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2012年 9月 27日 (木) 23:17:20 JST

Index: docs/articles/www.perl.com/pub/2005/06/02/catalyst.html
diff -u /dev/null docs/articles/www.perl.com/pub/2005/06/02/catalyst.html:1.1
--- /dev/null	Thu Sep 27 23:17:20 2012
+++ docs/articles/www.perl.com/pub/2005/06/02/catalyst.html	Thu Sep 27 23:17:20 2012
@@ -0,0 +1,947 @@
+<head><title>Catalyst - Perl.com</title>
+<link REL="STYLESHEET" HREF="../basestyle.css">
+<link REL="STYLESHEET" HREF="perl_study.css">
+Jesse Sheidlowerさんの許可を得て、翻訳を公開しております。なお、この翻訳は、under same terms of Perl itselfで、配布可能です。<br><br>
+原文はこちら: <a href="http://www.perl.com/pub/a/2005/06/02/catalyst.html">Catalyst</a>
+<div class="right">
+<div class="menu">
+<strong>Perl 関連</strong>
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+<br>・<a href="./Books.html">Perl(とか)の書籍</a>
+<li> <a href="#1">Catalyst</a></li>
+<li> <a href="#2">インスピレーションを受けたもの</a></li>
+<li> <a href="#3">特徴</a></li>
+<li> <a href="#4">スピード</a></li>
+<li> <a href="#5">簡易性</a></li>
+<li> <a href="#6">柔軟性</a></li>
+<li> <a href="#7">サンプルアプリケーション: 30行のコードで、MiniMojo, Ajax-Based Wiki</a></li>
+<li> <a href="#8">インストール</a></li>
+<li> <a href="#9">アプリケーションのスケルトンの作成</a></li>
+<li> <a href="#10">Application Classに基本的なメソッドを追加</a></li>
+<li> <a href="#11">Model(SQLite データベース)のセットアップとヘルパースクリプトによるModelクラスの生成</a></li>
+<li> <a href="#12">Viewのセットアップ(<code>Template::Toolkit</code>) とヘルパースクリプトによるViewクラスの作成</a></li>
+<li> <a href="#13">表示と編集のコードの追加</a></li>
+<li> <a href="#14">AjaxでWikiをセットアップする</a></li>
+<li> <a href="#15">リソース</a></li>
+<li> <a href="#16">翻訳について</a></li>
+<a name="1"> </a>
+<p> Jesse Sheidlower<br>
+June 02, 2005
+<p class="original">Web frameworks are an area of significant interest at the moment. Now that
+we've all learned the basics of web programming, we're ready to get the
+common stuff out of the way to concentrate on the task at hand; no one wants to
+spend time rewriting the same bits of glue to handle parameter processing,
+request dispatching, and the like.</p>
+Web フレームワークは、目下、重要な関心を集めている分野です。現在、みんなWebプログラミングの基礎を学んでしまって、
+<p class="original">A model currently favored for web applications is <em>MVC</em>, or
+Model-View-Controller. This design pattern, originally from Smalltalk, supports
+the separation of the three main areas of an application--handling application
+flow (Controller), processing information (Model), and outputting results
+(View)--so that it is possible to change or replace any one without affecting
+the others.</p>
+現在、 Web アプリケーションで好まれているモデルは、<em>MVC</em>、Model-View-Controllerです。
+このデザインターンは、もともとはSmalltalkからきており、Mode、 View、 Controllerの3つの主要な部分
+--アプリケーションフロー(Controller)、情報の処理(Model)、結果の表示(View) --
+<p class="original">Catalyst is a new MVC framework for Perl. It is currently under rapid
+development, but the core API is now stable, and a growing number of projects
+use it.  Catalyst borrows from other frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails and
+Apache Struts, but its main goal is to be a flexible, powerful, and fast
+framework for developing any type of web project in Perl. This article, the
+first of a series of two, introduces Catalyst and shows a simple application; a later
+article will demonstrate how to write a more complex project.</p>
+Catalyst は新しいPerlのMVCフレームワークです。現在、急速に開発されていますが、
+コアのAPIは安定しています。それに、Catalyst を使うプロジェクトの数も増えつつあります。
+Catalyst は他のフレームワーク - Ruby on RailsやApache Strutsのような - から借りています。
+ですが、Catalyst のメインゴールは、Perlで作られるどのようなタイプのWebプロジェクトの開発にも使える、
+<div class="back">
+<a href="#top">â–² to Top</a>
+<a name="2"> </a>
+<p class="original">Catalyst grew out of Maypole, an MVC framework developed by Simon Cozens
+(and discussed last year on Perl.com; see "<a href="http://www.perl.com/pub/a/2004/04/15/maypole.html">Rapid Web Application
+Development with Maypole</a>," for example). Maypole works well for typical CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete)
+databases on the Web. It includes a variety
+of useful methods and prewritten templates and template macros that make it
