[Macemacsjp-users 1193] Fwd: [macemacsjp-english 712] emacs-inline: mac-change-language-to-us in minibuffer-setup-hook

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Seiji Zenitani zenit****@mac*****
2006年 10月 17日 (火) 06:40:24 JST


Begin forwarded message:

> From: David Reitter <david****@gmail*****>
> Date: 2006年10月10日 1:39:33:JST
> To: macem****@lists*****
> Subject: [macemacsjp-english 712] emacs-inline: mac-change-language- 
> to-us in minibuffer-setup-hook
> Reply-To: macem****@lists*****
> I'm wondering if automatically changing the keyboard layout back to
> US every time the user enters the minibuffer is such a good idea.
> It might make sense for non-roman writing systems where you have to
> switch the layout in order to input Emacs commands. But if people
> choose an alternative keyboard layout to input roman stuff, it
> probably is the wrong thing to do.
> Maybe there is a way to check whether a keyboard layout is intended
> to be "roman"?
> from the emacs-inline patch:
> +
> + (if mac-input-method-mode
> +     (progn
> +       (setq default-input-method "MacOSX")
> +       (add-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook 'mac-change-language-to-us))
> +   (setq default-input-method nil)
> +   (remove-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook 'mac-change-language-to-us)))
> +
> Cheers
> David
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Christian Lynbech <chris****@defun*****>
>> Date: 9 October 2006 16:13:14 BDT
>> To: "Emacs on Mac OS X" <macos****@email*****>
>> Subject: [OS X Emacs] languages/keyboard settings
>> Reply-To: "Emacs on Mac OS X" <macos****@email*****>
>> I have an annoying problem that is drivingg me nuts.
>> I live in Denmark and have configured my mac according to this and my
>> danish keyboard.
>> I am however not quite content with the default layout, so I have
>> created my own. Thus I have two choices in the keyboard menu in the
>> topmost (desktop) menuline, the standard danish one and my own
>> customised layout.
>> However, even if I keep selecting my own layout, something or someone
>> keeps resetting it back to the standard danish layout.
>> I can live with this in applications like Safari where I mostly mouse
>> around anyway, but I have discovered that in aquamacs (version
>> 0.9.9d,ppc) it happens everytime I type M-x and goes to the  
>> minibuffer
>> and this is very frustrating to somebody using emacs as much as me. I
>> cannot deselect the standard binding, unless I select some other
>> standard binding in which case I have the same problem.
>> I suspect that this may be some rather basic thing, but I am pretty
>> new to this mac thing, so any help would be much apreciated.
> --
> http://aquamacs.org -- Aquamacs: Emacs on Mac OS X
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