[P2-php-svn] [894] p2/ for version 1.8.66

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svnno****@sourc***** svnno****@sourc*****
2010年 12月 29日 (水) 06:14:22 JST

Revision: 894
Author:   akid
Date:     2010-12-29 06:14:22 +0900 (Wed, 29 Dec 2010)

Log Message:
p2/ for version 1.8.66

Modified Paths:

-------------- next part --------------
Modified: p2/trunk/conf/conf_hostcheck.php
--- p2/trunk/conf/conf_hostcheck.php	2010-10-10 13:15:53 UTC (rev 893)
+++ p2/trunk/conf/conf_hostcheck.php	2010-12-28 21:14:22 UTC (rev 894)
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 // $_conf['secure']['auth_host'] == 0 ‚Ì‚Æ‚«Aƒ`ƒFƒbƒN‚µ‚È‚¢B
 // $_conf['secure']['auth_host'] == 1 ‚Ì‚Æ‚«A’l‚ª1i^j‚̃zƒXƒg‚Ì‚Ý‹–‰ÂB
 // $_conf['secure']['auth_host'] == 2 ‚Ì‚Æ‚«A’l‚ª0i‹Uj‚̃zƒXƒg‚Ì‚Ý‹‘”ہB
+// @ref lib/HostCheck.php
 $GLOBALS['_HOSTCHKCONF']['host_type'] = array(
     // p2‚ª“®ì‚µ‚Ä‚¢‚éƒ}ƒVƒ“
     'localhost' => 1,

Modified: p2/trunk/doc/ChangeLog.txt
--- p2/trunk/doc/ChangeLog.txt	2010-10-10 13:15:53 UTC (rev 893)
+++ p2/trunk/doc/ChangeLog.txt	2010-12-28 21:14:22 UTC (rev 894)
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+	* rep2 version 1.8.66
+	[XV] Œg‘Ñ‚ÌIPƒAƒhƒŒƒX‘шæ‚̍XV‚µ‚½B
+	[‰ü—Ç] udocomoŒÅ—L’[––”FØv‚̃Šƒ“ƒN‚ÅGETƒNƒGƒŠ[‚ðˆÛŽ‚·‚é‚悤‚É‚µ‚½B
+	[C³] –¼‘O‚È‚Ç‚Ì––”ö‚Å•¶Žš•ö‚ꂪ”­¶‚·‚邱‚Æ‚ª‚ ‚Á‚½‚Ì‚ðC³‚µ‚½BiStrSjis::fixSjis()j
 	* rep2 version 1.8.65

Modified: p2/trunk/iphone/ShowThreadK.php
--- p2/trunk/iphone/ShowThreadK.php	2010-10-10 13:15:53 UTC (rev 893)
+++ p2/trunk/iphone/ShowThreadK.php	2010-12-28 21:14:22 UTC (rev 894)
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@
                 $is_sage = true;
             } else {
                 //$tores .= $mail . " :";
-                $tores .= ':<span class="tmail">' . StrSjis::fixSjis($mail). '</span>';
+                $tores .= ':<span class="tmail">' . StrSjis::fixSjis($mail) . '</span>';

Modified: p2/trunk/iphone/read_header_k.inc.php
--- p2/trunk/iphone/read_header_k.inc.php	2010-10-10 13:15:53 UTC (rev 893)
+++ p2/trunk/iphone/read_header_k.inc.php	2010-12-28 21:14:22 UTC (rev 894)
@@ -431,7 +431,7 @@
 ?><h3><font color="<?php eh($STYLE['read_k_thread_title_color']); ?>"><?php eh($aThread->ttitle); ?></font></h3><?php
-?><h4 class="thread_title"><?php eh($aThread->ttitle); ?></h4><?php
+?><h4 class="thread_title"><?php eh($aThread->ttitle_hc); ?></h4><?php
 $filter_fields = array(
     'whole' => '',

Modified: p2/trunk/lib/BrdCtl.php
--- p2/trunk/lib/BrdCtl.php	2010-10-10 13:15:53 UTC (rev 893)
+++ p2/trunk/lib/BrdCtl.php	2010-12-28 21:14:22 UTC (rev 894)
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
         // htmlŒ`Ž®‚È‚ç
-        if (preg_match('/html?$/', $_conf['brdfile_online'])) {
+        if (preg_match('/\\.html?$/', $_conf['brdfile_online'])) {
             // XV‚³‚ê‚Ä‚¢‚½‚çV‹KƒLƒƒƒbƒVƒ…ì¬
             if ($isNewDL) {
@@ -137,7 +137,8 @@
             } else {
                 $cache_brd = $cachefile;
+        // ¶brdƒtƒ@ƒCƒ‹
         } else {
             $cache_brd = $cachefile;

