The MIDITrail project website has moved.(2023/8/23)
"MIDITrail" is a MIDI player which provides 3D visualization of MIDI datasets. You can enjoy not only listening but also viewing. MIDITrail supports SMF format 0/1, and multiple MIDI ports. MIDITrail is available for Windows, macOS and iOS.
MIDITrail for Mac OS X released.
The porting of MIDITrail to Mac OS X was completed.
Mac OS X version was released simultaneously with MIDITrail for Windows.
* MIDITrail Ver.1.1.2 for Windows
* MIDITrail Ver.1.1.2 for Mac OS X
The difference between Windows and Mac OS X version is the following two points only.
(1) Mac OS X version can not load Recomporser data file.
(2) In Mac OS X version, you can select string encoding of the MIDI data file.
MIDITrail for Mac OS X リリース
MIDITrailのMac OS X移植作業が完了しました。
Windows版とMac OS X版を同時リリースします。
* MIDITrail Ver.1.1.2 for Windows
* MIDITrail Ver.1.1.2 for Mac OS X
Windows版とMac OS X版の機能差は、次の二点のみです。
(1) Mac OS X版は、レコンポーザのデータファイル読み込みに対応していない。
(2) Mac OS X版は、MIDIファイル読み込み時に文字コードを選択できる。