+very easy to set up a powerful web database.  However, it focuses so strongly
+on CRUD that it is less flexible for other tasks. One of the goals of Catalyst
+is to provide a framework well suited for any web-related project.</p>
+Catalyst は、Maipole、Simon Cozensによって開発されたMVCフレームワーク、Maypole
+( Perl.comで昨年議論されました; "<a href="http://www.perl.com/pub/a/2004/04/15/maypole.html">Rapid Web Application Development with Maypole</a>," 参照)
+、から大きくなりました。Maypoleは、Webのデータベースの典型的なCRUD(Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete)で、うまく動きます。
+<p class="original"><a href="http://www.rubyonrails.org/">Ruby on Rails</a> was another
+inspiration; this popular system has done much to promote interest in the Ruby
+programming language. Features we borrowed from RoR are the use of helper
+scripts to generate application components and the ability to have multiple
+controllers in a single application. Both RoR and Struts allow the use of
+forwarding within applications, which also proved useful for Catalyst.</p>
+<a href="http://www.rubyonrails.org/">Ruby on Rails</a> は、もうひとつのインスピレーションを受けたものです;
+<div class="back">
+<a href="#top">â–² to Top</a>
+<a name="3"> </a>
+<a name="4"> </a>
+<p class="original">We planned Catalyst as an enterprise-level framework, able to handle a significant
+    load. It makes heavy use of caching. Catalyst applications register their actions
+    in the dispatcher at compile time, making it possible to process runtime requests
+    quickly, without needing elaborate checks. Regex dispatches are all precompiled.
+    Catalyst builds only the structures it needs, so there are no delays to generate
+    (for example) unused database relations.</p>
+<div class="back">
+<a href="#top">â–² to Top</a>
+<a name="5"> </a>
+<p class="original">Catalyst has many prebuilt components and plugins for common modules and tasks.
+          For example, there are <code>View</code> classes available for Template Toolkit, HTML::Template,
+          Mason, Petal, and PSP. Plugins are available for dozens of applications and
+          functions, including <a href="http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Data::FormValidator">Data::FormValidator</a>,
+          authentication based on LDAP or <a href="http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Class::DBI">Class::DBI</a>, several caching
+          modules, <a href="http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?HTML::FillInForm">HTML::FillInForm</a>,
+          and XML-RPC.</p>
+例えば、<code>View</code>クラスにはTemplate ToolkitやHTML::TemplateやMason、Petal、PSPなどを利用できます。
+<a href="http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Data::FormValidator">Data::FormValidator</a>、
+LDAPベースの認証とか<a href="http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Class::DBI">Class::DBI</a>、
+複数のキャッシングモジュール, <a href="http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?HTML::FillInForm">HTML::FillInForm</a>、 
+<p class="original">Catalyst supports component auto-discovery; if you put a component in the
+    correct place, Catalyst will find and load it automagically. Just place a Catalog
+    controller in <em>/AppName/Controller/Catalog.pm</em> (or, in practice, in the
+    shortened <em>/AppName/C/Catalog.pm</em>); there's no need to <code>use</code> each
+    item. You can also declare plugins in the application class with short names,
+    so that:</p>
+<em>/AppName/Controller/Catalog.pm</em>(または、実際には、略して <em>/AppName/C/Catalog.pm</em>)
+<pre class=code><code>use Catalyst qw/Email Prototype Textile/;</code></pre>
+<p>will load <code>Catalyst::Plugin::Email</code>, <code>Catalyst::Plugin::Prototype</code>,
+    and <code>Catalyst::Plugin::Textile</code> in one shot.</p>
+<p><code>Catalyst::Plugin::Email</code>, <code>Catalyst::Plugin::Prototype</code>,
+    and <code>Catalyst::Plugin::Textile</code>を一回でロードします。</p>
+<p class="original">Catalyst comes with a built-in lightweight HTTP server for development purposes.
+    This runs on any platform; you can quickly restart it to reload any changes.
