[macemacsjp-english 948] Fw: emcas does not find..

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Javier Elizondo javier_elizo****@yahoo*****
Wed Mar 7 22:22:49 JST 2007

Hi everyone,

I installed texlive (mactex 207), erase teTex, and now when I run latex from the menu of emacs, it does not recognize the command. If I run it in pdf (pdflatex) it is ok, I do not have any idea of what it is going on!!!. The result of trying to run latex is the following

<latex> is undefined

I do not know if the path change or something else, but it is not working. I never expected all these kind of problems coming when I decided to move from teTex to texlive!!!. I have problems not only with emacs, but with texlive itself. 

Hope you can give a hand on this, Javier

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