[Prime-cvs] furtif

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quang Bladt Bladt****@arist*****
2007年 9月 21日 (金) 20:49:27 JST

Rum+or N.e'w s,: 

O-ncol.ogy M'e'd.. I-n*c,.  (OT-C: ON-CO) a C'ancer Tre atm-ent S'oluti_ons Grou+p is s_a'i*d to h_a_v+e 
e*xperienc-ed o*v-e.r a 10+00% increas,-e in rev,enue,s f*o'r t.h*e fis+cal 3,r-d quar ter endin.g J u_l'y+, 
2.0-0*7 c.,ompared w+i.t-h t-h e prio,r y_e,a.r wh_ile fis-cal fou*rth qua rter res+ults f+o,r 2_0+0,7 a.r,e on

tr'ack to exc.eed t.h i's year’-s thir_d qua rter res,ults. 

O'N'C-O addi-tional+ly pla_ns to i ncreas,e servic e offer-i+ngs whi.ch a-r*e curr+e ntly underwa.-y. 

Don’+t w a+i-t f.o,r t*h-e n e-w*s to c o.m.e o*u.t a'n,d l o+s-e t_h_e opportu_ni+ty to g-e-t in fr,ont of the
gener_al in+vest.ing pub_lic.  On_co-logy M.e.d is in a multib,i-llion dol*lar indu's.try w h_e_r_e 

t+h,e y a r*e g'aining ma.rket s.hare rapidl+y. 

C+a_l*l y,o.u+r bro ker n-o-w f o_r O-N-C.O,. 
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