Modified: p2/trunk/lib/HostCheck.php
--- p2/trunk/lib/HostCheck.php	2010-10-10 13:15:53 UTC (rev 893)
+++ p2/trunk/lib/HostCheck.php	2010-12-28 21:14:22 UTC (rev 894)
@@ -449,23 +449,35 @@
         $regHost = '/^proxy[0-9a-f]\d\d\.docomo\.ne\.jp$/';
-        // @update 2010/07/04
+        // @update 2010/12/08
         $bands = array(
-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
-            '', // WEBƒAƒNƒZƒXŽžiƒtƒ‹ƒuƒ‰ƒEƒUj
+          '',
+           '',
+           '',
+           '',
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+           '',
+           '',
+           '',
+           '',
+           '',
+           '',
+           '',
+           '',
+           '',
+           ''
         return HostCheck::isAddrInBand($addr, $bands, $regHost);
@@ -487,34 +499,50 @@
         //$regHost = '/^wb\d\dproxy\d\d\.ezweb\.ne\.jp$/';
         $regHost = '/\.ezweb\.ne\.jp$/';
-        // @updated 2010/04/26
+        // @updated 2010/12/08
         $bands = array(
-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
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-            '',
+          '',
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+           '',
+           '',
+           '',
+           '',
+           '',
+           '',
+           '',
+           '',
+           '',
+           ''
         return HostCheck::isAddrInBand($addr, $bands, $regHost);
@@ -597,8 +625,37 @@
         //$regHost = '/\d+\.tik\.panda-world\.ne\.jp$/';
         // ŒöŽ®”­•\ƒf[ƒ^‚Å‚Í‚È‚¢
-        // @updated 2010/03/19
+        // @updated 2010/10/31
         $bands = array(
+            '',
+            '',
+            '',
+            '',
+            '',
+            '',
+            '',
+            '',
+            '',
+            '',
+            '',
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+            '',
+            '',
+            '',
+            '',
+            '',
+            '',
+            '',
+            '',
+            '',
+            '',
+            '',
+            '',
@@ -622,163 +679,187 @@
         $regHost = '/^[Pp]\d{12}\.ppp\.prin\.ne\.jp$/';
-        // @updated 2010/02/03
+        // @updated 2010/10/06
         $bands = array(
-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
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+           '',
+           '',
         return HostCheck::isAddrInBand($addr, $bands, $regHost);
@@ -822,29 +903,20 @@
         // br***.jig.jp
         $reghost = '/^br\d+\.jig\.jp$/';
-        // @updated 2010/05/27
+        // @updated 2010/10/31
         $bands = array(
-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
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+            '',
+            '',
-            '',
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-            '',
-            '',
+            '',
+            '',
+            '',
+            '',
+            '',
+            '',
@@ -875,40 +947,15 @@
-            '',
-            '',
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-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
@@ -922,10 +969,8 @@
-            '',
-            '',
-            '',
-            ''
+            '',
+            ''
         return HostCheck::isAddrInBand($addr, $bands, $reghost);

Modified: p2/trunk/lib/ShowThreadPc.php
--- p2/trunk/lib/ShowThreadPc.php	2010-10-10 13:15:53 UTC (rev 893)
+++ p2/trunk/lib/ShowThreadPc.php	2010-12-28 21:14:22 UTC (rev 894)
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@
             // ”ԍ†iV’…ƒŒƒXŽžj
             if ($onPopUp_at) {
                 //  style=\"cursor:pointer;\"
-                $tores .= "<dt id=\"r{$i}\"><a class=\"resnum\"{$onPopUp_at}><font color=\"{$STYLE['read_newres_color']}\" class=\"newres\">{$i}</font></a> F";
+                $tores .= "<dt id=\"r{$i}\"><a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" class=\"resnum\"{$onPopUp_at}><font color=\"{$STYLE['read_newres_color']}\" class=\"newres\">{$i}</font></a> F";
             } else {
                 $tores .= "<dt id=\"r{$i}\"><font color=\"{$STYLE['read_newres_color']}\" class=\"newres\">{$i}</font> F";
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@
             // ”ԍ†
             if ($onPopUp_at) {
                 //  style=\"cursor:pointer;\"
-                $tores .= "<dt id=\"r{$i}\"><a href=\"#\" class=\"resnum\"{$onPopUp_at}>{$i}</a> F";
+                $tores .= "<dt id=\"r{$i}\"><a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" class=\"resnum\"{$onPopUp_at}>{$i}</a> F";
             } else {
                 $tores .= "<dt id=\"r{$i}\">{$i} F";