+    This server functions similarly to production-level servers, so you can use
+    it throughout the testing process--or longer; it's a great choice if you want
+    to deliver a self-contained desktop application. Scalability is simple, though:
+    when you want to move on, it is trivial to switch the engine to use plain CGI,
+    <code>mod_perl1</code>, <code>mod_perl2</code>, FastCGI, or even the Zeus web server.</p>
+このサーバはどんなプラットフォームでも動きます; なんらかの変更をリロードするために、
+移行したくなっても、ただのCGIを使うエンジン、<code>mod_perl1</code>、 <code>mod_perl2</code>、 FastCGI、Zeus web server でも、
+<p class="original">Debugging (Figure 1) and logging (Figure 2) support is also built-in. With
+    debugging enabled, Catalyst sends very detailed reports to the error log, including
+    summaries of the loaded components, fine-grained timing of each action and
+    request, argument listings for requests, and more. Logging works by using the
+    the <code>Catalyst::Log</code> class; you can log any action for debugging
+    or information purposes by adding lines like:</p>
+<p>デバッギング (Figure 1) と ロギング (Figure 2) サポートもまた組み込まれています。
+<code>Catalyst::Log</code> クラスでロギングを動かしています;
+<pre class=code><code>$c-&gt;log-&gt;info("We made it past the for loop");
+$c-&gt;log-&gt;debug( $sql_query );</code></pre>
+<p><img src="http://www.perl.com/2005/06/02/graphics/log-screenshot.gif" alt="Log screenshot" height="411" width="515"><br>
+  <em>Figure 1. Logging</em></p>
+<p class="original">Crashes will display a flashy debug screen showing details of relevant data
+    structures, software and OS versions, and the line numbers of errors.</p>
+<p><img src="http://www.perl.com/2005/06/02/graphics/debug-screenshot.gif" alt="Debug screenshot" height="376" width="515"><br>
+  <em>Figure 2. Debugging</em></p>
+<p class="original">Helper scripts, generated with Template Toolkit, are available for the main
+    application and most components. These allow you to quickly generate starter code (including
+    basic unit tests) for the application framework. With a single line,
+    you can create a <code>Model</code> class based on <code>Class::DBI</code> that pulls in
+    the appropriate Catalyst base model class, sets up the pattern for the CDBI
+    configuration hash, and generates a <code>perldoc</code> skeleton.</p>
+ヘルパースクリプト - Template Toolkitで生成された - は、メインのアプリケーションとほとんどのコンポーネントで利用できます。
+<code>Class::DBI</code> をベースとした <code>Model</code> クラスを作れます。
+<div class="back">
+<a href="#top">â–² to Top</a>
+<a name="6"> </a>
+<p class="original">
+Catalyst allows you to use multiple models, views, and controllers--not just
+as an option when setting up an application, but as a totally flexible part of
+an application's flow. You can mix and match different elements within the same
+application or even within the same method. Want to use <code>Class::DBI</code> for
+your database storage and LDAP for authentication? You can have two models. Want
+to use Template Toolkit for web display and <a href="http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?PDF::Template">PDF::Template</a> for print
+output? No problem. Catalyst uses a simple building-block approach to its add-ins:
+if you want to use a component, you say so, and if you don't say so, Catalyst
+won't use it. With so many components and plugins available, based on CPAN modules,
+it's easy to use what you want, but you don't have to use something you don't
+need. Catalyst features advanced URL-to-action dispatching. There are multiple
+ways to map a URL to an action (that is, a Catalyst method), depending on your
+requirements. First, there is literal dispatching, which will match a specific
+Catalyst は複数のModel、View、 Controller を扱えます --
+両方のモデルを使えます。Webの表示にTemplate Toolkitを使い、プリント用の出力に
+<a href="http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?PDF::Template">PDF::Template</a>を使いたい?
+Catalystは使おうとしません。利用可能なたくさんのコンポーネントとプラグイン -
+CPANモジュールをベースとしている - で、簡単に望むものを使うことができます。
+Catalyst features advanced URL-to-action dispatching. There are multiple
+ways to map a URL to an action (that is, a Catalyst method), depending on your
+requirements. First, there is literal dispatching, which will match a specific
+Catalystは、先進の URL-to-action ディスパッチを備えています。
+URLとアクションのマッピングには複数のやりかたがあります(that is, a Catalyst method)。
+<pre class=code><code>package MyApp::C::Quux;
+# http://localhost:3000/foo/bar/yada だけにマッチ
+sub baz : Path('foo/bar/yada') { }</code></pre>
+<p class="original">A top-level, or global, dispatch matches the method name directly at the application
+  base:</p>
+<pre class=code><code>package MyApp::C::Foo;
+# http://localhost:3000/bar にのみマッチ
+sub bar : Global { }</code></pre>
+<p class="original">A local, or namespace-prefixed, dispatch acts only in the namespace derived
+  from the name of your Controller class:</p>
+<pre class=code><code>package MyApp::C::Catalog::Product;
+# http://localhost:3000/catalog/product/buy にマッチ
+sub buy : Local { }
+package MyApp::C::Catalog::Order;
+# http://localhost:3000/catalog/order/review にマッチ
+sub review : Local { }</code></pre>
+<p class="original">The most flexible is a regex dispatch, which acts on a URL that matches the
+  pattern in the key. If you use capturing parentheses, the matched values are
+  available in the <code>$c-&gt;request-&gt;snippets</code> array.</p>
+パーレンをキャプチャリングするのに使う(訳注: /([a-z]+)(\d+)/ から、$1, $2など を使う)なら、
+<pre class=code><code>package MyApp::C::Catalog;
+# http://localhost:3000/item23/order189 にマッチ
+sub bar : Regex('^item(\d+)/order(\d+)$') { 
+   my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
+   my $item_number  = $c-&gt;request-&gt;snippets-&gt;[0];
+   my $order_number = $c-&gt;request-&gt;snippets-&gt;[1];
+   # ...    
