[Prime-cvs] CVS update: prime-el

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Hiroyuki Komatsu komat****@users*****
2004年 3月 20日 (土) 02:56:09 JST

Date:	Saturday March 20, 2004 @ 2:56
Author:	komatsu

Update of /cvsroot/prime/prime-el
In directory sf-cvs:/tmp/cvs-serv2286

Modified Files:
	ChangeLog configure.ac 
Log Message:
* src/prime-main.el (prime-set-cursor-color): 
Check the current input method before change the cursor color.
Thank you for the patch by Makoto Nakagawa <Makot****@hp*****>.

* src/prime-fund-mode.el: 
Add codes for insertion of zenkaku space.

* src/prime-style.el:

* src/prime-init.el: 
- Require mell-sign.
- Add key bindings for insertion of space into prime-fund-mode-map.

* src/prime-engine-prime.el: 
Add a code for prime-style-display-candidates.

File: ChangeLog        	Status: Up-to-date

   Working revision:	1.33	Fri Mar 19 17:56:07 2004
   Repository revision:	1.33	/cvsroot/prime/prime-el/ChangeLog,v

   Existing Tags:
	Version_1_4_0            	(revision: 1.32)
	Version_1_3_2            	(revision: 1.31)
	Version_1_3_1            	(revision: 1.29)
	Version_1_3_1_RC4        	(revision: 1.28)
	Version_1_3_1_RC2        	(revision: 1.26)
	Version_1_3_1_RC1        	(revision: 1.25)
	Version_1_3_0            	(revision: 1.21)
	Branch_1_3_0             	(branch: 1.11.2)
	Version_1_2_0            	(revision: 1.11)
	Version_1_1_1            	(revision: 1.4)
	Version_1_1_0            	(revision: 1.3)
	start                    	(revision:
	komatsu                  	(branch: 1.1.1)

File: no file configure.ac		Status: Needs Checkout

   Working revision:	1.23	Fri Mar 19 17:56:09 2004
   Repository revision:	1.23	/cvsroot/prime/prime-el/configure.ac,v

   Existing Tags:
	Version_1_4_0            	(revision: 1.22)
	Version_1_3_2            	(revision: 1.21)
	Version_1_3_1            	(revision: 1.19)
	Version_1_3_1_RC4        	(revision: 1.18)
	Version_1_3_1_RC2        	(revision: 1.16)
	Version_1_3_1_RC1        	(revision: 1.15)
	Version_1_3_0            	(revision: 1.11)
	Branch_1_3_0             	(branch: 1.8.2)
	Version_1_2_0            	(revision: 1.8)
	Version_1_1_1            	(revision: 1.3)
	Version_1_1_0            	(revision: 1.2)

Prime-cvs メーリングリストの案内
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