%.%N3Q%4(B pro w6.*" 'emacs-mule) .
     (,(encode-coding-string ".*$B%R%i%.%N3Q%4(B std w8.*" 'emacs-mule) .
     (,(encode-coding-string ".*$B%R%i%.%NL @ D+(B pro w3.*" 'emacs-mule) .
-     ,fixed-width-scale-alist-hiragino)
+     ,fixed-width-scale-alist-hiramin)
     (,(encode-coding-string ".*$B%R%i%.%NL @ D+(B pro w6.*" 'emacs-mule) .
-     ,fixed-width-scale-alist-hiragino)
+     ,fixed-width-scale-alist-hiramin)
     ("^-apple-stheiti-.*" . ,fixed-width-scale-alist-hiragino)
     ("^-apple-lihei pro-.*" . ,fixed-width-scale-alist-hiragino)
     ("^-apple-applegothic-.*" . ,fixed-width-scale-alist-hiragino)
-    ("^-apple-applemyungjo-.*" . ,fixed-width-scale-alist-hiragino)
-    ("^-apple-lisong pro-.*" . ,fixed-width-scale-alist-hiragino)
-    ("^-apple-stkaiti-.*" . ,fixed-width-scale-alist-hiragino)
+    ("^-apple-applemyungjo-.*" . ,fixed-width-scale-alist-hiramin)
+    ("^-apple-lisong pro-.*" . ,fixed-width-scale-alist-hiramin)
+    ("^-apple-stkaiti-.*" . ,fixed-width-scale-alist-hiramin)
     ("^-apple-hei-.*" . ,fixed-width-scale-alist-hiragino)
     ("^-apple-apple ligothic-.*" . ,fixed-width-scale-alist-hiragino))
   "ReScale factor alist for each fonts and size.")

macemacsjp-cvs メーリングリストの案内
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