[macemacsjp-english 263] Re: how to set up command-line installs

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Jesse Alama alama****@stanf*****
Sat Oct 8 15:30:01 JST 2005

Seiji Zenitani <zenit****@tkg*****> writes:

> Hi,
> On 2005/10/08, at 14:39, John Owens wrote:
>> Question: I use the CVS version of wanderlust, which is distributed  
>> with Carbon
>> Emacs. So I need to install on top of it, which I've traditionally  
>> done from
>> the command line, with a Makefile.
>> However, "which emacs" by default selects /usr/bin/emacs, which  
>> ships with OS X
>> and is definitely not what I want (so it installs wanderlust in a  
>> different
>> place). What's the usual solution to this? It seems logical to me  
>> that I'd like
>> to put wanderlust on top of the distribution that comes with Carbon  
>> Emacs (in
>> /Application/Emacs). Possibly soft-linking the emacs binary to /usr/ 
>> local/bin?
>> What's the approved way to do this?
> Try the make command by using the below options, so that you can  
> explicitly specify the relevant paths.
>      make EMACS=/Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/Emacs \
>          prefix=/Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/Resources \
>          LISPDIR=/Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/Resources/site-lisp \
>          INFODIR=Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/Resources/info

This presents a good opportunity for me to ask how I should properly
understand the difference between




.  When I installed a fresh gnus this evening, I initially tried
exactly these assignments of values to the EMACS, LISPDIR, and
INFORDIR variables.  But then it turned out that there were two gnusae
installed within the Carbon Emacs package, namely the one in 


and one in


The initial load-path seems to be configured so that packages in 


come before packages in


(except for auctex).

How should I understand the difference between the two lisp
directories in the Carbon Emacs package.

John: I see that wanderlust is installed in


so you should not have the same problem that I did.


Jesse Alama (alama****@stanf*****)

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