[Molds-dev] On the manual and test input about the UEP

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Mikiya Fujii mikiy****@gmail*****
2013年 1月 27日 (日) 19:16:52 JST

Dear Michihiro,

Fine!  your coding is basically fine!
I request small three modifications (line number is ones after your
patch was applied.):

(1) Line 280 of doc/README.txt:
    -"mulliken", and "num_print_coefficients" are prepared as options.
    +"mulliken", "unpaired_electron_population", and
"num_print_coefficients" are prepared as options.
277       -options
278        "davidson", "active_occ", "active_vir", "max_iter",
"max_dim", "norm_tol",
279        "nstates", "exciton_energies", "all_transition_dipole_moments",
280-       "mulliken", and "num_print_coefficients" are prepared as options.
280+       "mulliken", "unpaired_electron_population", and
"num_print_coefficients" are prepared as options.

(2) Your comments about UEP in doc/README.txt (line 329 - 334) are moved to
    between the comments of "mulliken" and "num_print_coefficients"

(3) Indent of line 347:

336        E.g.
337          CIS
338             davidson no
339             active_occ 2
340             active_vir 2
341             nstates 1000
342             max_iter 100
343             max_dim 100
344             norm_tol 0.000001
345             mulliken 1
346             mulliken 2
347-        unpaired_electron_population yes
347+            unpaired_electron_population yes
348          CIS_END

To check above modifications, apply the attached patch instead of your
patch to trunk of revision 1262:
patch -p0 < (The path to my patch file)

My best,
Mikiya Fujii, Ph.D.

Yamashita & Ushiyama Laboratory,
Department of Chemical System Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering,
The University of Tokyo.

tel&fax: +81-3-5841-7286
email: fujii****@tcl*****
HP: http://www.tcl.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/

2013/1/27 Okuyama <okymm****@gmail*****>:
> Dear Mr. Fujii,
> I'm going to regist the following terms to a new revision (more than
> 1262) of the molDS,
> ■trunk/doc/README.txt
> Adding the manual of the unpaired electron population to the <CIS>
> ■trunk/test/c2h6_pm3_directCIS_singlet.in
> Adding a option, "unapired_electron_population yes" to a input,
> "test/c2h6_pm3_directCIS_singlet.in"
> ■trunk/test/test/c2h6_pm3_directCIS_singlet.dat
> Replacing a original file(rev. 1262),
> "test/c2h6_pm3_directCIS_singlet.dat" to a log file
> that is calculated by the above input.
> Before doing the registration, I made a patch file that include the
> above modification.
> Are my modifications correct?
> I would like you to give some opinions and a judgement with respect to
> my modification.
> P.S.: This patch is based on a revision 1262 of the molDS.
> How to apply a patch:
> In trunk, execute the following command,
> patch -p0 < (The path of this patch file)
> Best regards.
> M. Okuyama.
> -------------- next part --------------
> テキスト形式以外の添付ファイルを保管しました...
> ファイル名: add_uep_doc_and_test.patch
> 型:         text/x-patch
> サイズ:     8485 バイト
> 説明:       無し
> 下载
> _______________________________________________
> MolDS-dev mailing list
> MolDS****@lists*****
> http://lists.sourceforge.jp/mailman/listinfo/molds-dev
-------------- next part --------------
ファイル名: unpairMF.patch
型:         application/octet-stream
サイズ:     8888 バイト
説明:       無し
URL:        http://lists.sourceforge.jp/mailman/archives/molds-dev/attachments/20130127/833a9a85/attachment.obj 

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