Day 1 (March 14, 2015):
セッション1: 日本時間3月15日午前1時から ユーザー交流会
General users chat: 9 AM Pacific, 12 PM Eastern, 16:00 UTC, The Conference Room channel. Come and have a chat with other NVDA users around the world.
セッション2: 日本時間3月15日午前4時から Google Apps の使い方
Google apps with NVDA: 12 PM Pacific, 3 PM Eastern, 19:00 UTC, the first Break out channel. Learn from a user of NVDA as he shares tips on using Google apps with NVDA.
セッション3: 日本時間3月15日午前7時から Mick, Jamie 両氏の基調講演
Meet the lead developers: 3 PM Pacific, 6 PM Eastern, 22:00 UTC, 8 AM Australia (March 15), The Conference Room channel. You are cordially invited to the keynote presentation from the lead developers of NVDA. If you wanted to talk to the gentlemen who brought NVDA to life, this is your chance.
先週行われた NVDACon 2015.1 の1日目のセッション1と3の音声ファイルが公開されています。
以下 NVDACon 2015.1 の2日目の予定を引用します。
The conference page can be found at:
セッション1: 日本時間3月22日午前1時から Session 1: NonVisual way to transition from JAWS for Windows to NVDA: 9 AM Pacific, 12 PM Eastern, 16:00 UTC, the conference room channel.
セッション2: 日本時間3月22日午前4時から Session 2: Going global with NvDA translations: 12 PM Pacific, 3 POM Eastern, 19:00 UTC, the conference room channel.
セッション3: 日本時間3月22日午前7時から Session 3: Looking at the future – Windows 10: 3 PM Pacific, 6 PM Eastern, 22:00 UTC, break out 02 channel.
StationPlaylist add-on users and developers meeting: 2 PM Pacific, 5 PM Eastern, 21:00 UTC, the first break out channel.
Day 2 (March 21, 2015) セッション 4,5,6 の音声ファイルが公開されています:
以下、オンライン会議 NVDACon 2015.1 のお知らせです。
Day 1 (March 14, 2015) 16:00 UTC
Day 2 (March 21, 2015) 16:00 UTC
参加には TeamTalk が必要です。詳細は下記のリンク先をどうぞ。
Dear NVDA users, developers and fans around the world,
We the NVDA users would like to cordially invite you to the next NVDA Users and Developers Conference, NVDACon 2015.1. This conference, the third in the series, is packed with many sessions that'll help you get a better glimpse of NVDA, how it empowers many blind users around the world and give you a sneak preview of how NVDA works with future technologies such as Windows 10. You will also get a chance to talk to the gentlemen who brought NVDA to life: Mick Curran and Jamie Teh, the lead developers of NVDA who'll share their thoughts and plans for NVDA and answer your questions.
For more information on NVDACon 2015.1, how to join us and session details, go to NvDACon website at:
We hope to see you at NVDACon 2015.1!
On behalf of NVDA users,
Joseph Lee