nho LaLande
2007年 8月 18日 (土) 09:23:07 JST
H_E_R,E WE GO AGAI*N! T'H,E B_I-G O_N'E BEFOR-E T-H.E SEPT+EMBE+R.RALLY! T_H,E MARKE'T IS A.BOUT TO P-O_P+, A N,D SO IS E_X_M-T'! Fi+rm: EXC_H,ANGE M*OBILE T+E-L'E (-Other O T'C_: E-XMT.PK) Tic k: E'X'M T A's.k*: 0..,1_0 (+*2.5.00%) (-U,P TO 2.5*% in 1 d*a'y_) 5-da,y potent*'ial: 0'..4,0 T h'i+s a g+reat o.pportunit y to at leas_t d_ouble up! N'o't o'n.l.y d o e_s t'h-i_s f'i.r-m h_a*v e gre_at f+unda_mentals, b.u't ge+tting t h*i,s opportun it*y****@t*****+e ri ght ti,me, rig+ht be fore t-h'e ral-ly is w*h a.t ma kes t h_i*s d'e,a_l so swe.et! Watc,h it s.o_a*r,! P-a.g'e Protecte 'd WithEve,-nts btnEn.cr ypt As S+ystem. In a s ense it t.o'l d h i.m nothin-g t*h a't w,a,s n e w , b_u-t t-h_a-t w_a*s p+a r't of t'h*e a ttract'ion. A*d.d thr_ee C-om'mandButtons a.n-d a P,ict.ureBox to Form1_. T here w-a_s a b-i-t of r e+d bun_ting t'acked to t.h-e d o+o+r_. Do t-hese th_ings rea*lly af-fect us v+e.r y deepl,y. -------------- next part -------------- HTML$B$NE:IU%U%!%$%k$rJ]4I$7$^$7$?(B...下载