[Molds-dev] [molds] #30208: Estimate of "Block size" is needed each time that DSYSV is called.

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SourceForge Ticket System norep****@sourc*****
2012年 11月 28日 (水) 13:47:12 JST

#30208: Estimate of "Block size" is needed each time that DSYSV is called.

  Open Date: 2012-11-28 13:47
Last Update: 2012-11-28 13:47

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Last Changes/Comment for this Ticket:
2012-11-28 13:47 Update by: mikiya_fujii

 * New Ticket "Estimate of "Block size" is needed each time that DSYSV is called." created

Ticket Status:

      Reporter: mikiya_fujii
         Owner: mikiya_fujii
          Type: バグ
        Status: オープン
      Priority: 5 - 中
     MileStone: ver0.2
     Component: (未割り当て)
      Severity: 4
    Resolution: なし

Ticket details:

"Block size" is needed in each time that DSYSV is called.[[BR]]

In Lapack. cc, following sections should be called in each time.

218 #pragma omp critical
219    {
220       if(!this->calculatedDsysvBlockSize){
221          lwork = -1;
222          double tempWork[3]={0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
223          dsysv(&uplo, &size, &nrhs, convertedMatrix, &lda, ipiv, tempB, &ldb, tempWork, &lwork, &info);
224          this->calculatedDsysvBlockSize = true;
225          this->dsysvBlockSize = tempWork[0]/size;
226       }
227    }

In, Lapack_GNU.cpp following sections should be called in each time.

218 #pragma omp critical
219    {
220       if(!this->calculatedDsysvBlockSize){
221          lwork = -1;
222          double tempWork[3]={0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
223          info = LAPACKE_dsysv_work(LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, uplo, size, nrhs, convertedMatrix, lda, ipiv, tempB, ldb, tempWork, lwork);
224          this->calculatedDsysvBlockSize = true;
225          this->dsysvBlockSize = tempWork[0]/size;
226       }
227    }

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Project URL: http://sourceforge.jp/projects/molds
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