[perldocjp-cvs 182] CVS update: docs/perl/5.8.4

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Kentaro Shirakata argra****@users*****
2007年 7月 31日 (火) 16:26:45 JST

Index: docs/perl/5.8.4/perlfunc.pod
diff -u docs/perl/5.8.4/perlfunc.pod:1.1 docs/perl/5.8.4/perlfunc.pod:1.2
--- docs/perl/5.8.4/perlfunc.pod:1.1	Thu Jul 26 02:18:54 2007
+++ docs/perl/5.8.4/perlfunc.pod	Tue Jul 31 16:26:45 2007
@@ -1405,10 +1405,9 @@
 =end original
-If the C<encoding> pragma is in scope then the lengths returned are
-calculated from the length of C<$/> in Unicode characters, which is not
-always the same as the length of C<$/> in the native encoding.
+スコープ内で C<encoding> プラグマがあると、返される長さは Unicode 文字の
+C<$/> の長さから計算され、ネイティブエンコーディングでの C<$/> の長さと
 =begin original
@@ -1421,13 +1420,13 @@
 =end original
-Note that parentheses are necessary when you're chomping anything
-that is not a simple variable.  This is because C<chomp $cwd = `pwd`;>
-is interpreted as C<(chomp $cwd) = `pwd`;>, rather than as
-C<chomp( $cwd = `pwd` )> which you might expect.  Similarly,
-C<chomp $a, $b> is interpreted as C<chomp($a), $b> rather than
-as C<chomp($a, $b)>.
+単純な変数以外のものを chomp する場合はかっこが必要であることに
+これは、C<chomp $cwd = `pwd`;> は、予測している
+C<chomp( $cwd = `pwd` )> ではなく、C<(chomp $cwd) = `pwd`;> と
+同様に、C<chomp $a, $b> ではなく、C<chomp($a, $b)> C<chomp($a), $b> と
 =item chop VARIABLE
@@ -1899,13 +1898,11 @@
 =end original
-Traditionally the result is a string of 13 bytes: two first bytes of
-the salt, followed by 11 bytes from the set C<[./0-9A-Za-z]>, and only
-the first eight bytes of the encrypted string mattered, but
-alternative hashing schemes (like MD5), higher level security schemes
-(like C2), and implementations on non-UNIX platforms may produce
-different strings.
+伝統的には結果は 13 バイトの文字列です: 最初の 2 バイトは salt、引き続いて
+集合 C<[./0-9A-Za-z]> からの 11 バイトで、暗号化された文字列の最初の
+8 バイトだけが意味がありますが、(MD5 のように) 異なったハッシュ手法、
+(C2 のような) 高レベルセキュリティ手法、非 UNIX プラットフォームでの
 =begin original
@@ -2509,12 +2506,12 @@
 =end original
-If LIST is empty and C<$@> contains an object reference that has a
-C<PROPAGATE> method, that method will be called with additional file
-and line number parameters.  The return value replaces the value in
-C<$@>.  ie. as if C<< $@ = eval { $@->PROPAGATE(__FILE__, __LINE__) }; >>
-were called.
+LIST が空で、C<$@> が C<PROPAGATE> メソッドを含むオブジェクトへの
+返り値は C<$@> の値を置き換えます。
+つまり、C<< $@ = eval { $@->PROPAGATE(__FILE__, __LINE__) }; >> が
 =begin original
@@ -3881,10 +3878,9 @@
 =end original
-Note that the fcntl(2) emulation of flock(3) requires that FILEHANDLE
-be open with read intent to use LOCK_SH and requires that it be open
-with write intent to use LOCK_EX.
+flock(3) の fcntl(2) エミュレーションは、 LOCK_SH を使うためには
+FILEHANDLE を読み込みで開いている必要があり、LOCK_EX を使うためには
 =begin original
@@ -4253,13 +4249,12 @@
 =end original
-Note for Linux users: on Linux, the C functions C<getpid()> and
-C<getppid()> return different values from different threads. In order to
-be portable, this behavior is not reflected by the perl-level function
-C<getppid()>, that returns a consistent value across threads. If you want
-to call the underlying C<getppid()>, you may use the CPAN module
+Linux ユーザーへの注意: Linux では C<getpid()> と C<getppid()> の C 関数は
+移植性のために、この振る舞いは perl レベルの関数 C<getppid()> には
+基礎となる C<getppid()> を呼び出したい場合は、CPAN モジュールである
+C<Linux::Pid> を使ってください。
 =item getpriority WHICH,WHO
@@ -5905,11 +5900,10 @@
 =end original
-Note that according to the POSIX 1003.1-1996 the FILENAME may have any
-number of trailing slashes.  Some operating and filesystems do not get
-this right, so Perl automatically removes all trailing slashes to keep
-everyone happy.
