Re: [macemacsjp-english 741] ls -v does not display correctly é (e acute)

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dybal****@Web*****
Tue Nov 7 06:56:23 JST 2006

Am 06.11.2006 um 21:57 schrieb Pierre Albarede:

> In Emacs shell (M-x shell), ls -v does not display correctly é (e
> acute) and other accented latin letters,

UTF-8 file names are stored in HFS+ as de-composed, i.e. é becomes e 
´. ls -v prints them exactly this decomposed way (ls -w is another  
method to achieve UTF-8 output). The utf-8m encoding corrects this in  
text and dired buffers, but fails in *shell* ...

What we need are ls commands (from Apple/FreeBSD and GNU) that  
compose the proper characters! (In Terminal, I think, libncurses does  
the re-composing.)



"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and  
I'm not sure about the former."
                                     -- Albert Einstein

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