[MinGW-Users] bcrypt.dll related questions

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LM lmems****@gmail*****
Thu Oct 7 21:41:39 JST 2021

I've been trying to build the latest version of libressl with MinGW
since OpenSSL seems like a nuisance to build and libressl offers the
same features I need.  Last version I built was 3.0.2.  I'm trying to
upgrade to the latest version 3.3.5.  I'd like to maintain
compatibility with older versions of Windows so the libraries and
applications I build can work on systems like ReactOS.  Open Source
libraries seem to keep using later and later Windows features.  For
instance, libressl is looking for bcrypt.dll and using
BCryptGenRandom.  Previously, the library used
CryptAcquireContext/CryptGenRandom/CryptReleaseContext.  I intend to
patch libressl to try to get it to continue to build with MinGW.  I'm
attempting to go through pros and cons of how best to do this and
would appreciate suggestions.  Was wondering if I should try to
generate a MinGW compatible library to access bcrypt.dll or whether I
should add code to try to do a LoadLibrary and check if the function
is available that way.  If the function isn't available, I can fall
back on the old method.  Another option would be to code something
with a similar API to BCyptGenRandom and use that as a fallback.  Any
ideas which version of Windows added the bcrypt.dll?  Any suggestions
on best ways to replace missing functions/libraries like these?

Would be very curious to know how others are using common libraries
when the Windows APIs keep changing and the FLOSS libraries keep
trying to use the newest features.  Anyone else trying to build
programs and maintain backward compatibility for older Windows
versions?  If so, any tips on how you're handling these types of
situations?  Thanks.

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