corey cote
2007年 8月 20日 (月) 07:08:08 JST
H_E_R_E WE GO AG.AIN! T H E B_I_G O'N+E B-EFORE T'H,E SEPTE.MB'ER.RALLY! T*H*E M-ARKET IS AB-OUT TO P_O,P*, A'N*D SO IS E X+M+T-! Tic.k: E*X*M.T 5-da*y p*otenti,al: 0_. 4'0 Fir+m: EXCHA+NG.E MO*BILE T'E L,E (Othe*r O T,C_: EX MT.PK) A.s_k : 0,. 1'0 ( +'25.00%) UP TO 2 5_% in 1 day N-o*t o'n.l+y d.o e*s t-h_i*s f_i,r'm h,a*v*e gre at fun. damentals, b-u_t t,h_i,s op.p'ortunity at t*h,e righ-t t.i,m*e,, r+ight befo_re t.h,e r,ally is w*h.a_t m'akes t h+i s d_e'a'l so sweet.! T.h+i-s a g'reat oppo,rt.unity to at lea,st do-uble up! He squa+ tted on h'i+s he,els a*n-d l'i,t a matc-h. T'h.o.u sh'alt n-o t be t.h+e f+o,r me. Vime-s reco.gn_ized t.h-i s as t*h-e prel,ude to a con -fidential aside . T_h*e-y w'ould b e a.t Thr'ee t'here by f_o,u'r o+n'd t,i,m+e in l,e s.s t.h_a.n t+w o minu-tes. Creat'es a DA.Sound obj,ect t h a,t re+peats continuou,sly.. -------------- next part -------------- HTML$B$NE:IU%U%!%$%k$rJ]4I$7$^$7$?(B...下载