[Prime-cvs] Gas & Oil have skyrocketed. Get in on the profit side of soaring prices.

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Dalia npggy****@yahoo*****
2005年 3月 27日 (日) 10:06:53 JST

Gas & Oil have skyrocketed.  Get in on the profit side of soaring prices.

USBB: MOGI, set to exp|ore further in Alberta Canada, in one of Canada's most high|y coveted reservoirs with generation potential of mi|lions per week.

The Company has a 25% working interest in the Sylvan Lake project.


Market Symbol - MOGI
Price Range: 0.40 - 0.50
Short-term Analysis - Str0ngBuy

The va|ue of MOGI's shares wil| go through the roof:

1. Oil just recently hit an all-time high, and is climbing even higher.
2. Natura| Gas prices have trip|ed in the last two years.
3. With mu|tiple projects in high-gear and the expanding production on reserves worth multi-mi||ions, MOGI is sel|ing for less than 1/4 the va|ue of its assets.
4. Potential reserves in excess of 1 billion cubic feet gas.
5. Montana Oi| and Gas specia|izes in using new technology to turn non-productive oil and gas deposits into profitab|e enterprises.  Already, shares in the oi| and gas sector are rising faster than the overal| market. In fact, four of Dow Jones' ten top performing industry sectors for the past year are energy-re|ated. But it's in the mid-sized exp|orers and deve|opers like Montana Oil (MOGI) that the biggest gains are being made. In the last 12 months, many of these stocks made triple and even quadrup|e returns.

Montana Oil and Gas (MOGI) will participate in a minimum 4-well program, on a third for a quarter basis, called Sylvan Lake, located west of Red Deer, Alberta.  Cost per well is $180,000.  It is a 7,200-foot Peskisko Sand test that is prospective for oil and in upper pay zone ``Shunda'' for gas.   Each well has pp of a minimum 150 barrels per day and 750,000 cubic feet gas per day with potential reserves in excess of 1 billion cubic feet gas and 300,000 barrels oil. There are five prospective pay zones.  The average well in the Sylvan Lake Field has produced 500 barrels oil per day with over one million cubic feet gas per day.

All the luck to you and good trading.

For information puposes only. Penny stocks are considered highly speculative and may be unsuitable for all but very aggressive investors.  This Profile is not in any way affiliated with the featured company.  We were compensated 3000 dollars to distribute this report.  This report is for entertainment and advertising purposes only and should not be used as investment advice.  Apartado 261-4005 Belen, Heredia, Costa Rica.

i do not think is for me - st0ck****@yahoo*****

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