+POSIX 1003.1-1996 によれば、FILENAME には末尾に任意の数のスラッシュを
+このようには動かない OS やファイルシステムもあるので、Perl はみんなが
 =item msgctl ID,CMD,ARG
@@ -6186,6 +6180,7 @@
 =end original
+EXPR で与えられたファイル名のファイルを開き、FILEHANDLE と結び付けます。
 =begin original
@@ -6194,6 +6189,8 @@
 =end original
+(以下は総合的な open() のリファレンスです: より親切な説明については
+L<perlopentut> を参照してください。)
 =begin original
@@ -6205,6 +6202,12 @@
 =end original
+If FILEHANDLE is an undefined scalar variable (or array or hash element)
+the variable is assigned a reference to a new anonymous filehandle,
+otherwise if FILEHANDLE is an expression, its value is used as the name of
+the real filehandle wanted.  (This is considered a symbolic reference, so
+C<use strict 'refs'> should I<not> be in effect.)
 =begin original
@@ -6215,6 +6218,11 @@
 =end original
+If EXPR is omitted, the scalar variable of the same name as the
+FILEHANDLE contains the filename.  (Note that lexical variables--those
+declared with C<my>--will not work for this purpose; so if you're
+using C<my>, specify EXPR in your call to open.)
 =begin original
@@ -6226,6 +6234,12 @@
 =end original
+If three or more arguments are specified then the mode of opening and
+the file name are separate. If MODE is C<< '<' >> or nothing, the file
+is opened for input.  If MODE is C<< '>' >>, the file is truncated and
+opened for output, being created if necessary.  If MODE is C<<< '>>' >>>,
+the file is opened for appending, again being created if necessary.
 =begin original
@@ -6240,6 +6254,15 @@
 =end original
+You can put a C<'+'> in front of the C<< '>' >> or C<< '<' >> to
+indicate that you want both read and write access to the file; thus
+C<< '+<' >> is almost always preferred for read/write updates--the C<<
+'+>' >> mode would clobber the file first.  You can't usually use
+either read-write mode for updating textfiles, since they have
+variable length records.  See the B<-i> switch in L<perlrun> for a
+better approach.  The file is created with permissions of C<0666>
+modified by the process' C<umask> value.
 =begin original
@@ -6371,11 +6394,10 @@
 =end original
-will open the UTF-8 encoded file containing Unicode characters,
-see L<perluniintro>. (Note that if layers are specified in the
-three-arg form then default layers set by the C<open> pragma are
+は、Unicode 文字を含む UTF-8 エンコードされたファイルを開きます;
+L<perlruniintro> を参照してください。
+(3 引数形式で層を指定すると、C<open> プラグまでセットしたデフォルト層は
 =begin original
@@ -7088,13 +7110,12 @@
 =end original
-The exact semantics and interface of TYPE and ATTRS are still
-evolving.  TYPE is currently bound to the use of C<fields> pragma,
-and attributes are handled using the C<attributes> pragma, or starting
-from Perl 5.8.0 also via the C<Attribute::Handlers> module.  See
-L<perlsub/"Private Variables via my()"> for details, and L<fields>,
-L<attributes>, and L<Attribute::Handlers>.
+TYPE と ATTRS の正確な文法とインターフェースは今でも進化しています。
+現在のところ、TYPE は C<fields> プラグマの使用と結び付けられていて、
+属性は C<attributes> プラグマか、Perl 5.8.0 からは
+C<Attribute::Handlers> モジュールと結び付けられています。
+詳しくはL<perlsub/"Private Variables via my()">, L<fields>,
+L<attributes>, L<Attribute::Handlers> を参照してください。
 =begin original
@@ -7154,11 +7175,10 @@
 =end original
-Warning: the current implementation of this attribute operates on the
-typeglob associated with the variable; this means that C<our $x : unique>
-also has the effect of C<our @x : unique; our %x : unique>. This may be
-subject to change.
+警告: この属性の現在の実装は、変数と結び付けられた型グロブを操作します;
+これは C<our $x : unique> は C<our @x : unique; our %x : unique> という
 =item pack TEMPLATE,LIST
@@ -7341,10 +7361,10 @@
     F	ネイティブフォーマットの浮動小数点数
            (Perl 内部浮動小数点数 NV)
-    D	ネイティブフォーマットの長い倍精度浮動小数点数
-	  (Long doubles are available only if your system supports long
-	   double values _and_ if Perl has been compiled to support those.
