[perldocjp-cvs 1427] CVS update: docs/perl/5.16.0

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argra****@users***** argra****@users*****
2012年 4月 27日 (金) 04:22:16 JST

Index: docs/perl/5.16.0/perl5160delta.pod
diff -u docs/perl/5.16.0/perl5160delta.pod:1.8 docs/perl/5.16.0/perl5160delta.pod:1.9
--- docs/perl/5.16.0/perl5160delta.pod:1.8	Thu Apr 26 04:29:58 2012
+++ docs/perl/5.16.0/perl5160delta.pod	Fri Apr 27 04:22:16 2012
@@ -2768,146 +2768,297 @@
 =head3 Other Changes
 =over 4
 =item *
+=begin original
 L<perlxs> was extended with documentation on inline typemaps.
+=end original
+L<perlxs> はインライン typemap の文書で拡張されました。
 =item *
+=begin original
 L<perlref> has a new L<Circular References|perlref/Circular References>
 section explaining how circularities may not be freed and how to solve that
 with weak references.
+=end original
+L<perlref> に、なぜ循環性があると解放されないかと弱い参照を使って
+L<Circular References|perlref/Circular References> が追加されました。
 =item *
+=begin original
 Parts of L<perlapi> were clarified, and Perl equivalents of some C
 functions have been added as an additional mode of exposition.
+=end original
+L<perlapi> の一部が明確化され、and Perl equivalents of some C
+functions have been added as an additional mode of exposition.
 =item *
+=begin original
 A few parts of L<perlre> and L<perlrecharclass> were clarified.
+=end original
+L<perlre> と L<perlrecharclass> のいくつかの部分が明確化されました。
 =head2 Removed Documentation
 =head3 Old OO Documentation
+(古い OO 文書)
+=begin original
 All the old OO tutorials, perltoot, perltooc, and perlboot, have been
 removed.  The perlbot (bag of object tricks) document has been removed
 as well.
+=end original
+古い OO チュートリアルである perltoot, perltooc, perlboot は削除されました。
+perlbot (bag of object tricks) 文書も削除されました。
 =head3 Development Deltas
+=begin original
 The perldelta files for development releases are no longer packaged with
 perl.  These can still be found in the perl source code repository.
+=end original
+開発リリースの perldelta ファイルは perl と共に
+perl ソースコードレポジトリには残っています。
 =head1 Diagnostics
+=begin original
 The following additions or changes have been made to diagnostic output,
 including warnings and fatal error messages.  For the complete list of
 diagnostic messages, see L<perldiag>.
+=end original
+完全な診断メッセージの一覧については、L<perldiag> を参照してください。
 =head2 New Diagnostics
 =head3 New Errors
 =over 4
 =item *
 L<Cannot set tied @DB::args|perldiag/"Cannot set tied @DB::args">
+=begin original
 This error occurs when C<caller> tries to set C<@DB::args> but finds it
 tied.  Before this error was added, it used to crash instead.
+=end original
+このエラーは、C<caller> が C<@DB::args> を設定しようとしたけれども
+これが tie されていたときに起こります。
 =item *
 L<Cannot tie unreifiable array|perldiag/"Cannot tie unreifiable array">
+=begin original
 This error is part of a safety check that the C<tie> operator does before
 tying a special array like C<@_>.  You should never see this message.
+=end original
+このエラーは、C<@_> のような特殊配列を tie する前に C<tie> 演算子が行う
 =item *
 L<&CORE::%s cannot be called directly|perldiag/"&CORE::%s cannot be called directly">
+=begin original
 This occurs when a subroutine in the C<CORE::> namespace is called
 with C<&foo> syntax or through a reference.  Some subroutines
 in this package cannot yet be called that way, but must be
 called as barewords.  See L</Subroutines in the C<CORE> namespace>, above.
+=end original
+これは、C<CORE::> 名前空間のサブルーチンが C<&foo> 文法またはリファレンスを
+上述の L</Subroutines in the C<CORE> namespace> を参照してください。
 =item *
 L<Source filters apply only to byte streams|perldiag/"Source filters apply only to byte streams">
+=begin original
 This new error occurs when you try to activate a source filter (usually by
 loading a source filter module) within a string passed to C<eval> under the
 C<unicode_eval> feature.
+=end original
+この新しいエラーは、C<unicode_eval> 機能が有効の時に C<eval> に渡された
 =head3 New Warnings
 =over 4
 =item *
 L<defined(@array) is deprecated|perldiag/"defined(@array) is deprecated">
+=begin original
 The long-deprecated C<defined(@array)> now also warns for package variables.
 Previously it only issued a warning for lexical variables.
+=end original
+長い間非推奨となっている C<defined(@array)> は、パッケージ変数に対しても
 =item *
 L<length() used on %s|perldiag/length() used on %s>
+=begin original
 This new warning occurs when C<length> is used on an array or hash, instead
 of C<scalar(@array)> or C<scalar(keys %hash)>.
+=end original
+この新しい警告は、C<scalar(@array)> や C<scalar(keys %hash)> ではなく、
+C<length> が配列やハッシュに使われるときに発生します。
 =item *
 L<lvalue attribute %s already-defined subroutine|perldiag/"lvalue attribute %s already-defined subroutine">
+=begin original
 L<attributes.pm|attributes> now emits this warning when the :lvalue
 attribute is applied to a Perl subroutine that has already been defined, as
 doing so can have unexpected side-effects.
+=end original
+L<attributes.pm|attributes> は、:lvalue 属性が既に定義されている
+Perl サブルーチンに適用されると出力されます; なぜならそうすると想定外の
 =item *
 L<overload arg '%s' is invalid|perldiag/"overload arg '%s' is invalid">
+=begin original
 This warning, in the "overload" category, is produced when the overload
 pragma is given an argument it doesn't recognize, presumably a mistyped
+=end original
+"overload" カテゴリに入るこの警告は、overload プラグマが (おそらくは
+ミスタイプした演算子で) 認識できない引数を指定されたときに発生します。
 =item *
 L<$[ used in %s (did you mean $] ?)|perldiag/"$[ used in %s (did you mean $] ?)">
+=begin original
 This new warning exists to catch the mistaken use of C<$[> in version
 checks.  C<$]>, not C<$[>, contains the version number.
+=end original
+この新しい警告はバージョンチェックでの C<$[> の間違った使用法を
+バージョン番号は C<$[> ではなく C<$]> に含まれています。
 =item *
 L<Useless assignment to a temporary|perldiag/"Useless assignment to a temporary">
+=begin original
 Assigning to a temporary scalar returned
 from an lvalue subroutine now produces this
 warning [perl #31946].
+=end original
+出力されるようになりました [perl #31946]。
 =item *
 L<Useless use of \E|perldiag/"Useless use of \E">
+=begin original
 C<\E> does nothing unless preceded by C<\Q>, C<\L> or C<\U>.
+=end original
+C<\Q>, C<\L>, C<\U> のいずれかが前にない場合、C<\E> は何もしません。
 =head2 Removed Errors
 =item *
@@ -2926,6 +3077,8 @@
 =head2 Changes to Existing Diagnostics
 =over 4
 =item *

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