+<p class="original">The regex will act globally; if you want it to act only on a namespace, use
+  the name of the namespace in the body of the regex:</p>
+<p>正規表現はグローバルに動きます; 名前空間でのみ動かしたければ、正規表現に名前空間の名前を使ってください:</p>
+<pre class=code><code>sub foo : Regex('^catalog/item(\d+)$') { # ...</code></pre>
+<p class="original">Finally, you can have private methods, which are never available through URLs.
+  You can only reach them from within the application, with a namespace-prefixed
+  path:</p>
+アプリケーション内からのみ、namespace-prefixed なパスで使うことができます:
+<pre class=code><code>package MyApp::C::Foo;
+# matches nothing, and is only available via $c-&gt;forward('/foo/bar').
+sub bar : Private { }</code></pre>
+<p class="original">A single <code>Context</code> object (<code>$context</code>, or more usually as its alias <code>$c</code>)
+  is available throughout the application, and is the primary way of interacting
+  with other elements. Through this object, you can access the request object
+  (<code>$c-&gt;request-&gt;params</code> will return or set parameters, <code>$c-&gt;request-&gt;cookies</code> will
+  return or set cookies), share data among components, and control the flow of
+  your application. A response object contains response-specific information
+  (<code>$c-&gt;response-&gt;status(404)</code>) and the <code>Catalyst::Log</code> class
+  is made directly available, as shown above. The <code>stash</code> is a universal hash
+  for sharing data among application components:</p>
+<p>1つの<code>Context</code> オブジェクト(<code>$context</code>, または、 普通は <code>$c</code>)
+このオブジェクトを通して、リクエストオブジェクト(<code>$c-&gt;request-&gt;params</code> がパラメータを返す/セットします、 
+<code>$c-&gt;request-&gt;cookies</code> がクッキーを返す/セットします)、
+(<code>$c-&gt;response-&gt;status(404)</code>)、また、既に見た、<code>Catalyst::Log</code> クラス
+が直接に利用可能です. <code>stash</code> は、ユニバーサルなハッシュで、
+<pre class=code><code>$c-&gt;stash-&gt;{error_message} = "You must select an entry";
+# TT のテンプレートで:
+[% IF error_message %]
+   &lt;h3&gt;[% error_message %]&lt;/h3&gt;
+[% END %]</code></pre>
+<p class="original">Stash values go directly into the templates, but the entire context object
+  is also available:</p>
+<p>Stash の値はテンプレートに直接に入ります。 ですが、全てのコンテキストオブジェクトもまた利用可能です:</p>
+<pre class=code><code>&lt;h1&gt;[% c.config.name %]&lt;/h1&gt;</code></pre>
+<p class="original">To show a Mason example, if you want to use <code>Catalyst::View::Mason</code>:</p>
+<p>Masonの例を見るために, <code>Catalyst::View::Mason</code>が欲しければ:</p>
+<pre class=code><code>% foreach my $k (keys $c-&gt;req-&gt;params) {
+  param: &lt;% $k %&gt;: value: &lt;% $c-&gt;req-&gt;params-&gt;{$k} %&gt;
+% }</code></pre>
+<div class="back">
+<a href="#top">â–² to Top</a>
+<a name="7"> </a>
+<h2>サンプルアプリケーション: 30行のコードで、MiniMojo, Ajax-Based Wiki</h2>
+<p class="original">Now that you have a sense of what Catalyst is, it's time to look at what it
+can do. The example application is MiniMojo, a wiki based on <a href="http://www.adaptivepath.com/publications/essays/archives/000385.php">Ajax</a>,
+which is a JavaScript framework that uses the <code>XMLHttpRequest</code> object to create
+highly dynamic web pages without needing to send full pages back and forth
+between the server and client.</p>
+アプリケーション例は、MiniMojoです。<a href="http://www.adaptivepath.com/publications/essays/archives/000385.php">Ajax</a>のWikiです。
+<p class="original">Remember that from the Catalyst perspective, Ajax is just a case of sending
+more text to the browser, except that this text is in the form of client-side
+JavaScript that talks to the server, rather than a boilerplate copyright notice
+or a navigation sidebar.  It makes no difference to Catalyst.</p>
+より多くのテキストをブラウザに送る1ケースであることを覚えていてください。 このことはCatalystに重要ではありません。
+<div class="back">
+<a href="#top">â–² to Top</a>
+<a name="8"> </a>
+<p class="original">Catalyst has a relatively large number of requirements; most, however, are
+easy to install, along with their dependencies, from CPAN. The following list
+should take care of everything you need for this project:</p>
+<p>Catalyst 必要なモジュールが比較的たくさんあります; ですが、
+<li><a href="http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Catalyst">Catalyst</a></li> 