Modified: p2/trunk/lib/StrSjis.php
--- p2/trunk/lib/StrSjis.php	2010-10-10 13:15:53 UTC (rev 893)
+++ p2/trunk/lib/StrSjis.php	2010-12-28 21:14:22 UTC (rev 894)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  * SJIS‚Ì‚½‚߂̃Nƒ‰ƒXBƒXƒ^ƒeƒBƒbƒNƒƒ\ƒbƒh‚Å—˜—p‚·‚éB
- * SJIS•¶Žš—ñ‚Ì––”ö‚ª‰ó‚ê‚Ä‚¢‚é‚Ì‚ðC³ƒJƒbƒg‚·‚éB
+ * SJIS•¶Žš—ñ‚Ì––”ö‚ª‰ó‚ê‚Ä‚¢‚é‚Ì‚ðƒJƒbƒgC³‚·‚éB
  * @author aki
  * @created  2006/10/02
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
      * ŽQlƒf[ƒ^
      * SJIS 2ƒoƒCƒg‚Ì‘æ1ƒoƒCƒg”ÍˆÍ 129`159A224`239i0x81`0x9FA0xE0`0xEFj
-     * SJIS 2ƒoƒCƒg‚Ì‘æ2ƒoƒCƒg”ÍˆÍ 64`126A128`252i0x40`0x7EA0x80`0xFCji‘æ1ƒoƒCƒg”͈͂ð•ïŠ‡‚µ‚Ä‚¢‚éj
+     * SJIS 2ƒoƒCƒg‚Ì‘æ2ƒoƒCƒg”ÍˆÍ 64`126A128`252i0x40`0x7EA0x80`0xFCji‘æ1ƒoƒCƒg”͈͂ð•ïŠÜ‚µ‚Ä‚¢‚éj
      * SJIS ‰p”Žš(ASCII) 33`126i0x21`0x7Ej 32 ‹ó”’
      * SJIS ”¼ŠpƒJƒi161`223i0xA1`0xDFj(‘æ2ƒoƒCƒg—̈æ) 
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
     function fixSjis($str)
         if (strlen($str) == 0) {
-            return;
+            return '';
         $un = unpack('C*', $str);
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
         if ($after_crasher) {
-            $str = substr($str, 0, -1);
+            $str = StrSjis::fixSjis(substr($str, 0, -1));
         return $str;
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
      * SJIS‚Å––”ö‚É‚ ‚é‚Ɓi‘±‚­ŠJŽnƒ^ƒO‚Æ‚­‚Á‚‚¢‚āj•¶Žš‰»‚¯‚·‚é‰Â”\«‚Ì‚ ‚éƒR[ƒh‚͈̔́i10i”j
-     * ‘æ1ƒoƒCƒg”͈͂¾‚¯‚Å‚È‚­‘æ2ƒoƒCƒg”ÍˆÍ‚Å‚à•¶Žš‰»‚¯‚·‚éƒR[ƒh‚Í‚ ‚é
+     * ‘æ1ƒoƒCƒg”͈͂¾‚¯‚Å‚È‚­‘æ2ƒoƒCƒg”ÍˆÍ‚Å‚à•¶Žš‰»‚¯‚·‚éƒR[ƒh‚ª‚ ‚é
      * 129-159 224-252 i–ÚŽ‹‚Å’²‚ׂ½j
      * –ÚŽ‹—pƒeƒXƒgƒR[ƒh
      * for ($i = 0; $i <= 255; $i++) {
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
     function isSjisCrasherCode($int)
-        if (129 <= $int && $int <= 159 or 224 <= $int && $int <= 252) {
+        if (129 <= $int && $int <= 159 or 224 <= $int && $int <= 252) { //  or 255 < $int
             return true;
         return false;

Modified: p2/trunk/lib/ThreadRead.php
--- p2/trunk/lib/ThreadRead.php	2010-10-10 13:15:53 UTC (rev 893)
+++ p2/trunk/lib/ThreadRead.php	2010-12-28 21:14:22 UTC (rev 894)
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@
         if ($code == '200' || $code == '206') {
             // OKB‰½‚à‚µ‚È‚¢
-        // Found
+        // 302 Found (Redirection)
         } elseif ($code == '302') {
             // ”ˆړ]‚ðŽ©“®’ǐÕ

