[Mingw-users] How to build a library compatible with dlopen?

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Keith Marshall keith****@users*****
Fri Dec 7 01:51:16 JST 2018

On 06/12/18 14:17, Keith Marshall wrote:
> - Support for RTLD_ALL_GLOBAL and RTLD_DEFAULT symbol lookup

Just to clarify:--

- RTLD_ALL_GLOBAL is *not* a standard POSIX macro; it is an internal
  macro, defined privately within MinGW's dlfcn.c implementation, and
  used to represent the aggregate of all loaded DLLs, excluding those
  explicitly loaded by dlopen() with the RTLD_LOCAL attribute; this
  macro corresponds to a (fake) module handle returned by a dlopen()
  call in which NULL is passed as the module file name.

- RTLD_DEFAULT *is* a standard POSIX macro; it is currently marked as
  "reserved for future use", but it seems evident that it is intended
  to represent the aggregate of implicitly loaded DLLs, (i.e. those
  which have been loaded because they have been linked to the process
  image, rather than being explicitly loaded by LoadLibrary(), or
  dlopen() calls).


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