-           Causes a fatal error otherwise.)(TBT)
+    D	ネイティブフォーマットの長い倍精度浮動小数点数(long double)
+	  (long double は、システムが long double に対応していて、かつ Perl が
+	   long double 対応としてコンパイルされている場合にのみ使用可能です。
+           それ以外の場合は致命的エラーが発生します。)
 =begin original
@@ -9049,11 +9069,10 @@
 =end original
-Specifying VERSION as a literal of the form v5.6.1 should generally be
-avoided, because it leads to misleading error messages under earlier
-versions of Perl which do not support this syntax.  The equivalent numeric
-version should be used instead.
+VERSION に v5.6.1 の形のリテラルを指定することは一般的には避けるべきです;
+なぜなら、この文法に対応していない Perl の初期のバージョンでは
     require v5.6.1;	# run time version check
     require 5.6.1;	# ditto
@@ -9327,7 +9346,9 @@
 Note that these hooks are also permitted to set the %INC entry
 corresponding to the files they have loaded. See L<perlvar/%INC>.
+これらのフックは、読み込まれるファイルに対応する %INC エントリを
+L<perlvar/%INC> を参照してください。
 =begin original
@@ -10027,6 +10048,14 @@
 =end original
+Note the I<characters>: depending on the status of the socket, either
+(8-bit) bytes or characters are sent.  By default all sockets operate
+on bytes, but for example if the socket has been changed using
+binmode() to operate with the C<:utf8> I/O layer (see L</open>, or the
+C<open> pragma, L<open>), the I/O will operate on UTF-8 encoded
+Unicode characters, not bytes.  Similarly for the C<:encoding> pragma:
+in that case pretty much any characters can be sent.
 =item setpgrp PID,PGRP
@@ -10511,20 +10540,21 @@
 =end original
-Perl 5.6 and earlier used a quicksort algorithm to implement sort.
-That algorithm was not stable, and I<could> go quadratic.  (A I<stable> sort
-preserves the input order of elements that compare equal.  Although
-quicksort's run time is O(NlogN) when averaged over all arrays of
-length N, the time can be O(N**2), I<quadratic> behavior, for some
-inputs.)  In 5.7, the quicksort implementation was replaced with
-a stable mergesort algorithm whose worst case behavior is O(NlogN).
-But benchmarks indicated that for some inputs, on some platforms,
-the original quicksort was faster.  5.8 has a sort pragma for
-limited control of the sort.  Its rather blunt control of the
-underlying algorithm may not persist into future perls, but the
-ability to characterize the input or output in implementation
-independent ways quite probably will.  See L<sort>.
+Perl 5.6 以前ではソートの実装にクイックソートアルゴリズムを使っていました。
+このアルゴリズムは安定せず、2 乗の時間が掛かる I<可能性があります> 。
+(I<安定した> ソートは、比較した時に同じ要素の入力順が保存されます。
+クイックソートの実行時間は、長さ N の全ての配列の平均では
+O(NlogN) ですが、入力によっては O(N**2) という I<2 乗の> 振る舞いを
+5.7 では、クイックソートによる実装は、最悪の場合の振る舞いも
+O(NlogN) である、安定したマージソートアルゴリズムに置き換えられました。
+5.8 ではソートを限定的に制御できる sort プラグマがあります。
+この、アルゴリズムの直接的な制御方法は将来の perl では引き継がれないかも
+L<sort> を参照してください。
 =begin original
@@ -11010,9 +11040,8 @@
 =end original
-As with regular pattern matching, any capturing parentheses that are not
-matched in a C<split()> will be set to C<undef> when returned:
+通常のパターンマッチングで、C<split()> でマッチしない全てのかっこは
+返される時には C<undef> がセットされます。
     @fields = split /(A)|B/, "1A2B3";
     # @fields is (1, 'A', 2, undef, 3)
@@ -11154,10 +11183,9 @@
 =end original
-Between the C<%> and the format letter, you may specify a number of
-additional attributes controlling the interpretation of the format.
-In order, these are:
+C<%> とフォーマット文字の間に、フォーマットの解釈を制御するための、
 =over 4
@@ -11171,6 +11199,10 @@
 =end original
+An explicit format parameter index, such as C<2$>. By default sprintf
+will format the next unused argument in the list, but this allows you
+to take the arguments out of order. Eg:
   printf '%2$d %1$d', 12, 34;      # prints "34 12"
   printf '%3$d %d %1$d', 1, 2, 3;  # prints "3 1 1"
@@ -11180,6 +11212,11 @@
 =begin original
 one or more of:
+=end original
    space   prefix positive number with a space
    +       prefix positive number with a plus sign
    -       left-justify within the field
@@ -11193,6 +11230,7 @@
 =end original
   printf '<% d>', 12;   # prints "< 12>"
   printf '<%+d>', 12;   # prints "<+12>"
@@ -11213,6 +11251,12 @@
 =end original
+The vector flag C<v>, optionally specifying the join string to use.