+<li><a href="http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Catalyst::Model::CDBI">Catalyst::Model::CDBI</a></li>
+<li><a href="http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Class::DBI::SQLite">Class::DBI::SQLite</a></li> 
+<li><a href="http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Catalyst::View::TT">Catalyst::View::TT</a> </li>
+<li><a href="http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Catalyst::Plugin::Textile">Catalyst::Plugin::Textile</a> </li>
+<li><a href="http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Catalyst::Plugin::Prototype">Catalyst::Plugin::Prototype</a></li> 
+<li><a href="http://www.sqlite.org/">SQLite</a> (バイナリ、Perlモジュールではありません)</li>
+<div class="back">
+<a href="#top">â–² to Top</a>
+<a name="9"> </a>
+<p class="original">Run this command:</p>
+<pre class=code><code>$ catalyst.pl MiniMojo
+$ cd MiniMojo</code></pre>
+<p class="original">You've just created the skeleton for your entire application, complete with
+a helper script keyed to MiniMojo to generate individual classes, basic test
+scripts, and more.</p>
+<p class="original">Run the built-in server:</p>
+<pre class=code><code>$ script/minimojo_server.pl</code></pre>
+<p class="original">MiniMojo is already running, though it isn't doing much
+just yet. (You should have received a web page consisting solely
+of the text "Congratulations, MiniMojo is on Catalyst!")  Press
+<code>Ctrl</code>-<code>C</code> to stop the server.</p>
+<p>MiniMojo はもう動いています、ですが、まだ多くのことはしません。
+(単に"Congratulations, MiniMojo is on Catalyst!"というWebページだけです)
+<div class="back">
+<a href="#top">â–² to Top</a>
+<a name="10"> </a>
+<h3>Application Classに基本的なメソッドを追加</h3>
+<p class="original">Add a private <code>end</code> action to your application class,
+<em>lib/MiniMojo.pm</em>, by editing the new file:</p>
+<p>プライベートな<code>end</code> アクションをアプリケーションクラス、<em>lib/MiniMojo.pm</em>に追加します。
+<pre class=code><code>sub end : Private {
+    my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
+    $c-&gt;forward('MiniMojo::V::TT') unless $c-&gt;res-&gt;output;
+<p class="original">Catalyst automatically calls the <code>end</code> action at the end of a
+request cycle.  It's one of four built-in Private actions. It's a typical
+pattern in Catalyst to use <code>end</code> to forward the application to the
+View component for rendering, though if necessary you could do it yourself (for
+example, if you want to use different Views in the same application--perhaps
+one to generate web pages with Template Toolkit and another to generate PDFs
+with PDF::Template).</p>
+<p>Catalyst は、リクエストサイクルの最後に自動的に<code>end</code>を呼びます。これは、4つのビルトインアクションの1つです。
+ですが、必要なら、自分でそれを行うこともできます(例えば、同じアプリケーションで違うViewを使いたい--たぶん、一方で Tempalte Toolkit で Webページを生成し、
+<p class="original">Replace the existing, helper-generated <code>default</code> action in the same class with:</p>
+<p>ヘルパースクリプトが作った アプリケーションクラスの<code>default</code>アクションを置き換えます:</p>
+<pre class=code><code>sub default : Private {
+    my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
+    $c-&gt;forward('/page/show');
+<p class="original">In case the client has specified no other appropriate action, this will
+forward on to the page controller's <code>show</code> method. As Private
+actions, nothing can call these from outside the application. Any method from
+within the application can call them.  The <code>default</code> action is
+another built-in Private action, along with <code>begin</code>,
+<code>auto</code>, and <code>end</code>.  Again, Catalyst calls them
+automatically at relevant points in the request cycle.</p>
+<div class="back">
+<a href="#top">â–² to Top</a>
+<a name="11"> </a>
+<h3>Model(SQLite データベース)のセットアップとヘルパースクリプトによるModelクラスの生成</h3>
+<p class="original">Next, create a file, <em>minimojo.sql</em>, that contains the SQL for setting
+up your <code>page</code> table in SQLite.</p>
+<pre class=code><code>-- minimojo.sql
+    title TEXT,
+    body TEXT
+<p class="original">Create a database from it, using the <code>sqlite</code> command-line
+<pre class=code><code>$ sqlite minimojo.db &lt; minimojo.sql</code></pre>
+<p class="original">Depending on your setup, it might be necessary to call this as <code>sqlite3</code>.</p>
