[perldocjp-cvs 546] CVS update: docs/modules/Email-Sender-0.093380/lib/Email/Sender/Manual

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iwai****@users***** iwai****@users*****
2009年 12月 18日 (金) 17:25:39 JST

Index: docs/modules/Email-Sender-0.093380/lib/Email/Sender/Manual/QuickStart.pod
diff -u docs/modules/Email-Sender-0.093380/lib/Email/Sender/Manual/QuickStart.pod:1.1 docs/modules/Email-Sender-0.093380/lib/Email/Sender/Manual/QuickStart.pod:1.2
--- docs/modules/Email-Sender-0.093380/lib/Email/Sender/Manual/QuickStart.pod:1.1	Fri Dec 18 17:19:25 2009
+++ docs/modules/Email-Sender-0.093380/lib/Email/Sender/Manual/QuickStart.pod	Fri Dec 18 17:25:39 2009
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
+=encoding utf8
 =head1 NAME
-Email::Sender::Manual::QuickStart - how to start using Email::Sender right now
+Email::Sender::Manual::QuickStart - すぐにEmail::Senderを使い始める方法
 =head1 VERSION
@@ -10,6 +12,8 @@
+=begin original
 =head2 Let's Send Some Mail!
 No messing around, let's just send some mail.
@@ -33,6 +37,30 @@
 That's it.  Your message goes out into the internet and tries to get delivered
 to C<x.amp****@examp*****>.
+=end original
+=head2 電子メールを送ってみよう!
+  use strict;
+  use Email::Sender::Simple qw(sendmail);
+  use Email::Simple;
+  use Email::Simple::Creator;
+  my $email = Email::Simple->create(
+    header => [
+      To      => '"Xavier Q. Ample" <x.amp****@examp*****>',
+      From    => '"Bob Fishman" <orz****@examp*****>',
+      Subject => "don't forget to *enjoy the sauce*",
+    ],
+    body => "This message is short, but at least it's cheap.\n",
+  );
+  sendmail($email);
 In the example above, C<$email> could be an Email::Simple object, a
 MIME::Entity, a string containing an email message, or one of several other
 types of input.  If C<Email::Abstract> can understand a value, it can be passed

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