+This flag tells perl to interpret the supplied string as a vector
+of integers, one for each character in the string, separated by
+a given string (a dot C<.> by default).
   printf "version is v%vd\n", $^V;     # Perl's version
@@ -11223,6 +11267,9 @@
 =end original
+Put an asterisk C<*> before the C<v> to override the string to
+use to separate the numbers:
   printf "address is %*vX\n", ":", $addr;   # IPv6 address
   printf "bits are %0*v8b\n", " ", $bits;   # random bitstring
@@ -11234,6 +11281,9 @@
 =end original
+You can also explicitly specify the argument number to use for
+the join string using eg C<*2$v>:
   printf '%*4$vX %*4$vX %*4$vX', @addr[1..3], ":";   # 3 IPv6 addresses
@@ -11248,6 +11298,11 @@
 =end original
+Arguments are usually formatted to be only as wide as required to
+display the given value. You can override the width by putting
+a number here, or get the width from the next argument (with C<*>)
+or from a specified argument (with eg C<*2$>):
   printf '<%s>', "a";       # prints "<a>"
   printf '<%6s>', "a";      # prints "<     a>"
@@ -11276,6 +11331,11 @@
 =end original
+C<.> の後に数値を指定することで、(数値変換の場合)精度や(文字列変換の場合)
+小数点数フォーマットの場合、'g' と 'G' を除いて、表示する小数点以下の
+桁数を指定します(デフォルトは 6 です)。
   # these examples are subject to system-specific variation
   printf '<%f>', 1;    # prints "<1.000000>"
@@ -11291,6 +11351,9 @@
 =end original
+'g' と 'G' の場合、これは表示する数値の数を指定します;
   # these examples are subject to system-specific variation
   printf '<%g>', 1;        # prints "<1>"
@@ -11308,6 +11371,8 @@
 =end original
+整数変換の場合、精度を指定すると、数値自体の出力はこの幅に 0 で
   printf '<%.6x>', 1;      # prints "<000001>"
   printf '<%#.6x>', 1;     # prints "<0x000001>"
@@ -11320,6 +11385,8 @@
 =end original
   printf '<%.5s>', "truncated";   # prints "<trunc>"
   printf '<%10.5s>', "truncated"; # prints "<     trunc>"
@@ -11330,6 +11397,7 @@
 =end original
+C<.*> を使って精度を次の引数から取ることも出来ます:
   printf '<%.6x>', 1;       # prints "<000001>"
   printf '<%.*x>', 6, 1;    # prints "<000001>"
@@ -11342,6 +11410,10 @@
 =end original
+You cannot currently get the precision from a specified number,
+but it is intended that this will be possible in the future using
+eg C<.*2$>:
   printf '<%.*2$x>', 1, 6;   # INVALID, but in future will print "<000001>"
@@ -11358,6 +11430,13 @@
 =end original
+For numeric conversions, you can specify the size to interpret the
+number as using C<l>, C<h>, C<V>, C<q>, C<L>, or C<ll>. For integer
+conversions (C<d u o x X b i D U O>), numbers are usually assumed to be
+whatever the default integer size is on your platform (usually 32 or 64
+bits), but you can override this to use instead one of the standard C types,
+as supported by the compiler used to build Perl:
    l           interpret integer as C type "long" or "unsigned long"
    h           interpret integer as C type "short" or "unsigned short"
@@ -11373,6 +11452,12 @@
 =end original
+The last will produce errors if Perl does not understand "quads" in your
+installation. (This requires that either the platform natively supports quads
+or Perl was specifically compiled to support quads.)
+Perl が 64 ビット整数に対応しているかどうかは L<Config> を使って
 	use Config;
 	($Config{use64bitint} eq 'define' || $Config{longsize} >= 8) &&
@@ -11397,7 +11482,6 @@
 	use Config;
 	$Config{d_longdbl} eq 'define' && print "long doubles\n";
 =begin original
 You can find out whether Perl considers 'long double' to be the default
@@ -11405,6 +11489,9 @@
 =end original
+You can find out whether Perl considers 'long double' to be the default
+floating point size to use on your platform via L<Config>:
         use Config;
         ($Config{uselongdouble} eq 'define') &&
@@ -11416,6 +11503,8 @@
 =end original
+It can also be the case that long doubles and doubles are the same thing:
         use Config;
         ($Config{doublesize} == $Config{longdblsize}) &&
@@ -11430,6 +11519,11 @@
 =end original
+The size specifier C<V> has no effect for Perl code, but it is supported
+for compatibility with XS code; it means 'use the standard size for
+a Perl integer (or floating-point number)', which is already the
+default for Perl code.