+<p>セットアップによって、 <code>sqlite3</code>として、コマンドを呼び出す必要があるかもしれません.</p>
+<p class="original">Use the helper to create model classes and basic unit tests (Figure 3 shows the results):</p>
+<p>ヘルパースクリプトでModelクラスと基本のユニットテストを作ります(Figure 3に結果があります):</p>
+<pre class=code><code>$ script/minimojo_create.pl model CDBI CDBI dbi:SQLite:/path/to/minimojo.db</code></pre>
+<p><img src="http://www.perl.com/2005/06/02/graphics/model-create-screenshot.gif" alt="Model-creation screenshot" height="372" width="515"><br><em>Figure 3. Creating the model</em></p>
+<p class="original">The <em>minimojo_create.pl</em> script is a helper that uses Template
+Toolkit to automate the creation of particular modules. The previous command
+creates a model (in contrast to a controller or a view) called
+<em>CDBI.pm</em>, using the CDBI helper, setting the connection string to
+<code>dbi:SQLite:/path/to/minimojo.db</code>, the database you just created. (Use the appropriate path for
+your system.) The helper will write the models into <em>lib/MiniMojo/M/</em>.
+There are various options for the helper scripts; the only requirement is the
+type and the name. (You can create your own modules from scratch, without using
+the helper.)</p>
+<p>The <em>minimojo_create.pl</em> スクリプトはTemplate Toolkitを使ったヘルパーで、
+ヘルパーは、 <em>lib/MiniMojo/M/</em>にModelを書きます。
+<div class="back">
+<a href="#top">â–² to Top/a>
+<a name="12"> </a>
+<h3>Viewのセットアップ(<code>Template::Toolkit</code>) とヘルパースクリプトによるViewクラスの作成</h3>
+<pre class=code><code>$ script/minimojo_create.pl view TT TT</code></pre>
+<p class="original">View classes go into <em>lib/MiniMojo/V/</em>.</p>
+<p class="original">Create a controller class called <code>Page</code> with the helper:</p>
+<pre class=code><code>$ script/minimojo_create.pl controller Page</code></pre>
+<p class="original">Controller classes live in <em>lib/MiniMojo/C/</em>.</p>
+<p class="original">Add a <code>show</code> action to <em>lib/MiniMojo/C/Page.pm</em>:</p>
+<pre class=code><code>sub show : Regex('^(\w+)\.html$') {
+    my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
+    $c-&gt;stash-&gt;{template} = 'view.tt';
+    # $c-&gt;forward('page');
+<p class="original">The <code>Regex</code> dispatch matches a page in <i><code>foo</code>.html</i>, where
+<code>foo</code> is any sequence of word characters. This sequence is available
+in the <code>$context-&gt;request-&gt;snippets</code> array, where the <code>page</code>
+action uses it to display an existing page or to create a new one. The rest of
+this action sets the appropriate template and sends the application to the
+<code>page</code> action. (Leave the <code>forward</code> command commented out until you have written the <code>page</code> action.)</p>
+この順番は<code>$context-&gt;request-&gt;snippets</code> 配列から利用できます。
+<p class="original">Restart the server with <code>$ script/minimojo_server.pl</code> and point a web browser to <i>http://localhost:3000/show/</i> to see
+the debug screen (you don't yet have the template that <code>show</code> is
+trying to send people to).</p>
+<p>サーバを <code>$ script/minimojo_server.pl</code> で、リスタートし、<i>http://localhost:3000/show/</i>
+(<code>show</code> が使おうとしたテンプレートは、まだ用意されていないので)</p>
+<pre class=code><code>&lt;html&gt;
+    &lt;head&gt;&lt;title&gt;MiniMojo&lt;/title&gt;&lt;/head&gt;
+    &lt;body&gt;
+        &lt;h1&gt;MiniMojo is set up!&lt;/h1&gt;
+    &lt;/body&gt;
+<p class="original">Test again by killing the server with <code>Ctrl</code>-<code>C</code> and restarting it, and go to
+<i>http://localhost:3000/show/</i>. You should see the page you just
+<div class="back">
+<a href="#top">â–² to Top</a>
+<a name="13"> </a>
+<p class="original">Modify the application class <em>lib/MiniMojo.pm</em> to include the
+<code>Prototype</code> and <code>Textile</code> plugins:</p>
+<p><code>Prototype</code> と <code>Textile</code> プラグインを使うために、
+<pre class=code><code>use Catalyst qw/-Debug Prototype Textile/;</code></pre>
+<p class="original">
+Note that you can use the plugins by specifying their base names; Catalyst
+figures out what you mean without making you use <code>Catalyst::Plugin::Prototype</code>.
