[rc-simjp 899] Call for Expressions: IJCAI 2019 Robot Exhibition

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清水 優 shimi****@sist*****
2019年 3月 22日 (金) 19:34:07 JST




IJCAI 2019 Robot Exhibition
Call for Expressions of Interest
*** Note new deadline: April 21, 2019 ***

We are pleased to present the call for expressions of interest in the
IJCAI 2019 Robot Exhibition. IJCAI is the major conference of the
worldwide AI community, and the Robot Exhibition will run alongside
its technical program (August 10-16 2019, Macao, China).

Robots are a central focus of AI research and development, providing
preeminent examples of where intelligent abilities are necessary to
cope with complex tasks and environments. On the one hand, developing
intelligent robot systems involves challenging open research questions
in AI. On the other hand, AI methods are gaining increasing interest
and applicability in contexts which involve the use of robots, in
industries, services, space, and several other domains.

This exhibition offers a prime space for exposing both achieved
results and new opportunities for the use of AI in Robotics to a large
audience of qualified AI researchers, both from academia and from
industry, and seeks to involve both academic and industrial actors
interested in the combination of AI and Robotics. This exhibition will
thus provide an outstanding opportunity for universities, research
organisations, and companies to show their research on the world

At present, we are seeking expressions of interest for:
demonstrations and exhibits by universities, research organisations,
or companies;
proposals for robot competitions.

In keeping with the robotics exhibitions at past editions of IJCAI,
expressions of interest will be evaluated according to the following
Relevance: What is the relevance of the shown demonstration/competition to AI?
Understandability: How amenable is the showcase to technical and
non-technical audience?

Expressions of interest should include:
A short description of the proposing group/company.
A description of the robotic technology to be demonstrated, with
reference to the two criteria above.
The minimum amount of space needed to perform the
demonstration/competition (e.g., the number and size of tables, the
size of the arena if required, etc.).
The minimum amount of time needed to perform the demonstration/competition.
Details of required resources (e.g., Internet connection, electric
power plugs, etc.).

Selected proposals will be provided the required exhibition space at
the conference venue for a suitable period of time during the
conference technical program. Note that attending the IJCAI conference
is not required.

Expressions of interest should be submitted by email to the Robot
Exhibition chairs (see below) no later than April 21, 2019.

=== Important dates
Submission of expressions of interest: April 21, 2019.
Notification of acceptance: May 20, 2019.

=== Robot Exhibition chairs
Xiaoping Chen (xpche****@ustc*****)
Francesco Amigoni (franc****@polim*****)

=== Confidentiality policy
All submissions will be treated in strict confidence.
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