 =item order of arguments
@@ -11446,6 +11540,15 @@
 =end original
+Normally, sprintf takes the next unused argument as the value to
+format for each format specification. If the format specification
+uses C<*> to require additional arguments, these are consumed from
+the argument list in the order in which they appear in the format
+specification I<before> the value to format. Where an argument is
+specified using an explicit index, this does not affect the normal
+order for the arguments (even when the explicitly specified index
+would have been the next argument in any case).
 =begin original
@@ -11453,6 +11556,7 @@
 =end original
   printf '<%*.*s>', $a, $b, $c;
@@ -11463,6 +11567,8 @@
 =end original
+とすると C<$a> を幅に、C<$b> を精度に、C<$c> をフォーマットの値に
   print '<%*1$.*s>', $a, $b;
@@ -11473,6 +11579,7 @@
 =end original
+とすると C<$a> を幅と精度に、C<$b> をフォーマットの値に使います。
 =begin original
@@ -11481,6 +11588,8 @@
 =end original
+以下にさらなる例を示します - 明示的にインデックスを使う場合、C<$> は
   printf "%2\$d %d\n",    12, 34;		# will print "34 12\n"
   printf "%2\$d %d %d\n", 12, 34;		# will print "34 12 34\n"
@@ -11584,11 +11693,10 @@
 =end original
-You can call srand($seed) with the same $seed to reproduce the
-I<same> sequence from rand(), but this is usually reserved for
-generating predictable results for testing or debugging.
-Otherwise, don't call srand() more than once in your program.
+同じ $seed を使って srand($seed) を呼び出すことで、rand() から I<同じ>
+それ以外では、srand() をプログラム内で 2 回以上呼び出さないでください。
 =begin original
@@ -12549,11 +12657,10 @@
 =end original
-Note the I<in bytes>: even if the filehandle has been set to operate
-on characters (for example by using the C<:utf8> I/O layer), tell()
-will return byte offsets, not character offsets (because implementing
-that would render sysseek() very slow).
+I<バイト単位> の注意: 文字単位で扱うようにファイルハンドルが
+設定されている場合(C<:utf8> I/O 層を使っている場合など)でも、
+tell() は文字のオフセットではなくバイトのオフセットを返します
+(sysseek() の実装がとても遅いからです)。
 =begin original
@@ -13651,11 +13758,10 @@
 =end original
-Specifying VERSION as a literal of the form v5.6.1 should generally be
-avoided, because it leads to misleading error messages under earlier
-versions of Perl which do not support this syntax.  The equivalent numeric
-version should be used instead.
+VERSION に v5.6.1 の形のリテラルを指定することは一般的には避けるべきです;
+なぜなら、この文法に対応していない Perl の初期のバージョンでは
     use v5.6.1;		# compile time version check
     use 5.6.1;		# ditto
@@ -13849,12 +13955,10 @@
 =end original
-Since perl 5.7.2, if the first two elements of the list are C<undef>, then
-the utime(2) function in the C library will be called with a null second
-argument. On most systems, this will set the file's access and
-modification times to the current time (i.e. equivalent to the example
+perl 5.7.2 から、リストの最初の二つの要素が C<undef> である場合、
+C ライブラリの utime(2) 関数を、秒の引数を null として呼び出します。
     utime undef, undef, @ARGV;
@@ -13868,12 +13972,12 @@
 =end original
-Under NFS this will use the time of the NFS server, not the time of
-the local machine.  If there is a time synchronization problem, the
-NFS server and local machine will have different times.  The Unix
-touch(1) command will in fact normally use this form instead of the
-one shown in the first example.
+NFS では、これはローカルマシンの時刻ではなく、NFS サーバーの時刻が
+時刻同期に問題がある場合、NFS サーバーとローカルマシンで違う時刻に
+実際のところ、Unix の touch(1) コマンドは普通、最初の例ではなく、
 =begin original
@@ -13884,11 +13988,10 @@
 =end original
-Note that only passing one of the first two elements as C<undef> will
-be equivalent of passing it as 0 and will not have the same effect as
-described when they are both C<undef>.  This case will also trigger an
-uninitialized warning.
+最初の二つの要素のうち、一つだけに C<undef> を渡すと、その要素は 0 を
+渡すのと等価となり、上述の、両方に C<undef> を渡した時と同じ
 =item values HASH

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