[Mobileagent-devel] A faint low rumbling came from somewhere, changing in volume like a giant bumble-bee buzzing.

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Taam Radcliffe TaamR****@railr*****
2007年 8月 16日 (木) 00:36:13 JST

T*h-i*s g+e m is reall*y m,ov-able!! 

T-h i*s o.n+e is re'ally pro*fi+table!!! 

H,a+v_e y,o.u b+e,e*n w at_ching t,h.i_s f-o+r t.h*e l,a s,t w e+e*k-? 

T*a'k'e a l.o+o+k at it:

rece_nt n e.w+s rel*e'ases s.e'n+t gener.atin*g gro,wing i'n_terest in C.Y_T*V 

Com'pan y: CHIN.A YOUT,V C,O*R'P (-O+T C BB:CY.T*V.OB) 
S t o c k:      C,Y+T-V 

C_urrent Pri'ce: $-._4*9 
4+t-h St*ra,ight d,a*y_s we h_a'v,e s+e e'n t,h+i+s cl,imb. (-S'e+e Yah+oo Char_'t-New N,e,w*s relea'se) 

T+h.i-s o_n,e h-a s h-a'd n i,c.e ret+urns f.o_r inv-est ors o,v e.r t,h.e summe,r, and

n,o.w show,s p,romise to begi n a se,cond w.a-v*e of retu-rns. 

K.e'e'p a e.y-e o-u*t a*gain on Wedn, esday A_u g 15 .... 

Ever yb ody c_a*n w o,r-k every_b.ody f.o'r Q*S*O a n_d m'ul'tiplier c_redit. 
T h.e ",--o," op.tion ope,ns a win'dow f_o r e a+c*h argum--ent. 

T h+e fla*gs indic_*ate w.h_a t in+formatio*n to l+o'g'. 

O.n+e contr.ol uni'ts co.ord'inates o-n.e A*L.U w'i_t+h a 60-bi*t w-o,r*d length_. 

T-h,e j-udges w+i'l+l be hon+est. 
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