+<p class="original">Modify the <code>page</code> controller, <em>lib/MiniMojo/C/Page.pm</em>, to
+add page-view and editing code:</p>
+<p><code>page</code> Controller、 <em>lib/MiniMojo/C/Page.pm</em>を修正します。
+<pre class=code><code>sub page : Private {
+    my ( $self, $c, $title ) = @_;
+    $title ||= $c-&gt;req-&gt;snippets-&gt;[0] || 'Frontpage';
+    my $query = { title =&gt; $title };
+    $c-&gt;stash-&gt;{page} = MiniMojo::M::CDBI::Page-&gt;find_or_create($query);
+<p class="original">The private <code>page</code> method sets a title--whether passed in to it,
+taken from the <code>snippets</code> array (that matches the regex in
+<code>show</code>), or defaulting to "Frontpage." The <code>$query</code>
+variable holds a hashref used for <code>Class::DBI</code>'s
+<code>find_or_create</code> method, seeding the stash for the <code>page</code>
+variable with the result of this CDBI query. At the end of the method, control
+flow returns to the calling method.</p>
+プライベートな<code>page</code> メソッドでタイトルをセットします -- 
+(<code>show</code>内の正規表現にマッチした)<code>snippets</code> 配列から取得されればそれを、
+そうでなければ、 "Frontpage"がデフォルトとしてタイトルに使われます。 
+<code>$query</code>変数は、<code>Class::DBI</code>の<code>find_or_create</code> メソッドで使われる
+<p class="original">Now uncomment the <code>$c-&gt;forward('page');</code> line in the <code>show</code> action.</p>
+<pre class=code><code>sub edit : Local {
+    my ( $self, $c, $title ) = @_;
+    $c-&gt;forward('page');
+    $c-&gt;stash-&gt;{page}-&gt;body( $c-&gt;req-&gt;params-&gt;{body} )
+      if $c-&gt;req-&gt;params-&gt;{body};
+    my $body = $c-&gt;stash-&gt;{page}-&gt;body || 'Just type something...';
+    my $html = $c-&gt;textile-&gt;process($body);
+    my $base = $c-&gt;req-&gt;base;
+    $html    =~ s{(?&lt;![\?\\\/\[])(\b[A-Z][a-z]+[A-Z]\w*)}
+                 {&lt;a href="$base$1.html"&gt;$1&lt;/a&gt;}g;
+    $c-&gt;res-&gt;output($html);
+<p class="original">The <code>edit</code> method first forwards the action off to
+<code>page</code>, so that the stash's <code>page</code> object contains the
+result of the CDBI query. If there is a value for <code>body</code>, it will
+use this; otherwise "Just type something..." is the default. The code then
+processes the body with Textile, which converts plain text to HTML, and then runs
+the body through a regex to convert camel-case text into links, with the URL
+base taken from the Catalyst request object. Finally, it outputs the HTML.</p>
+<p><code>edit</code> メソッドは、まず<code>page</code>にアクションをフォーワードします。
+stashの <code>page</code>オブジェクトはCDBIクエリの結果を含んでいます。
+そうでなければ、"Just type something..." がデフォルトです。
+<div class="back">
+<a href="#top">â–² to Top</a>
+<a name="14"> </a>
+<p class="original">Modify <em>root/view.tt</em> to include Ajax code:</p>
+<p><em>root/view.tt</em> を変更し、Ajax codeを含めます:</p>
+<pre class=code><code>&lt;html&gt;
+     &lt;head&gt;&lt;title&gt;MiniMojo&lt;/title&gt;&lt;/head&gt;
+     [% c.prototype.define_javascript_functions %]
+     [% url = base _ 'page/edit/' _ page.title %]
+     &lt;body Onload="new Ajax.Updater( 'view',  '[% url %]' )"&gt;
+         &lt;h1&gt;[% page.title %]&lt;/h1&gt;
+         &lt;div id="view"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
+         &lt;textarea id="editor" rows="24" cols="80"&gt;[% page.body %]&lt;/textarea&gt;
+         [% c.prototype.observe_field( 'editor', {
+             url =&gt; url,
+             with =&gt; "'body='+value",
+             update =&gt; 'view' }
+         ) %]
+     &lt;/body&gt;
+<pre class=code><code>[% c.prototype.define_javascript_functions %]</code></pre>
