[PRb-cvs] Top stock news winners

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Milton Hagan acker****@onda*****
2004年 9月 25日 (土) 02:06:31 JST

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Explosive Penny Picks Urgent Buy<br>
Every one of our 8 picks this year under 5 cents<br>
per share have soared at least 350%! 
<p>Homeland Security Technology, Inc. OTC - HSTJ</p>
<p>First it was gold, then oil, now Homeland Security is the <br>
  explosive sector turning savvy stock players into millionaires.</p>
<p>HSTJ Immediate Buy: HUGE NEWS plus a 30% Stock-Dividend<br>
  Current Price .015<br>
  Target Price .10 by Sept. 30</p>
<p>HSTJ is our Homeland Security Hot Pick commanding immediate <br>
  investor attention.</p>
<p>HSTJ is an extremely undervalued player in the hottest market <br>
  sector while simultaneously declaring a stock dividend of 30%. <br>
  We are anticipating several revenue related news announcements <br>
  and a surge of activity by brokers and investors to participate <br>
  in a massive share price breakout. Price and volume for HSTJ <br>
  will be soaring as word gets out revealing that shareholders <br>
  will receive the 30% stock bonus which is roughly equal to a<br>
  4 for 3 stock split. </p>
<p>HSTJ supplies military combat gear for the US Armed Forces and was <br>
  formed for this purpose by highly decorated military leaders. Not <br>
  surprisingly, HSTJ has experienced a strong increase in monthly <br>
  Keep watch for an expanded product line as hinted by the Company <br>
  in recent press in conjunction with additional orders. </p>
<p>Any issue in Homeland Security with elite military management, <br>
  continuous contracts, exponential growth, and a Stock Split or <br>
  Dividend is a launching pad for incredible profits. The Company <br>
  has a market value under<br>
  $1 Million which we believe will enable the stock to move very <br>
  quickly as the value of their contracts are revealed with an <br>
  added frenzy by investors to obtain the 30% stock dividend before <br>
  HSTJ goes through the roof.</p>
<p>Please Read- The information and opinions in this featured profile <br>
  are based on sources believed to be reliable but no representation <br>
  is made to its accuracy or completeness. Past performance is not <br>
  an indicator of future results. This report is a paid profile for <br>
  information purposes only and should not be used as the basis for <br>
  any investment decision. Explosive Penny Picks has been compensated <br>
  ten thousand dollars for the preparation of this profile and for <br>
  continuing coverage of the featured company. Explosive Penny Picks <br>
  is not an investment advisor and this profile is not to be <br>
  considered investment advice. This information is neither a <br>
  solicitation to buy nor an offer to sell securities. Information <br>
  herein contains future-looking statements that are subject to <br>
  significant risks and uncertainties. There are no shares presently <br>
  held and no participation will occur in the trading of shares in <br>
  any profiled company.<br>

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