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2023-01-31 18:20
Hi Team, pg_hint_plan is cool. thanks a lot. how much work is it to add/extend query rewrite to it please? thanks a...
2023-01-31 18:14
Please provide pg_hint_plan binary for PG version 14.2 . thanks
2022-12-19 14:15
Hints appear to be ignored when PostgreSQL chooses a generic plan when executed from JDBC PreparedStatements. Check a...
2019-06-24 23:52
Query crashes with the following stack using pg_hint_plan with REL10_1_3_3 when an incorrect index name is supplied d...
2018-09-18 23:43
postgres=# load 'pg_hint_plan'; ERROR: could not load library "/usr/pgsql-10/lib/": /usr/pgsql-10/lib...

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2012-12-27 17:40
OSDN System
2012-12-27 17:40
OSDN System


2017-05-24 19:49

It's amazing. We use it to do very effective SQL tuning.

2015-02-09 14:14

I tested this on a Postgres database and hints work beautifully. This is a l....

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2015-01-08 13:04
2013-03-04 18:44
2013-03-04 18:43
2013-03-04 18:40
2013-02-20 12:58

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