+<p class="original">includes the whole <em>prototype.js</em> library in a <code>script</code>
+block. Note that the <code>prototype</code> plugin is available in the context
+<p><code>script</code>ブロックにすべての<em>prototype.js</em> をインクルードします。
+<pre class=code><code>[% url = base _ 'page/edit/' _ page.title %] 
+&lt;body Onload="new Ajax.Updater( 'view',  '[% url %]' )"&gt;
+&lt;h1&gt;[% page.title %]&lt;/h1&gt;
+&lt;div id="view"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;</code></pre>
+<p class="original">constructs the Ajax URL and updates the view <code>div</code> when loading
+the page.</p>
+<p>ページをロードするときに、Ajax URLを組み立て、view、<code>div</code>をアップデートします。</p>
+<pre class=code><code>&lt;textarea id="editor" rows="24" cols="80"&gt;[% page.body %]&lt;/textarea&gt;
+    [% c.prototype.observe_field( 'editor', {
+        url =&gt; url,
+        with =&gt; "'body='+value",
+        update =&gt; 'view' }
+    ) %]</code></pre>
+<p>periodically checks the <code>textarea</code> for changes and makes an Ajax
+request on demand.</p>
+<p>定期的に <code>textarea</code> を、変更があるかチェックし、デーモンでAjaxリクエストを作ります。</p>
+<p class="original">That's it! Now you can re-run the server and your wiki is up and running
+(Figure 4). To use the wiki, simply start typing in the <code>textarea</code>.
+As you type, the wiki will regularly echo your entry above, passing it through
+the formatter.  When you type something in camel case, it will automatically
+create a link you can click to go to the new page.</p>
+<p>これ迄! サーバを再起動すれば、Wikiは動いています(Figure 4).
+<p><img src="http://www.perl.com/2005/06/02/graphics/running-wiki-screenshot.gif" alt="screenshot of the running wiki" height="376" width="515"><br><em>Figure 4. The running wiki</em></p>
+<p class="original">Enjoy your new Catalyst-powered Ajax wiki!</p>
+<p>Catalyst-powered Ajax wikiを楽しんでください!</p>
+<div class="back">
+<a href="#top">â–² to Top</a>
+<a name="15"> </a>
+<p class="original">For more information, see the Catalyst documentation, in particular the <a href="http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Catalyst::Manual::Intro">Catalyst::Manual::Intro
+module</a>, which gives a thorough introduction to the framework. There are two
+<a href="http://lists.rawmode.org/mailman/listinfo">Catalyst mailing lists</a>,
+a general list and a developer list.  The best place to discuss Catalyst,
+though, is the <i>#catalyst</i> IRC channel at <a href="http://irc.perl.org/">irc.perl.org</a>. The <a href="http://catalyst.perl.org/">Catalyst home page</a> is currently just a
+collection of a few links, but we will extend it in the near future.</p>
+詳しくは、Catalystのドキュメントを見てください、特に、<a href="http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Catalyst::Manual::Intro">Catalyst::Manual::Intro module</a>は、
+メーリングリストが2つあります、<a href="http://lists.rawmode.org/mailman/listinfo">Catalyst mailing lists</a>。
+<a href="http://irc.perl.org/">irc.perl.org</a>にある、IRCの<i>#catalyst</i>チャンネルです。
+<a href="http://catalyst.perl.org/">Catalyst home page</a>は現在は、少ないリンク集になっています。
+<p class="original">Thanks to Catalyst lead developer Sebastian Riedel for help with this
+article and, of course, for Catalyst itself.</p>
+<p>Catalystのリードディベロッパーの Sebastian Riedelに、この記事を書くために助けてもらいました。感謝します。
+<div class="back">
+<a href="#top">â–² to Top</a>
+<a name="16"> </a>
+翻訳者: Ktat<br>
+連絡先: ktat.****@gmail*****
+<li>会社で<a href="http://watape.ddo.jp/">W氏</a>の指摘を受けて修正
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+Copyright&copy;2002-2003, Ktat All rights reserved.
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