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Current PHP supports i18n feature via mbstring. However, ZendEngine and many PHP functions do not support i18n feature natively. This project aims at provide i18n feature natively. The outcomes are supposed to be merged to PHP project later.


System requirement is not defined

发布: 2008-07-05 11:55
libmbfl libmbfl-1.0.2 (2 files 隐藏)


- added a couple of new encoding including
CP1254, CP51932, CP5022x
- fixed compile error on VC8.


Version 1.0.1 2006.1.21
- initial release
- compatible with PHP bundled version

Version 1.0.2 2008.7.5
- added a couple of new encoding including
CP1254, CP51932, CP5022x
- fixed compile error on VC8.