Modified: p2/trunk/lib/login_first.inc.php
--- p2/trunk/lib/login_first.inc.php	2010-10-10 13:15:53 UTC (rev 893)
+++ p2/trunk/lib/login_first.inc.php	2010-12-28 21:14:22 UTC (rev 894)
@@ -77,12 +77,16 @@
         $form_login_pass_hs = hs($post['form_login_pass']);
-    // docomo‚̌ŗL’[––”FØiƒZƒbƒVƒ‡ƒ“—˜—pŽž‚Ì‚Ý—LŒøj
+    // docomo‚̌ŗL’[––”FØiƒZƒbƒVƒ‡ƒ“—˜—pÝ’莞‚Ì‚Ý—LŒøj
     $docomo_utn_ht = '';
     //if ($_conf['use_session'] && $_login->user_u && $mobile->isDoCoMo()) {
     if ($_conf['use_session'] && $mobile->isDoCoMo()) {
-        $uri = $myname . '?guid=ON&user=' . urlencode($_login->user_u);
+        //$uri = $myname . '?guid=ON&user=' . urlencode($_login->user_u);
+        $uri = UriUtil::addQueryToUri($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], array(
+            'guid' => 'ON',
+            'user' => $_login->user_u
+        ));
         $docomo_utn_ht = '<p><a href="' . hs($uri) . '" utn>docomoŒÅ—L’[––”FØ</a></p>';

Modified: p2/trunk/read.php
--- p2/trunk/read.php	2010-10-10 13:15:53 UTC (rev 893)
+++ p2/trunk/read.php	2010-12-28 21:14:22 UTC (rev 894)
@@ -87,7 +87,9 @@
 // $GLOBALS['word'] ‚È‚Ç‚ÌŒŸõŒê‚ÌŽæ‚舵‚¢‚ª‚Ç‚³‚­‚³‚Ȃ̂́A‚Å‚«‚ê‚ΐ®—‚µ‚½‚¢‚Æ‚±‚ë...
 $GLOBALS['word'] = geti($_POST['word'], geti($_GET['word']));
 if (!strlen($GLOBALS['word']) && geti($_GET['popup_filter'])) {
-    $GLOBALS['word'] = _getFilterWordResNum($host, $bbs, $key, geti($_GET['resnum']), $GLOBALS['res_filter']['field']);
+    $GLOBALS['word'] = _getFilterWordResNum(
+        $host, $bbs, $key, geti($_GET['resnum']), $GLOBALS['res_filter']['field']
+    );
 $GLOBALS['word_fm'] = null;

Modified: p2/trunk/read_filter_i.php
--- p2/trunk/read_filter_i.php	2010-10-10 13:15:53 UTC (rev 893)
+++ p2/trunk/read_filter_i.php	2010-12-28 21:14:22 UTC (rev 894)
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 // p2 - Œg‘єŃŒƒXƒtƒBƒ‹ƒ^ƒŠƒ“ƒO
-// 2010/08/05 ‚±‚̃XƒNƒŠƒvƒg‚Í—˜—p‚µ‚Ä‚¢‚È‚¢B
+// 2010/08/05 ‚±‚̃XƒNƒŠƒvƒg‚ÍŽg‚킸‚ɁAread.php‚Å‚»‚̂܂܏ˆ—‚·‚é‚悤‚É‚µ‚½Bpopup_filter‚Å”»•ÊB
 require_once './conf/conf.inc.php';
 require_once P2_LIB_DIR . '/Thread.php';

Modified: p2/trunk/subject.php
--- p2/trunk/subject.php	2010-10-10 13:15:53 UTC (rev 893)
+++ p2/trunk/subject.php	2010-12-28 21:14:22 UTC (rev 894)
@@ -849,7 +849,7 @@
     $GLOBALS['word_fm'] = null;
     $GLOBALS['wakati_word'] = null;
-    // uXVv‚Å‚Í‚È‚­‚āAŒŸõŽw’肪‚ ‚ê‚Î
+    // uXVv‚Å‚Í‚È‚­‚āAŒŸõŽw’肪‚ ‚ê‚΁AŒŸõƒ[ƒh‚ðƒZƒbƒg‚·‚é
     if (empty($_REQUEST['submit_refresh']) or !empty($_REQUEST['submit_kensaku'])) {
         if (isset($_GET['word'])) {

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